
Definition of page

In word processing, the text and display elements to be printed on one side of a sheet of paper, subject to formatting specifications such as depth, margin size, and number of columns.

Computer Science

Other definitions of page

In virtual memory systems, a unit of data storage that is brought into random access memory (RAM), typically from a hard drive, when a requested item of data is not already in RAM.

Computer Science

To send a message to someone at a remote location, usually via a beeper.

Computer Science

A document on the World Wide Web. A Web page consists of an HTML file, with associated files for graphics and scripts, in a particular directory on a particular machine (and thus identifiable by an URL). Usually a Web page contains links to other Web pages.

Computer Science

In a virtual storage system, a fixed-length block of contiguous virtual addresses copied as a unit from memory to disk and back during paging operations.

Computer Science

The new designer tool added to the object designer for the RoleTailored interface of Microsoft Dynamics NAV (RoleTailored client).- Using the page designer, which is accessed through the object designer, you can create Task Pages, Places, UI Parts and other objects for the new Dynamics NAV UI (RoleTailored client).- The new RoleTailored client does not support forms designed in the Form Designer.

Computer Science

To return the results of a query in smaller subsets of data, thus making it possible for the user to navigate through the result set by viewing ‘pages’ of data.

Computer Science

A template of analysis that usually displays the same charts and KPI but adapts and displays user’s defined filters.

Computer Science