
Definition of catalog

A collection of categories and products. Each catalog has a unique name.

Computer Science

Other definitions of catalog

A directory of information about data sets, files, or a database. It usually describes where a data set, file or database entity is located and may also include other information, such as the type of device on which each data set or file is stored.

Computer Science

A collection of data, for example, a set of images and audio files, that is grouped into a single directory.

Computer Science

A list of Web Parts controls (or other Web server, custom server, or user controls), created by a System.Web.UI.WebControls.CatalogPart control, that users can add to a Web Parts page.

Computer Science

A binary file that contains the state of all of the settings and packages in a Windows image. When a catalog is created, it queries the Windows image for a listing of all of the settings in that image. Because the contents of a Windows image can change over time, it is important that you recreate the catalog file whenever you update a Windows image.

Computer Science

The highest-level unit of organization in Windows Search.

Computer Science

A list or library that is shared between site collections.

Computer Science