
1000+ Computer Fundamental Multiple Choice Question Answer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. On which aspect the analog computers are better than digital?
A. Speed
B. Accuracy
C. Reliability
D. Automatic
Answer : B
2. After copying the content how many times can you paste?
A. 1
B. 16
C. 32
D. Many
Answer : D
3. The device used to carry digital data on analogue lines is called as
A. Modem
B. Multiplexer
C. Modulator
D. Demodulator
Answer : A
4. The personal computer industry was started by
B. Apple
C. Compaq
Answer : A
5. What is the path from which data flow in a computer system is known as
A. Car
B. Bus
C. Truck
D. Road
Answer : B
6. Which of the following disk is fixed disk?
A. Hard Disks
B. Flash Disks
C. Blu-Ray Disks
Answer : A
7. Who invented punched cards?
A. Charles Babbage
B. Dr. Herman Hollerith
C. Howard Aikin
D. Joseph Jacquard
Answer : D
8. An example of a digital device can be
A. Digital clock
B. Automobile speed meter
C. Clock with a dial and two hands
D. All of the above
Answer : A
9. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not
A. Fast
B. Powerful
C. Infallible
D. Cheap
Answer : C
10. The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
A. 1.40 MB
B. 1.44 GB
C. 1.40 GB
D. 1.44 MB
Answer : D
11. To access properties of an object, the mouse technique to use is-
A. Dragging
B. dropping
C. right-clicking
D. shift-clicking
Answer : C
12. A hybrid computer uses a _____ to convert digital signals from a computer into analog signals.
A. Modulator
B. Demodulator
C. Modem
D. Decoder
Answer : C
13. What is the responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer?
A. To produce result
B. To compare numbers
C. To control flow of information
D. To do maths works
Answer : B
14. The control unit of a microprocessor
A. Stores data in the memory
B. Accepts input data from keyboard
C. Performs arithmetic/logic function
D. None of above
Answer : D
15. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is
A. Stationary
B. Difficult to move
C. Dragged
D. Moved in small steps
Answer : A
16. In most IBM PCs, the CPU, the device drives, memory expansion slots and active components are mounted on a single board. What is the name of this board?
A. Motherboard
B. Breadboard
C. Daughter board
D. Grandmother board
Answer : A
17. Compression of digital data for efficient storage is
A. Buffer
C. Packing
D. Field
Answer : C
18. How many symbols exist in Baudot code?
A. 32
B. 116
C. 58
D. 76
Answer : A
19. MAN stands for
A. Maximum Area Network
B. Minimum Area Network
C. Main Area Network
D. Metropolitan Area Network
Answer : D
20. A physical connection between the microprocessor memory and other parts of the microcomputer is known as
A. Path
B. Route
C. Address bus
D. All of the above
Answer : C
21. Microprocessors as switching devices are for which generation computers?
A. First Generation
B. Second Generation
C. Third Generation
D. Fourth Generation
Answer : D
22. ________is defined as any crime completed through the use of computer technology.
A. Computer forensics
B. Computer crime
C. Hacking
D. Cracking
Answer : B
23. The device that can both feed data into and accept data from a computer is
C. Input-Output device
D. All of the above
Answer : C
24. Which of the following is/ are operating systems
A. Windows
B. Unix
C. OS/2
D. All of these
Answer : D
25. A device that connects to a network without the use of cables is said to be-
A. Distributed
B. free
C. centralized
D. none of these
Answer : D
26. RAM stands for A. Random origin money
B. Random only memory
C. Read only memory
D. Random access memory
Answer : D
27. CPU speed of a personal computer is
A. 32 KIPS
B. 100 KIPS
D. None of these
Answer : B
28. _______ computers are also called personal computers
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. Super Computers
Answer : C
29. EPROM can be used for
A. Erasing the contents of ROM
B. Reconstructing the contents of ROM
C. Erasing and reconstructing the contents of ROM
D. Duplicating ROM
Answer : C
30. The language that the computer can understand and execute is called
A. Machine language
B. Application software
C. System program
D. All of above
Answer : A
31. ________are specific to users' needs
A. System software
B. Application software
C. Assemblers
D. Compilers
Answer : B
32. The radian of a number system
A. Is variable
B. Has nothing to do with digit position value
C. Equals the number of its distinct counting digits
D. Is always an even number
Answer : C
33. Fifth generation computer is also known as
A. Knowledge information processing system
B. Very large scale integration (VLSI)
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : A
34. The first web browser is
A. Mosaic
B. Netscape
C. Internet explorer
D. Collabra
Answer : A
35. Which of the following is called low level languages?
A. Machine language
B. Assembly language
C. Both of the above
D. None of above
Answer : C
36. What do you call the programs that are used to find out possible faults and their causes?
A. operating system extensions
B. cookies
C. diagnostic software
D. boot diskettes
Answer : C
37. Which of the following is not input unit device?
A. scanner
B. camera
C. plotter
D. digitizer
Answer : C
38. Which of the following is the most powerful computers?
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. Super Computers
Answer : D
39. Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept?
D. None of above
Answer : C
40. Which of the following are the best units of data on an external storage device?
A. Bits
B. Bytes
C. Hertz
D. Clock cycles
Answer : B
41. CAD stands for
A. Computer aided design
B. Computer algorithm for design
C. Computer application in design
D. All of the above
Answer : A
42. The first general purpose electronic computer in the world was
D. All of above
Answer : C
43. When we look at the cost, which of the following computer is most expensive?
A. Mainframe Computer
B. Mini Computers
C. Micro Computers
D. Super Computers
Answer : D
44. The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called
A. Downloading
B. uploading
Answer : A
45. Which of the following is valid statement?
A. Data in itself is useless unless it is processed
B. The data that is processed is called a program
C. The data which is not yet processed is information
D. Information is processed by computer to generate data.
Answer : A
46. The word Abacus is derived from Abax, a word from
A. Latin language
B. Greek Language
C. Sanskrit language
D. Ancient Egypt
Answer : A
47. hat produces useful information out of data?
A. Computer
B. Processing
C. Programming
D. none of above
Answer : B
48. The value of each bead in heaven is
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 7
Answer : C
49. Daisy wheel, Drum, chain etc are the ________
A. Flow chart
B. Mouse
C. Key board
D. Printers
Answer : D
50. FORTRAN is
A. File Translation
B. Format Translation
C. Formula Translation
D. Floppy Translation
Answer : C

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