
Definition of overflow

In telephony, excess traffic, on a particular route, that is offered to another (alternate) route.

Computer Science

Other definitions of overflow

The condition that occurs when data resulting from input or processing requires more bits than have been provided in hardware or software to store the data. Examples of overflow include a floating-point operation whose result is too large for the number of bits allowed for the exponent, a string that exceeds the bounds of the array allocated for it, and an integer operation whose result contains too many bits for the register into which it is to be stored.

Computer Science

To be filled beyond capacity.

Computer Science

The part of a data item that cannot be stored because the data exceeds the capacity of the available data structure.

Computer Science

Text that does not fit within a text box. The text is hidden until it can be flowed into a new text box, or until the text box it overflows is resized to include it.

Computer Science

In computing, a condition where data is presented to a buffer or port faster than it can be processed, resulting in lost data.

Computer Science