
1000+ Engineering Drawing MCQ for IBPS SO [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. It is customary for the first sheet of a working drawing set to include ________.
A. A parts list
B. Exploded assembly
C. Assembled assembly
D. All of the above
Answer : D
2. 4.The principle reason for using an auxiliary view is ________.
A. To eliminate hidden lines
B. To create a true projection plane from an inclined plane in one of the primary views
C. To show cylinders as ellipses
D. To locate center marks
Answer : B
3. The maximum and minimum sizes of a feature are identified by a ________ tolerance.
A. Limits
C. Reference
D. Allowance
Answer : A
4. The title block used on working drawings should include the __________.
A. Sheet number
B. Line type
C. Layer set
D. All of the above
Answer : A
5. In this type of auxiliary view, a break line is used to indicate the imaginary break in the views:
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Revolved
D. Partial
Answer : D
6. A projection weld is a type of:
A. Resistance weld
B. Arc weld
C. Gas weld
D. Fillet weld
Answer : A
7. A drafter who develops technical drawings of a highway overpass would most likely be a ________ drafter.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Mechanical
D. Process piping
Answer : B
8. The MASSPROP shortcut will provide the following information.
A. Mass
B. Volume
C. Bounding box
D. All of the above
Answer : D
9. This is a thin solid line directing attention to a note or dimension and starting with an arrowhead or dot:
A. Dimension line
B. Extension line
C. Leader
D. Specification
Answer : C
10. The typical parts list should include the ________.
A. Part number
B. Manufacturing material
C. Number of parts needed
D. All of the above
Answer : D
11. Switches and relays should be shown in this position with no operating force or applied energy:
A. Normal
B. Closed
C. Offset
D. Application
Answer : A
12. This is used in drawings to represent the edge of a solid object:
A. Angle
B. Vertex
C. Surface
D. Line
Answer : D
13. An architect often relies on a ________ to complete the set of technical drawings used in the design of an office building.
A. Technical illustrator
B. Artist
C. Drafter
D. Construction superintendent
Answer : C
14. A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the ________.
A. Front view
B. Top view
C. Primary auxiliary view
D. None of the above
Answer : C
15. PDM is the acronym for:
A. Project drawing management
B. Product drawing manipulation
C. Product data management
D. Project data manipulation
Answer : C
16. This is the theoretically exact size from which limits of size are determined:
A. Actual Size
B. Dimensioned size
C. Production size
D. Basic size
Answer : D
17. Circular shapes appear in this fashion when viewed at an angle other than 90 degrees:
A. Circular
B. Elliptical
C. Lengthened
D. Angular
Answer : B
18. The distance a screw thread advances axially in one turn is the:
A. Lead
B. Pitch
C. Turn
D. Crest
Answer : A
19. In order to create an isometric circle to represent a hole through the top surface of a box, the drafter must insure that the correct iso-plane has been selected by scrolling through the iso-planes using the ________ key.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F8
Answer : C
20. The primary unit of measurement for engineering drawings and design in the mechanical industries is the:
A. Millimeter
B. Centimeter
C. Meter
D. Kilometer
Answer : A
21. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the ________ in the auxiliary view.
A. Projected inclined plane
B. The projected top view
C. The projected side view
D. None of the above
Answer : A
22. When dimensioning architectural drawings architects will utilize both ________ and ________ options.
A. Baseline and continuous
B. Baseline and linear
C. Quick dim and linear
D. Linear and continuous
Answer : D
23. The site plan illustrates ________.
A. The floor plan
B. Where the house sits on the property
C. The roof plan
D. Where the garage and driveway are located
Answer : B
24. The text height for room names should be set to ________for a drawing that will be plotted to a scale of ¼ = 1'-0.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer : C
25. This is a conical-shaped recess around a hole, often used to receive a tapered screw head:
A. Boss
B. Spotface
C. Counterbore
D. Countersink
Answer : D
26. This means that a feature of a finished product contains the maximum amount of material permitted by the tolerance dimensions for that feature:
A. Maximum material condition
B. Machined material condition
C. Maximum machined indication
D. Machine mark indication
Answer : A
27. Acceptable parts must not extend beyond this:
A. Boundary limits
B. Hole limits
C. Specification
D. Tolerances
Answer : A
28. This type of solid is egg-shaped and can be created by revolving an ellipse around one of its axes:
A. Ellipsoid
B. Torus
C. Cone
D. Cylinder
Answer : A
29. These are joined together in the field to build a structure:
A. Riveted members
B. Main members
C. Steel fabrications
D. Assembled fabrications
Answer : B
30. Oblique sections are useful to show this:
A. Foreshortened features
B. Oblique lines
C. Interior shapes
D. Projected features
Answer : C
31. When creating your own blocks it is important to avoid drawing any portion of the block in the ________ layer.
A. Zero
B. Center line
C. Hatch
D. Hidden line
Answer : A
32. If a plane is parallel to the plane of projection, it appears:
A. True size
B. As a line or edge
C. Foreshortened
D. As an oblique surface
Answer : A
33. The Free Orbit tool is found on the ________ toolbar.
A. Rotate
B. Move
C. Modify
D. 3-D Move
Answer : C
34. 3.When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:
A. 360
B. 180
C. 90
D. 45
Answer : C
35. Several of the tools used in traditional drafting include the following:
A. Parallel straight edge
B. 45 degree triangle
C. Circle template
D. All of the above
Answer : D
36. In isometric projection, all distances are approximately this percentage of their true size:
A. 120 percent
B. 80 percent
C. 50 percent
D. 20 percent
Answer : B
37. A line with a tapering width can be easily created by using the __________ tool.
A. Circle
B. Ellipse
C. Line
D. Polyline
Answer : D
38. The Offset tool should only be used for placing ________ in an isometric drawing.
A. Circles
B. Horizontal lines
C. Vertical lines
D. None of the above
Answer : C
39. An accurate record of changes made to release drawings is tracked via this:
A. A revision block
B. The basic title form
C. Working drawings
D. Portable documents
Answer : A
40. This type of solid is formed by sweeping a shape along a linear path:
A. Planar solid
B. Revolved solid
C. Warped solid
D. Extruded solid
Answer : D
41. In order to create an accurate assembly drawing the drafter should create the ________ drawings first.
A. Detail
B. Title block
C. Parts list
D. Isometric
Answer : A
42. The dimension text size is determined by what the architect deems necessary in __________.
A. Model space
B. Paper space
C. The Finished plot
D. The PDF file
Answer : C
43. This type of thread is a thread on the inside of a member:
A. Basic thread
B. External thread
C. Internal thread
D. Major diameter thread
Answer : C
44. When filling an area with a hatch pattern in Auto-CAD the drafter needs to be able to ________.
A. See the entire bounding area to hatch
B. Set Ortho on
C. Turn ISO grid off
D. Set the layer to Defpoints
Answer : A
45. On typical electronic diagrams, these items need not be shown unless they are needed for clarification:
A. Transmission diagrams
B. Operating relays
C. Closed relays
D. Terminal circles
Answer : D
46. One critical issue drafters need to pay close attention to is the ________.
A. Size of the sheet
B. Designer's intent
C. Scale factor
D. None of the above
Answer : B
47. A typical set of mechanical working drawings includes ________.
A. Exploded assembly
B. Part details
C. Parts list
D. All of the above
Answer : D
48. In offset sections, offsets or bends in the cutting plane are all:
A. 90 degrees
B. 180 degrees
C. Either 90 or 180 degrees
D. 30, 60 or 90 degrees
Answer : A
49. This is used to indicate that a surface is to be machined:
A. Finish mark
B. Machining mark
C. Roughness indicator
D. Coordinate mark
Answer : A
50. A back or backing weld is a type of:
A. Groove weld
B. Resistance weld
C. Arc and gas weld
D. Upset weld
Answer : C

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