
Definition of asset

Anything owned or controlled by a business, tangible or intangible, that has monetary value and was acquired at a measurable cost.

Computer Science

Other definitions of asset

The abstract or concrete resources that a system must protect from misuse by an adversary.

Computer Science

An entity that can be added to your project, such as an image file, sound file, movie file, markup file, code file, font file, 3D object, control, style resource, template resource, brush resource, and so on.

Computer Science

An accounting classifier used to classify the value of economic resources that are owned by a party.

Computer Science

A unit of media programming, such as a television program, a movie, or a digital music track, that are delivered to a subscriber in exchange for on-demand fees or subscription fees. Assets are usually files that are stored on a media server.

Computer Science

A specific instance of a Product that is tracked by a unique identification number (Serial Number).

Computer Science

An entity contains digital files (including video, audio, images, thumbnail collections, text tracks and closed caption files) and the metadata about these files.

Computer Science