
1000+ Classifications of Animal Kindom MCQ for SSC JE [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which one is characteristic for birds ?
A. They are flying animals
B. They are warm blooded
C. They are bipedal and have feathers
D. They are quadruped and have scales
Answer : C
2. A natural system of classification is based upon
A. natural relationships, reflecting evolutionary relationship
B. morphological similarities between organisms
C. embryologicall, biochemical, phisio-loical and ecological considerations
D. both (b) and (c)
Answer : A
3. Which one is a cold blooded animal
A. Penguin
B. Whale
C. Otter
D. Tortoise
Answer : D
4. Chief distinguishing features of mammals are
A. hairy skin and ovipary
B. hairy skin and mammary glands
C. mammary glands and teeth
D. pinnae and teeth
Answer : B
5. Platyhelminthes are called
A. flat worms
B. roundworms
C. tapeworms
D. blind worms
Answer : A
6. Vertebrates possess
A. well developed body cavity with alimentary canal
B. dorsal tubular nerve cord
C. ventrally situated heart
D. all of these
Answer : D
7. Constant body temperature is found in
A. earthworm
B. snake
C. frog
D. cow
Answer : D
8. Which is a matching set in taxonomy ?
A. Liver fluke, tapeworm, roundworm
B. Sea urchin, sea fan, sea cucumber
C. Leucosolenia, Sycon, Euspongia
D. Plasmodium, Hydra, Planaria
Answer : C
9. The term 'Protista' was given by
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. E. Haeckel
C. G.L. Cuvier
D. John Ray
Answer : B
10. Hair of bat and feathers of pigeon are
A. homologous structures
B. analogous structures
C. both (a) and (b
D. integumentary derivatives
Answer : A
11. Ophiosaurus commonly known as glass snake is a
A. limbless amphibian
B. limbless snake
C. limbless lizard
D. limbless fish
Answer : C
12. Presence of a vestigeal appendix in man suggests that our forebears were
A. herbivores
B. carnivores
C. omnivores
D. fruit eaters
Answer : A
13. Taxon is the
A. name of a taxonomy journal
B. name of a branch of taxonomy
C. a rank of classification as phylum, class, order, species
D. group of similarly constituted species
Answer : C
14. Canal system is characteristic of
A. hydra
B. sponge
C. sea anemone
D. sea urchin
Answer : B
15. All worms are mainly
A. round
B. parasitic
C. triploblastic
D. segmented
Answer : C
16. A pearl oyster belongs to class
A. mollusca
B. bivalvia
C. scaphopoda
D. gastropoda
Answer : B
17. Match the species :
A. Scorpion, Spider
B. Scorpion, Obelia, Hydra
C. Star fish, Obelia, Hydra
D. Cockroach, Earthworm, Taenia solium
Answer : A
18. The segmentation which affects both external and internal features represented in
A. annelida
B. peripatus
C. insects
D. acolopendra
Answer : A
19. All mammals have hair, but these are absent in order
A. Cetacea
B. Primates
C. Rodentia
D. Chiroptera
Answer : A
20. The locust is
A. an arthropod
B. a mollusc
C. an insect
D. an echinoderm
Answer : C
21. The rules for the naming of living organisms were first established by
A. John Ray
B. Charles Darwin
C. Carolus Linnaeus
D. Robert Gunther
Answer : C
22. Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to class cydostomata
A. Amphioxus and Balangolossus
B. Petromyzon and Myxine
C. Herdmania and Myxine
D. Herdmania and Amphioxus
Answer : B
23. The body of Hydra is
A. asymmetrical
B. symmetrical
C. bilaterally symmetrical
D. radially symmetrical
Answer : D
24. Taxonomy is the science that deals with the classification of
A. plants
B. animals
C. microorganisms
D. living organisms
Answer : D
25. The phylum arthropoda is characterised by the presence of
A. chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired appendages
B. chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired jointed appendages
C. chitinous exoskeleton and paired antennae
D. chitinous exoskeleton, antennae and compound eyes
Answer : B
26. Which of the protozoan is considered as connecting link between animals and plants ?
A. Entamoeba
B. Paramecium
C. Euglena
D. Monocystis
Answer : C
27. Which of the following is not an enterocoelic phylum ?
A. Chordata
B. Mollusca
C. Coelentrata
D. Porifera
Answer : B
28. A cuttle fish belongs to
A. teleostei
B. mollusca
C. pisces
D. echinodermata
Answer : D
29. According to Aristotle's classification, animals were divided into
A. Protozoa and Metazoa
B. Invertebrata and Vertebrata
C. Chordata and Non-chordata
D. Anaima and Enaima
Answer : D
30. Histological differentiation is absent in
A. Amoeba
B. Hydra
C. Earthworm
D. Cockroach
Answer : A
31. A true terestrial animal among these is
A. frog
B. tortoise
C. salamander
D. toad
Answer : D
32. The generic name of apple snail is
A. Limax
B. Pila
C. Sepia
D. Murex
Answer : B
33. The larval forms called bladder worms are characteristic of
A. intestinal parasites
B. earthworms
C. roundworms
D. tapeworms
Answer : D
34. According / to Whittaker, the five kingdoms into which all living beings are classified are
A. Monera, Protista, Metaphyta, Meta-zoa and Parazoa
B. Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
C. Mpnera, Prokaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
D. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia
Answer : B
35. A triploblastic animal in which I mesenchyme fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm is
A. Sea anemone
B. Planarian
C. Pheretima
D. Starfish
Answer : B
36. Which of the following has a diaphragm between the thorax and abdomen
A. Frog
B. Lizard
C. Pigeon
D. Whale
Answer : D
37. Honey-bees belong to the phylum arthropoda and class
A. insecta
B. oligochaeta
C. arachnida
D. crustace
Answer : A
38. Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is
A. compound eyes
B. joint legs
C. book lungs
D. green glands
Answer : B
39. The beak of birds is toothed in
A. Ostrich
B. Kiwi
C. Archaeopteryx
D. Pelican
Answer : C
40. A limbless amphibian is
A. Siren
B. Ophiosaurus
C. Triturus
D. Ichthyophis
Answer : D
41. Which of the following sets belongs to the same class ?
A. Hydra, jelly fish, cray fish
B. Bat, pigeon, whale
C. Spider, scorpion, centipede
D. Whale, otter, kangaroo
Answer : D
42. Binomial system of nomenclature in classification was divided by Carolus Linnaeus. It provides the names pertaining to
A. one scientific and one popular
B. given by two taxonomists
C. one generic and one specific epithet
D. international identifying catalogue
Answer : C
43. Monotremata is a group of animals which includes
A. fishes with a sinlge gill aperture
B. insects with a single pair of functional spiracles
C. mammals with a single common cloacal opening
D. protozoans with single flagellum
Answer : C
44. Metamerism is a characteristic feature of
A. porifera
B. mollusca
C. annalida
D. platyhelminthes
Answer : C
45. Apart from mammals, the other group of animals maintaining high and constant body temperature is
A. insects
B. birds
C. fishes
D. reptiles
Answer : B
46. These species inhabiting different geographical areas are
A. allopatric
B. sibling species
C. morphospecies
D. sympatric
Answer : A
47. The order insectivora of class mammalia includes
A. moles, shrews and hedgehogs
B. monkeys, apes and man
C. whales and dolphins
D. kangaroo, lions and wolves
Answer : A
48. Spider differs from insect as
A. spider has three pairs of legs
B. insect has four pairs of legs
C. spider has four paris of legs
D. none of these
Answer : C
49. Egg laying mammals are found in
A. India
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. South America
Answer : B
50. All animals which do not have the vertebral column are
A. protozoa
B. invertebrate
C. nonchordata
D. chordata
Answer : B

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