
1000+ Engineering Drawing MCQ for NEET PG [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. These are vertical distances above a common datum, reference plane, or point:
A. Plats
B. Elevations
C. Traverse
D. Profiles
Answer : B
2. The dimension text size is determined by what the architect deems necessary in __________.
A. Model space
B. Paper space
C. The Finished plot
D. The PDF file
Answer : C
3. These maps are used in planning installations of trees, shrubbery, drives, and other garden features:
A. Landscape maps
B. Engineering maps
C. Topographic maps
D. Cadastral maps
Answer : A
4. A ________ section allows the drafter to create a Cutting Plane line which is not in a straight line across the part.
A. Offset
B. Half
C. Whole
D. Broken out
Answer : A
5. Two-point perspective is also known as:
A. Two-view perspective
B. Regular perspective
C. Parallel perspective
D. Angular perspective
Answer : D
6. Drafters should use a ________ in a section view of a mechanical part that includes the cylindrical view of a threaded hole.
A. Center line
B. Hatch line
C. Poly line
D. Dimension line
Answer : A
7. Given a situation in which the drafter has crossed extension lines in a drawing what can be done to clean up the point of crossing?
A. Use the Modify tool to clean up the extension lines
B. Use the Tolerance tool to clean up the extension lines
C. Use the Break tool to clean up the extension lines
D. Use the stretch tool to clean up the extension lines
Answer : A
8. A drafter who develops technical drawings of a highway overpass would most likely be a ________ drafter.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Mechanical
D. Process piping
Answer : B
9. Using the Relative Polar Coordinate System to add a 3 inch line that is 45 degrees from the end point of the line created above the drafter would ________.
A. Type @3<45 and enter
B. Type 3 back slash and enter
C. Type 3 forward slash and enter
D. Type 3 and try to use the Dynamic Input readout to find the end point
Answer : A
10. In this type of view, the cutting plane line indicates both the location of the cutting plane and the direction of sight:
A. Removed section
B. Revolved section
C. Auxiliary section
D. Partial section
Answer : C
11. When creating an isometric drawing in Auto-CAD the drafter can utilize the Dynamic Input and Polar Coordinate system to place both vertical and horizontal lines. A line created from one point 3 inches at 180 degrees would be a ________ line.
A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Inclined
D. None of the above
Answer : B
12. This material is used in masonry construction, most commonly for ornamental facing:
A. Face brick
B. Clay tile
C. Natural stone
D. Aggregate
Answer : C
13. When creating your own blocks it is important to avoid drawing any portion of the block in the ________ layer.
A. Zero
B. Center line
C. Hatch
D. Hidden line
Answer : A
14. This is the total amount that the feature on the actual part is allowed to vary from what is specified by the dimension:
A. Allowance
B. Tolerance
C. Specification
D. Difference
Answer : B
15. A full scale technical drawing will have a scale factor of ________.
A. 1 : 1
B. 1 : 2
C. 2 : 1
D. 1 : 4
Answer : A
16. This type of axonometric drawing has equal foreshortening along two axis directions and a different amount on the third axis:
A. Dimetric
B. Multiview
C. Isometric
D. Trimetric
Answer : A
17. PDM is the acronym for:
A. Project drawing management
B. Product drawing manipulation
C. Product data management
D. Project data manipulation
Answer : C
18. This type of solid has a polygon for a base and triangular lateral faces that intersect at a vertex:
A. Pyramid
B. Prism
C. Cone
D. Torus
Answer : A
19. This is the bottom surface joining the sides of two adjacent threads:
A. Lead
B. Pitch
C. Crest
D. Root
Answer : D
20. When lettering a CAD drawing, for clarity you should limit the number of fonts to:
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Any number
Answer : B
21. In the section view, the areas that would have been in actual contact with the cutting plane are shown with:
A. A cutting plane line
B. Section lining
C. Visible lines
D. Lines and arrows
Answer : B
22. The maximum and minimum sizes of a feature are identified by a ________ tolerance.
A. Limits
C. Reference
D. Allowance
Answer : A
23. Drawings created with commercial software are typically saved as:
A. Rapid prototypes
B. Electronic files
C. Draft drawings
D. Change orders
Answer : B
24. The organized and orderly approach to solving problems is known as the:
A. Engineering process
B. Design process
C. Aesthetic process
D. Functional process
Answer : B
25. In order to create an accurate assembly drawing the drafter should create the ________ drawings first.
A. Detail
B. Title block
C. Parts list
D. Isometric
Answer : A
26. A partial auxiliary view usually shows only features on the ________ of the inclined line and not any projection of other planes.
A. Hidden lines
B. Plane
C. Center lines
D. None of the above
Answer : B
27. If a plane is parallel to the plane of projection, it appears:
A. True size
B. As a line or edge
C. Foreshortened
D. As an oblique surface
Answer : A
28. In this type of dimensioning, allowance must be made for bends:
A. Angular
B. Tolerance
C. Datum
D. Sheet metal
Answer : D
29. This type of surface may be a plane, a single curved surface, or a warped surface:
A. Edge surface
B. Ruled surface
C. Auxiliary surface
D. Developed surface
Answer : B
30. In an assembly section, these parts should have their section lines left out or shown solid black:
A. Bolts
B. All fasteners
C. Thin parts
D. Rivets
Answer : C
31. Most architectural drawings produced for field use by building contractors are printed on architectural D size paper which measures ________.
A. 24 × 36
B. 18 × 24
C. 11 × 17
D. 34 × 22
Answer : A
32. The Auto-CAD command used to combine two or more primitive shapes into a single complex 3-dimensional model is ________.
A. Add
B. Union
C. Attach
D. Form
Answer : B
33. In order to create an isometric circle to represent a hole through the top surface of a box, the drafter must insure that the correct iso-plane has been selected by scrolling through the iso-planes using the ________ key.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F8
Answer : C
34. On typical electronic diagrams, these items need not be shown unless they are needed for clarification:
A. Transmission diagrams
B. Operating relays
C. Closed relays
D. Terminal circles
Answer : D
35. This type of structural steel drawing shows all dimensions necessary for fabrication:
A. Shop drawings
B. Design drawings
C. Weldment drawings
D. Application drawings
Answer : A
36. An oil refinery relies on which type of drafter to maintain and update the technical piping drawings used for the construction and maintenance of the facility.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Process piping
D. Electrical
Answer : C
37. This is the theoretically exact size from which limits of size are determined:
A. Actual Size
B. Dimensioned size
C. Production size
D. Basic size
Answer : D
38. Placement of dimensions on a drawing is controlled by ________.
B. The design engineer
C. Corporate drafting standards
D. All of the above
Answer : D
39. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the ________ in the auxiliary view.
A. Projected inclined plane
B. The projected top view
C. The projected side view
D. None of the above
Answer : A
40. 3.When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:
A. 360
B. 180
C. 90
D. 45
Answer : C
41. When dimensioning architectural drawings architects will utilize both ________ and ________ options.
A. Baseline and continuous
B. Baseline and linear
C. Quick dim and linear
D. Linear and continuous
Answer : D
42. The most common geometric form used in gears today is this:
A. Involute profile
B. Convolute profile
C. Base circle
D. Spur circle
Answer : A
43. A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the ________.
A. Front view
B. Top view
C. Primary auxiliary view
D. None of the above
Answer : C
44. To insure that everyone understands what the electrical symbols represent it is customary to include a ________ on the electrical sheet.
A. List
B. Part number
C. Electrical legend
D. Electrical layer
Answer : C
45. This type of solid is formed by sweeping a shape along a linear path:
A. Planar solid
B. Revolved solid
C. Warped solid
D. Extruded solid
Answer : D
46. In this type of concrete, the steel is pre-tensioned before the superimposed load is applied:
A. Aggregate
B. Pre-stressed
C. Reinforced
D. Preloaded
Answer : B
47. Spur gear design normally begins with selecting this:
A. Rack size
B. Tooth size
C. Gear size
D. Pitch diameter
Answer : D
48. The type of line that projects from an object for the express purpose of locating a dimension is a ________ line.
A. Visible
B. Hidden
C. Extension
D. Dimension
Answer : C
49. Center lines are used to locate or represent the centers of ________.
A. Arcs
B. Circles
C. Hidden round features
D. All of the above
Answer : D
50. The edges of a cube in isometric projection make angles of this many degrees with each other:
A. 30
B. 60
C. 90
D. 120
Answer : D

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