
1000+ Atomic Structure Multiple Choice Question Answer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Frequency of the wave having wave number 20000 cm-1 is
A. 6×1012 sec-1
B. 6×1014 sec-1
C. 3×1014MHz
D. 4×106Hz
Answer : B
2. The ion that is isoelectronic with CO is
A. CN-
B. O2+
C. O2-
D. N2+
Answer : A
3. Which of the following has the highest mass?
A. Neutron
B. Alpha particle
C. Electron
D. Deuterium
Answer : B
4. The number of neutrons present in K1939 are
A. 28
B. 39
C. 20
D. 19
Answer : C
5. Mass of positron is the same to that of
A. proton
B. meson
C. electron
D. neutron
Answer : C
6. The correct set of quantum numbers for the impaired electron of fluorine atom is








Answer : B
7. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated by an atom in g-sub-energy level are
A. 20
B. 25
C. 18
D. 12
Answer : C
8. The atomic number of an element having the valence shell electronic configuration 4s24p6 is
A. 35
B. 26
C. 23
D. 34
Answer : A
9. Charge on fundamental particle neutrino is
A. 0
B. +1
C. -1
D. None of these
Answer : A
10. Wave number is defined as
A. 3λ
B. λ2nπ
C. h2π
D. 1λ
Answer : D
11. The number of unpaired electrons in fluorine atoms is/are
A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0
Answer : C
12. Which of the following atoms has a non-spherical outermost orbital.
A. H
B. Li
C. Be
D. B
Answer : D
13. If value of h is taken as 10-34 kg m2 sec-1, the de-Broglie wavelength of a particle of mass 10-31 having velocity 109cm sec-1 is
A. 0.01 m
B. 2 nm
C. 0.1 nm
D. 15Å
Answer : C
14. The number of unpaired electrons in a chromic ion Cr+3 (atomic number 24) is
A. 6
B. 4
C. 3
D. 1
Answer : C
15. For a given energy level the number of orbitals is equal to
A. n2
B. 2l+1
C. 4(2l+3)
D. 2n3
Answer : A
16. The velocity of a photon is
A. dependent on its wavelength
B. dependent on its source
C. equal to cube of its amplitude
D. independent of its wavelength
Answer : D
17. β rays are a stream of
A. He
B. electrons
C. positron
D. neutrons
Answer : B
18. Isotones have same
A. mass number
B. nuclear mass
C. no. of neutrons
D. no. of electrons
Answer : C
19. When the electron is excited from K level to M level we get
A. γ- rays
B. cathode rays
C. continuous spectra
D. absorption spectra
Answer : D
20. Isotopes have different
A. arrangement of electrons
B. no. of P and e'
C. no. of neutrons
D. no. of electrons
Answer : C
21. The charge on an atom of A1327l is
A. +40
B. +27
C. +14
D. Zero
Answer : D
22. Charge on an electron was shown by
A. J. J. Thomson
B. Kirchoff
C. Ohm
D. M.Planck
Answer : A
23. Which elements is represented by the following electronic configuration?

A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Fluorine
D. Neon
Answer : C
24. The fundamental particle that has least mass is
A. meson
B. alpha-particle
C. electron
D. neutron
Answer : D
25. The orbitals with maximum number of possible orientation is:
A. s
B. d
C. f
D. p
Answer : C
26. No two electrons in an atom can have the same values of all four quantum numbers according to
A. Hund's rules
B. Flemming rule
C. Pauli's exclusion principle
D. Bohr theory
Answer : C
27. The number of neutrons in the deuterium atom is
A. 16
B. 3
C. 1
D. 0
Answer : C
28. The number of unpaired electrons in the ground state of chromium is
A. 1
B. 6
C. 7
D. 2
Answer : B
29. The angular momentum of the moving electron is equal to
A. nh
B. h22π
C. nhπ
D. nh2π
Answer : D
30. Among the following ions, which are has the highest paramagnetism?
A. [Cr(H2O)6]+3
B. [Fe(H2O)6]+2
C. [Cu(H2O)6]+2
D. [Zn(H2O)6]+2
Answer : B
31. In the nucleus of C20a40 there are
A. 40 protons and 20 electrons
B. 20 protons and 40 electrons
C. 20 protons and 40 neutrons
D. 20 protons and 20 neutrons
Answer : D
32. A dipositive ion Z++ has 2e- in the K shell, 8 e~ s in the L shell and 8e- in the M shell. Atomic number of Z is
A. 19
B. 20
C. 16
D. 15
Answer : B
33. The wavelength of an electron
A. is equal to that of light
B. remains constant with velocity
C. decreases with an increasing velocity
D. increases with an decreasing velocity
Answer : C
34. The wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity 5×105m sec-1 is (h=6.63 ×10-34 kg m2 sec-1) 
A. 11.6 × 10-5m
B. 11.6 × 10-9m-1
C. 14.6 × 10-5m
D. 1.46 × 10-9m
Answer : D
35. Bohr's concept of the orbit in an atom was contradicted by
A. de Broglie relationship
B. Uncertainty principle
C. Planck's hypothesis
D. Hund's rule
Answer : B
36. The exchange of particles considered responsible for keeping the nucleons together are
A. meson
B. electron
C. positron
D. neutron
Answer : A
37. The interrelationship between matter and energy was given by
A. Rutherford
B. Joule
C. de Broglie
D. Einstein
Answer : D
38. Electronic configuration of Cu+ is
A. [Ar]3d9
B. [Ar]3d10
C. [Ar]3d93s2
D. [Ar]3d74s14p1
Answer : B
39. The maximum number of electrons in a sub-energy level is equal to
A. 4(2l+1)
B. 2(2l+1)
C. 2n2
D. n3
Answer : B
40. The size of nucleus is
A. 10-12 m
B. 10-8 m
C. 10-15 m
D. 10-10 m
Answer : C
41. The possible values of l for an s orbital are
A. -1, +1
B. 0 to 2
C. -2 and + 1
D. 0
Answer : D
42. Davisson and Germer gave an experimental evidence for
A. wave nature of electron
B. particle nature of electron
C. particle nature of light
D. wave nature of light
Answer : D
43. Which of the following weighs the least?
A. 1 g of CO2
B. 2 litres of CO2 at N.T.P.
C. 3.01×1011 molecules of CO2
D. 3.01×1022 atoms of carbon
Answer : A
44. Cathode rays contain a stream of
A. n
B. r
C. e0+1
D. e0-1
Answer : D
45. The atomic structure of an atom of an element is Is 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p6. The element is
A. Cl-35
B. S-32
C. N-18
D. O-16
Answer : A
46. In the case of atomic spectrum of hydrogen which series of lines lie in the visible region?
A. Balmer
B. Paschen 
C. Pfund
D. None of these
Answer : B
47. The corect set of quantum numbers for the impaired electron of fluorine atom is




Answer : B
48. Argon is isoelectronic with
A. Mg++
B. Cl-
C. Br-
D. H+
Answer : B
49. In an atom of hydrogen, which of the following orbitais has the lowest energy for an electron present in it?
A. 3r
B. 2p
C. 4p
D. 2s
Answer : B
50. The relationship between energy of a radiation and its frequency was given by
A. Planck
B. Rutherford
C. Einstein
D. Joule
Answer : C

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