
Definition of reference

To relate to another entity.

Computer Science

Other definitions of reference

To access a variable, such as an element in an array or a field in a record.

Computer Science

A link in your project to another project, a .NET Framework assembly, or a compatible COM library. Adding a reference to your project allows you to use the referenced item in your project, but does not copy the referenced item to your project folder.

Computer Science

A source of related information.

Computer Science

A statement of the qualifications of an applicant made by a person who knows the applicant.

Computer Science

The state of being related or referred.

Computer Science

The Books & reference subcategory that contains apps for reference material, such as a dictionary or encyclopedia.

Computer Science

refers to how one film in its storyline (through dialogue, images) alludes to, recalls, or refers to another film; similar to homage

Film Terms