
1000+ Engineering Drawing Multiple Choice Question Answer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. This is the term for the range of tightness or looseness resulting from the allowances and tolerances in mating parts:
A. Limits
B. Fit
C. Specifications
D. Allowance
Answer : B
2. This type of surface is tipped to all principal planes of projection and does not appear true size in any standard view:
A. Foreshortened
B. Parallel
C. Orthographic
D. Oblique
Answer : D
3. Two-point perspective is also known as:
A. Two-view perspective
B. Regular perspective
C. Parallel perspective
D. Angular perspective
Answer : D
4. Objects that are symmetric can be shown effectively using this type of section:
A. Quarter section
B. Half section
C. Full section
D. Symmetric section
Answer : B
5. The type of line that projects from an object for the express purpose of locating a dimension is a ________ line.
A. Visible
B. Hidden
C. Extension
D. Dimension
Answer : C
6. This type of drawing is created to calculate areas, locate property lines, and locate building projects and facilities:
A. Traverse
B. Contour
C. City map
D. Plat
Answer : D
7. The Offset tool should only be used for placing ________ in an isometric drawing.
A. Circles
B. Horizontal lines
C. Vertical lines
D. None of the above
Answer : C
8. Traditional drafters need to be able to create several different line widths because ________.
A. Different line widths convey different information
B. The line width has to do with how dark it appear in the finished drawing
C. They seem to transmit better in a fax machine
D. It makes no difference
Answer : A
9. This is the total amount that the feature on the actual part is allowed to vary from what is specified by the dimension:
A. Allowance
B. Tolerance
C. Specification
D. Difference
Answer : B
10. The daily workload of a ________ drafter would generally include technical drawings of machine parts.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Electrical
D. Mechanical
Answer : D
11. Dimensions are used on the elevation plan to describe ________.
A. Finished floor elevations
B. Roof overhangs
C. Roof pitch angles
D. All of the above
Answer : D
12. A round is a rounded surface on the ________ corner of a part.
A. Inside
B. Outside
C. Radial
D. Isoplane
Answer : B
13. These weld symbols have no arrow-side or other-side significance:
A. Projection or seam weld
B. Back or backing weld
C. Surface or groove weld
D. Flash and upset weld
Answer : D
14. This is the range of digital or hard copy documents that specify the physical function requirements for a product:
A. Product design
B. Product definition
C. Drawing definition
D. Engineering design
Answer : B
15. To insure that everyone understands what the electrical symbols represent it is customary to include a ________ on the electrical sheet.
A. List
B. Part number
C. Electrical legend
D. Electrical layer
Answer : C
16. In working drawings, these show all necessary information not given directly on the drawing with its dimensions and notes:
A. Document strips
B. Portable documents
C. Formatting forms
D. Title and record strips
Answer : D
17. This is a common method for connecting steel members of buildings and bridges:
A. Assembly
B. Fabricating
C. Riveting
D. Welding
Answer : D
18. When using the direct entry method to create a horizontal line exactly three inches long the drafter should ________ first.
A. Pull the line from away from the starting point very carefully
B. Insure that Ortho is on
C. Enter 3 for the length of the line
D. Read the coordinate position on the Dynamic Readout
Answer : B
19. On typical electronic diagrams, these items need not be shown unless they are needed for clarification:
A. Transmission diagrams
B. Operating relays
C. Closed relays
D. Terminal circles
Answer : D
20. This is the most common application for developments and intersections:
A. Sheet metal construction
B. Piping
C. Architecture
D. Mechanical engineering
Answer : A
21. This type of auxiliary view is projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to one of the principal planes of projection:
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Revolved
D. Successive
Answer : A
22. An advantage of this type of view is that each view shows the object all the way through as if it were transparent:
A. Planar
B. Horizontal
C. Auxiliary
D. Orthographic
Answer : D
23. Geometric primitives include shapes such as ________.
A. Boxes
B. Cylinders
C. Wedges
D. All of the above
Answer : D
24. This type of solid has a polygon for a base and triangular lateral faces that intersect at a vertex:
A. Pyramid
B. Prism
C. Cone
D. Torus
Answer : A
25. The text height for room names should be set to ________for a drawing that will be plotted to a scale of ¼ = 1'-0.
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 8
Answer : C
26. If a designer is developing a plan for a project in which the entire part is made out of ¾ thick plywood and he only wants to use one view, he should use the ________ view.
A. Front
B. Top
C. Right
D. Back
Answer : A
27. This is a thin solid line directing attention to a note or dimension and starting with an arrowhead or dot:
A. Dimension line
B. Extension line
C. Leader
D. Specification
Answer : C
28. In order to create an accurate assembly drawing the drafter should create the ________ drawings first.
A. Detail
B. Title block
C. Parts list
D. Isometric
Answer : A
29. In developing a multi-view drawing, the drafter can use a ________ line to help locate the top and right side views.
A. Object
B. Hidden
C. Dimension
D. Miter
Answer : D
30. This material is used in masonry construction, most commonly for ornamental facing:
A. Face brick
B. Clay tile
C. Natural stone
D. Aggregate
Answer : C
31. Placement of dimensions on a drawing is controlled by ________.
B. The design engineer
C. Corporate drafting standards
D. All of the above
Answer : D
32. In this type of projection, each of the axes has different ratios of foreshortening:
A. Isometric
B. Dimetric
C. Trimetric
D. Parallel
Answer : C
33. Some common blocks used by architectural drafters include ________.
A. Door swings
B. Ceiling fans
C. Appliances
D. All of the above
Answer : D
34. This type of thread is a thread on the inside of a member:
A. Basic thread
B. External thread
C. Internal thread
D. Major diameter thread
Answer : C
35. The 3-D commands on the Modeling toolbar include ________.
A. Box
B. Sphere
C. Extrude
D. All of the above
Answer : D
36. Switches and relays should be shown in this position with no operating force or applied energy:
A. Normal
B. Closed
C. Offset
D. Application
Answer : A
37. This is the theoretically exact size from which limits of size are determined:
A. Actual Size
B. Dimensioned size
C. Production size
D. Basic size
Answer : D
38. It is customary for the first sheet of a working drawing set to include ________.
A. A parts list
B. Exploded assembly
C. Assembled assembly
D. All of the above
Answer : D
39. Using this as a communication and design review tool can help shorten the process and eliminate productivity barriers:
A. Development plans
B. Portable document files
C. The Internet and e-mail
D. Gantt charts
Answer : C
40. These are accurately drawn maps of cities and towns showing property lines and other features that control property ownership:
A. Monument maps
B. Cadastral maps
C. City maps
D. Topographic maps
Answer : B
41. The MASSPROP shortcut will provide the following information.
A. Mass
B. Volume
C. Bounding box
D. All of the above
Answer : D
42. Using the Relative Polar Coordinate System to add a 3 inch line that is 45 degrees from the end point of the line created above the drafter would ________.
A. Type @3<45 and enter
B. Type 3 back slash and enter
C. Type 3 forward slash and enter
D. Type 3 and try to use the Dynamic Input readout to find the end point
Answer : A
43. In order to create one solid model from two or more separate solid shapes the drafter will need to position them and then ________.
A. Use Union to join them
B. Use the Join command
C. Use the Add Parts tool
D. None of the above
Answer : A
44. This should show what changes were made, when, and by whom:
A. Portable document
B. Record of revisions
C. Title form
D. Revision drawings
Answer : B
45. This is a solid shape that fits inside the mold and forms a hole in a cooled cast metal or molten plastic object:
A. Core
B. Cavity
C. Prototype
D. Hole mold
Answer : A
46. The standard number of threads per inch for various diameters is the:
A. Series of thread
B. Lead
C. Major diameter
D. Thread pitch
Answer : A
47. When positioning this feature of perspective projection, the centerline of the cone of visual rays should be directed toward the approximate center of the object:
A. Station point
B. Vanishing point
C. Horizon
D. Ground line
Answer : A
48. Lines of an isometric drawing that are not parallel to the isometric axes are called this:
A. Trimetric lines
B. Non-isometric lines
C. Multiview lines
D. Dimetric lines
Answer : B
49. 3.When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:
A. 360
B. 180
C. 90
D. 45
Answer : C
50. If designs require changes, they should be documented with:
A. Development plans
B. Product proposals
C. Document reviews
D. Engineering change orders
Answer : D

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