
Definition of aperture

A small, circular opening inside the lens that can change in diameter to control the amount of light reaching the camera’s sensor as a picture is taken. The aperture diameter is expressed in f-stops; the lower the number, the larger the aperture.

Computer Science

Other definitions of aperture

In photography, the diameter of the aperture expressed in terms of the focal length of the camera lens. The greater the f-number, the less light reaches the film and the more in focus the objects in the foreground and the background will be. For example, with an f-number = 16 the objects in the far background will be in focus. Whereas, with an fnumber = 2 the background will be blurry (while foreground objects are in focus).

Computer Science

refers to the measurement of the opening in a camera lens that regulates the amount of light passing through and contacting the film.

Film Terms