
1000+ DBMS MCQ for SSC Stenographer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. _____ database is used to provide statistical information or summaries of values based on various criteria.
A. Statistical
B. Mathematical
C. Normalized
D. Un normalized
Answer : A
2. Tree structures are used to store data in
A. Network model.
B. Relational model.
C. Hierarchical model.
D. File based system.
Answer : C
3. The values of the attribute describes a particular
A. Entity set
B. File
C. Entity instance
D. Organization
Answer : C
4. For using a specific database …………… command is used.
A. use database
B. database name use
C. Both A & B
D. None of them
Answer : A
5. The data models defined by ANSI/SPARC architecture are
A. Conceptual, physical and internal
B. Conceptual, view and external
C. Logical, physical and internal
D. Logical, physical and view
Answer : D
6. The division operator divides a dividend A of degree m+n by a divisor relation B of degree n and produces a result of degree
A. m - 1
B. m + 1
C. m * m
D. m
Answer : D
7. The normal form that is not necessarily dependency preserving is
A. 2NF
B. 3NF
D. 4NF
Answer : A
8. Which of the following concurrency control schemes is not based on the serializability property?
A. Two - phase locking
B. Graph-based locking
C. Time-stamp based locking
D. None of these .
Answer : D
9. DROP is a statement in SQL.
A. Query
B. Embedded SQL
Answer : C
10. By ______ an area on disk in certain ways, one can make it represent a bit value of either zero (0) or one (1).
A. Vulcanizing
B. Galvanizing
C. Magnetizing
D. Passing UV rays
Answer : C
11. _____is a full form of SQL.
A. Standard query language
B. Sequential query language
C. Structured query language
D. Server side query language
Answer : C
12. Relations produced from an E-R model will always be
A. First normal form.
B. Second normal form.
C. Third normal form.
D. Fourth normal form.
Answer : A
13. A data type or format is specified for each _________
A. Relation
B. Tuple
C. Database
D. Domain
Answer : B
14. A relation is in attribute of other composite key. if an attribute of a composite key is dependent on an
A. 2NF
B. 3NF
D. 1NF
Answer : B
15. operator is used to compare a value to a list of literals values that have been specified.
A. Like
Answer : A
16. Relational Algebra is
A. Data Definition Language .
B. Meta Language
C. Procedural query Language
D. None of the above
Answer : C
17. In an E-R diagram double lines indicate
A. Total participation.
B. Multiple participation.
C. Cardinality N.
D. None of the above.
Answer : A
18. Cascading rollback is avoided in all protocol except
A. strict two-phase locking protocol.
B. tree locking protocol
C. two-phase locking protocol
D. validation based protocol.
Answer : D
19. The language that requires a user to specify the data to be retrieved without specifying exactly how to get it is
A. Procedural DML.
B. Non-Procedural DML.
C. Procedural DDL.
D. Non-Procedural DDL.
Answer : B
20. The fact that information in the data warehouse changes far less often and may be regarded as non-real-time with periodic updating; This implies that data warehouses are _______
A. Volatile
B. Non - Volatile
C. Logical
D. Physical
Answer : B
21. Data independence means
A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.
B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data
C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data
D. both B and C
Answer : D
22. The common column is eliminated in
A. theta join
B. outer join
C. natural join
D. composed join
Answer : C
23. Which of the following is not a logical database structure?
A. Chain
B. Network
C. Tree
D. Relational
Answer : A
24. Which of the following is not a recovery technique?
A. Deferred update
B. Immediate update
C. Two-phase commit
D. Shadow paging
Answer : C
25. Which of the following statement on the view concept in SQL is invalid?
A. All views are not updateable
B. The views may be referenced in an SQL statement whenever tables are referenced.
C. The views are instantiated at the time they are referenced and not when they are defined.
D. The definition of a view should not have GROUP BY clause in it.
Answer : D
26. In multiple granularity of locks SIX lock is compatible with
C. S
Answer : B
27. Use of UNIQUE while defining an attribute of a table in SQL means that the attribute values are
A. distinct values
B. cannot have NULL
C. both (A) & (B)
D. same as primary key
Answer : C
28. Which of the following constitutes a basic set of operations for manipulating relational data?
A. Predicate calculus
B. Relational calculus
C. Relational algebra
Answer : C
29. Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-compatible?
A. Union
B. Intersection
C. Difference
D. Join
Answer : D
30. The keyword to eliminate duplicate rows from the query result in SQL is
D. None of the above
Answer : C
31. ____specifies a search condition for a group or an aggregate.
A. GROUP BY Clause
B. HAVING Clause
C. FROM Clause
D. WHERE Clause
Answer : B
32. The graphical representation of a query is .
A. B-Tree
B. graph
C. Query Tree
D. directed graph
Answer : C
33. Assume transaction A holds a shared lock R. If transaction B also requests for a shared lock on R.
A. It will result in a deadlock situation.
B. It will immediately be rejected.
C. It will immediately be granted.
D. It will be granted as soon as it is released by A .
Answer : C
34. A table can have only one
A. Secondary key
B. Alternate key
C. Unique key
D. Primary key
Answer : D
35. Which one is true statement :
A. With finer degree of granularity of locking a high degree of concurrency is possible.
B. Locking prevents non-serializable schedules.
C. Locking cannot take place at field level.
D. An exclusive lock on data item X is granted even if a shared lock is already held on X.
Answer : A
36. _____ is a utility to capture a continuous record of server activity and provide auditing capability.
A. SQL server Profile
B. SQL server wizard.
C. SQL server service manager
D. SQL server setup
Answer : C
37. The clause in SQL that specifies that the query result should be sorted in ascending or descending order based on the values of one or more columns is
A. View
B. Order by
C. Group by
D. Having
Answer : B
38. A relational database developer refers to a record as
A. an attribute
B. a tuple
C. a criteria
D. a relation
Answer : B
39. Which of the following is not a consequence of concurrent operations?
A. Lost update problem.
B. Update anomaly.
C. Unrepeatable read.
D. Dirty read.
Answer : B
40. Which of the following is not a property of transactions?
A. Atomicity
B. Concurrency
C. Isolation
D. Durability
Answer : B
41. Checkpoints are a part of
A. Recovery measures.
B. Security measures.
C. Concurrency measures.
D. uthorization measures.
Answer : A
42. The default level of consistency in SQL is
A. repeatable read
B. read committed
C. read uncommitted
D. serializable
Answer : D
43. As per equivalence rules for query transformation, selection operation distributes over
A. Union.
B. Set difference.
C. Intersection.
D. All of the above.
Answer : D
44. A _____ is a logical unit of database processing that includes one or more data access operations that can include insertion, deletion, modification or retrieval operations.
A. Database
B. Data
C. Transaction
D. Record
Answer : C
45. Create a table with the following attributes: Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME of 10 characters)
A. Create table Employee(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));
B. Create table Employee(EMPNO integer, EMPNAME String(10));
C. Create table Emplo(EMPNO number, EMPNAME string);
D. Create table Emp(EMPNO int, EMPNAME char(10));
Answer : A
46. In SQL, testing whether a subquery is empty is done using
Answer : D
47. If both the functional dependencies : X�Y and Y�X hold for two attributes X and Y then the relationship between X and Y is
A. M:N
B. M:1
D. 1:M
Answer : C
48. What are the desirable properties of a decomposition
A. Partition constraint.
B. Dependency preservation.
C. Redundancy.
D. Security.
Answer : B
49. ………………… approach reduces time and effort required for design and lesser risk in database management.
A. Single global database
B. Multiple databases
C. Top-down approach
D. None of the above
Answer : B
50. Union operator is a :
A. Unary Operator
B. Ternary Operator
C. Binary Operator
D. Not an operator
Answer : C

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