
1000+ Classifications of Animal Kindom Multiple Choice Question Answer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the following does not show J metamerism ?
A. Roundworms
B. Earthworms
C. Amphibian blind worms
D. Limbless lizards
Answer : A
2. Canal system is characteristic of
A. hydra
B. sponge
C. sea anemone
D. sea urchin
Answer : B
3. Which of the following is not an acoelomate animal ?
A. Sponge
B. Jelly fish
C. Tapeworm
D. Roundworm
Answer : D
4. Diploblastic acoelomate condition is found in
A. Ascaris
B. Planaria
C. Rotifer
D. Sea anemone
Answer : D
5. A definite number of body segments is found in
A. leech
B. tapeworm
C. earthworm
D. slug
Answer : A
6. Which one of the following is a coelenterate ?
A. Tea cucumber
B. Sea urchin
C. Sea horse
D. Sea pen
Answer : D
7. Dolphins are classified under
A. Pisces
B. Amphibia
C. Reptile
D. Mammals
Answer : D
8. The term Thylum' in taxonomy was given by
A. John Ray
B. Carolus Linnaeus
C. G.L. Cuvier
D. All of these
Answer : A
9. Platyhelminthes are called
A. flat worms
B. roundworms
C. tapeworms
D. blind worms
Answer : A
10. Histological differentiation is absent in
A. Amoeba
B. Hydra
C. Earthworm
D. Cockroach
Answer : A
11. An insect differs from a spider in the following ways :
A. Insect has 6 pairs of legs and one pair of wings while spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
B. Insect has 4 pair of legs and two pairs of wings while spider has 3 pairs of legs and no wings
C. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and two pairs of wings and spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
D. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and generally no wings while spider has 5 pairs of legs and generally one pair of wings
Answer : C
12. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
A. Flame cellsplatyhelminthes
B. Stinging cellscoelenterata
C. Metameric segmentationmollusca
D. Gill slitschordata
Answer : C
13. One of the primary characters of chlor-date is
A. solid ventral nerve cord
B. dorsal tubular nerve cord
C. paired nerve cords
D. ganglionated nerve cord
Answer : B
14. The order insectivora of class mammalia includes
A. moles, shrews and hedgehogs
B. monkeys, apes and man
C. whales and dolphins
D. kangaroo, lions and wolves
Answer : A
15. For finding a haemocoel which animal you will select ?
A. Earthworm
B. Hydra
C. Ascaris
D. Scolopendra
Answer : D
16. In which of the following sets, groups are not correctly matched ?
A. Onychophora, Myriapoda, Arachnida
B. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa
C. Polychaeta, Hirudiniea, Oligochaeta
D. Gastropoda, Rhizopoda, Scaphopoda
Answer : D
17. The group amniota includes
A. birds and mammals
B. birds and reptiles
C. reptiles and mammals
D. reptiles, birds and mammals
Answer : D
18. Which of the group has no member having gliding or flying appendages ?
A. Cydostomata
B. Fishes
C. Reptiles
D. Mammals
Answer : A
19. Which of the following has no segmentation?
A. Hydra
B. Earthworm
C. Centipede
D. Cockroach
Answer : A
20. Cephalophoda is a class of animals in which
A. notochord extends upto head
B. foot is located on head
C. head is located on foot
D. head is fused with thorax
Answer : B
21. Chief distinguishing features of mammals are
A. hairy skin and ovipary
B. hairy skin and mammary glands
C. mammary glands and teeth
D. pinnae and teeth
Answer : B
22. The segmentation which affects both external and internal features represented in
A. annelida
B. peripatus
C. insects
D. acolopendra
Answer : A
23. Which of the following groups of characters is present in all chordates in some or other stage in their life ?
A. Mammary glands, hairs, gill slits
B. Notochord, gill slits and dorsal ! tubular nervous system
C. Notochord, scales and dorsal tubular nervous system
D. Gill slits, vertebral column and notochoitl
Answer : B
24. Tapeworm is placed in class
A. Cestoda
B. Trematoda
C. Sporozoa
D. Suctoria
Answer : B
25. Sepia is also known as
A. star fish
B. cartilagenous fish
C. jellyfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : D
26. All mammals have hair, but these are absent in order
A. Cetacea
B. Primates
C. Rodentia
D. Chiroptera
Answer : A
27. The larval forms called bladder worms are characteristic of
A. intestinal parasites
B. earthworms
C. roundworms
D. tapeworms
Answer : D
28. The locust is
A. an arthropod
B. a mollusc
C. an insect
D. an echinoderm
Answer : C
29. One of these is a metatherian mammal
A. Echidna
B. Kangaroo
C. Pangolin
D. Panda
Answer : B
30. These species inhabiting different geographical areas are
A. allopatric
B. sibling species
C. morphospecies
D. sympatric
Answer : A
31. The system of classification proposed by Linnaeus is regarded by modem biologists as
A. an artificial system of classification
B. a natural system of classification
C. a system based on phylogeny
D. none of these
Answer : A
32. Which of the following is not a correct taxonomic match ?
A. Platyhelminthessolenocytes
B. Molluscametamerism
C. Mammaliadiaphragm
D. Chordatadorsal tubular nerve cord
Answer : D
33. Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?
A. Starfish
B. Dogfish
C. Silver fish
D. Goldfish
Answer : A
34. According to Whittaker, the term 'protista' includes
A. all types of single celled eukaryotic organisms
B. all types of single celled plants, animals as well as bacteria
C. all types of bacteria and blue green algae
D. all types of sinlge celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Answer : A
35. Animals belonging to order Rodentia have
A. long incisors
B. long canines
C. short canines
D. short incisors
Answer : A
36. Limulus, the king-crab, is the only living representative of the order xiphosura belonging to the phylum
A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. Echinodermata
D. Arthropoda
Answer : D
37. Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is
A. compound eyes
B. joint legs
C. book lungs
D. green glands
Answer : B
38. Correct statement is :
A. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between mammals and aves
B. Duck-bill platypus is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals
C. Sea horse is a connecting link between fish and horse
D. Hydra is a connecting link between protozoa and metazoa
Answer : B
39. In title classification of animals a 'family' name is formed by adding
A. idae as a suffix to the name of the type genus
B. inae as a suffix
C. ceae as a suffix
D. oidea as a suffix
Answer : A
40. The generic name of apple snail is
A. Limax
B. Pila
C. Sepia
D. Murex
Answer : B
41. A spider belongs to class
A. Insecta
B. Myriapoda
C. Arachnida
D. Onychophora
Answer : C
42. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
A. Flame CellsPlatyhelminthes
B. Metametric segmentationMollusca
C. Gill-slitChordata
D. Stininging cellsCoelenterata
Answer : B
43. Which of the protozoan is considered as connecting link between animals and plants ?
A. Entamoeba
B. Paramecium
C. Euglena
D. Monocystis
Answer : C
44. All worms are mainly
A. round
B. parasitic
C. triploblastic
D. segmented
Answer : C
45. Aside from a three chambered heart, reptiles are characterised by the presence of
A. limb girdles
B. dermal scales
C. lungs
D. dorsal nerve cord
Answer : B
46. The biggest phylum in regard to the number of species is
A. Arthropoda
B. Platyhelminthes
C. Chordata
D. Protozoa
Answer : A
47. Which one of the following sets of animals belongs to class cydostomata
A. Amphioxus and Balangolossus
B. Petromyzon and Myxine
C. Herdmania and Myxine
D. Herdmania and Amphioxus
Answer : B
48. National mammal of India is
A. cow
B. peacock
C. lion
D. tiger
Answer : D
49. One of the following is not a true fish :
A. Saw fish
B. Silver fish
C. Dogfish
D. Pipefish br>Answer : A
50. Which of the following animals has a diaphragm between the thorax and abdomen ?
A. Frog
B. Lizard
C. Pigeon
D. Whale
Answer : D

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