
1000+ Computer Fundamental MCQ for ESIC [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The first general purpose electronic digital computer in the world was
D. All of above
Answer : A
2. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
A. Path
B. Route
C. Address bus
D. All of the above
Answer : C
3. Floppy disks are available in
A. Single side single density
B. Single side double density
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : C
4. Hackers
A. all have the same motive
B. break into other people's computers
C. may legally break into computers as long as they do not do any damage
D. are people who are allergic to computers
Answer : B
5. Todays computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes in 1924. What was that name?
A. Tabulator Machine Co.
B. The Tabulator Ltd.
C. Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
D. International Computer Ltd.
Answer : C
6. 1 nibble equals to
A. 1 bits
B. 2 bits
C. 4 bits
D. 8 bits
Answer : C
7. The difference between memory and storage is that memory is _____ and storage is __
A. Temporary, permanent
B. Permanent, temporary
C. Slow, fast
D. All of above
Answer : A
8. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Answer : D
9. One computer that is not considered a portable is
A. Minicomputer
B. Laptop computer
C. Notebook computer
D. All of above
Answer : A
10. A self replicating program, similar to a virus which was taken from a 1970s science fiction novel by John Bruner entitled the Shockwave Rider is
A. Bug
B. Vice
C. Lice
D. Worm
Answer : D
11. For which of the following computers can't be used?
A. Gathering data
B. calculating data
C. Comparing data
D. Arranging data
Answer : A
12. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a:
A. networked
B. mainframe
C. supercomputer
D. client
Answer : B
13. The octal equivalence of 111010 is
A. 81
B. 72
C. 71
D. None of above
Answer : B
14. MIS is designed to provide information needed for effective decision making by?
A. Consumers
B. Workers
C. Foremen
D. Managers
Answer : D
15. Which of the following contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?
A. Operating System File
B. Transaction file
C. Software File
D. Master file
Answer : D
16. What does DMA stand for?
A. Distinct Memory Access
B. Direct Memory Access
C. Direct Module Access
D. Direct Memory Allocation
Answer : B
17. Programs designed to perform specific tasks is known as
A. system software
B. application software
C. utility programs
D. operating system
Answer : B
18. Which unit converts computer data into human readable form?
A. Input unit
B. Output unit
D. Control Unit
Answer : B
19. A device designed to read information encoded into a small plastic card is
A. Magnetic tape
B. Badge reader
C. Tape puncher
D. Card puncher
Answer : B
20. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiple, divide and find square roots?
A. Napier
B. Babbage
C. Pascal
D. Leibniz
Answer : D
21. The output quality of a printer is measured by
A. Dot per sq. inch
B. Dots per inch
C. Dots printed per unit time
D. All of the above
Answer : B
22. The first web browser is
A. Mosaic
B. Netscape
C. Internet explorer
D. Collabra
Answer : A
23. Analog computer works on the supply of
A. Continuous electrical pulses
B. Electrical pulses but not continuous
C. Magnetic strength
D. None of the above
Answer : A
24. ________ provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously
A. Multitasking
B. Multithreading
C. Multiprocessing
D. Multicomputing
strong>Answer : A
25. Which is another name for functional language?
A. Machine
B. Application language
C. Low-level language
D. High-level language
Answer : B
26. Cathode Ray Tube is a form of________
A. Keyboard
B. Mouse
C. Monitor
D. Mother board
Answer : C
27. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is
A. Stationary
B. Difficult to move
C. Dragged
D. Moved in small steps
Answer : A
28. Magnetic tape can serve as
A. Secondary storage media
B. Output media
C. Input media
D. All of the above
Answer : A
29. The data recording format in most of the modern magnetic tape is
A. 7-bit ASCII
B. 7-bit EBCDIC
C. 8-bit ASCII
D. 8-bit EBCDIC
Answer : D
30. Computer is free from tiresome and boardoom. We call it
A. Diligence
B. Reliability
C. Versatility
D. Accuracy
Answer : A
31. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, which standard is used for converting the keystroke into the corresponding bits?
Answer : A
32. Computer memory consists of
D. All of the above
Answer : D
33. You organize files by storing them in
A. archives
B. folders
C. indexes
D. lists
Answer : B
34. Which device is required for the Internet connection?
A. Joystick
B. Modem
C. CD Drive
D. NIC Card
Answer : B
35. Who suggested Stored Program Concept
A. John Mauchley
B. J.P. Eckert
C. John Neumann
D. Joseph Jacquard
Answer : C
36. What type of device is computer keyboard?
A. Memory
B. Output
C. Storage
D. Input
Answer : D
37. The basic operations performed by a computer are
A. Arithmetic operation
B. Logical operation
C. Storage and relative
D. All the above
Answer : D
38. IBM System/360 is
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. None of above
Answer : A
39. Which of the following is still useful for adding numbers?
C. Abacus
Answer : C
40. Which one of the following is NOT a computer language
A. MS-Excel
D. C++
Answer : A
41. The typical computer criminal is a(n):
A. Young hacker.
B. Trusted employee with no criminal record.
C. Trusted employee with a long, but unknown criminal record.
D. Overseas young cracker.
Answer : B
42. An application suitable for sequential processing is
A. Processing of grades
B. Payroll processing
C. Both a and b
D. All of above
Answer : C
43. Which electronic component was made out of semiconductor material?
A. Vacuum tubes
B. Transistors
C. Ics
D. All of above
Answer : C
44. Which device is used to backup the data?
A. Floppy Disk
B. Tape
C. Network Drive
D. All of the above
Answer : D
45. A computer assisted method for the recording and analyzing of existing or hypothetical systems is
A. Data transmission
B. Data flow
C. Data capture
D. Data processing
Answer : B
46. The first electronic general purpose digital computer built by Eckert and Mauchly called ENIAC did not work on the stored program concept. How many numbers could it store in its internal memory?
A. 100
B. 20
C. 40
D. 80
Answer : B
47. UNIVAC is
A. Unvalued Automatic Computer
B. Universal Array Computer
C. Universal Automatic Computer
D. Unique Automatic Computer
Answer : C
48. The brain of any computer system is
A. Control Unit
B. Arithmetic Logic Unit
C. Central Processing Unit
D. Storage Unit
Answer : C
49. A system is
A. an integration of different units so as to achieve an objective
B. input unit
C. input and output unit
D. input, output and storage units
Answer : A
50. Which access method is used to access cassette tape?
A. Direct
B. Sequential
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : B

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