
1000+ Fill in the blanks MCQ for NEET PG [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The head ____ was annoyed to see a ____ in the soup.
The option that would best fill the blanks in the above sentence would be:

A. chief, house fly
B. chef, housefly
C. chief, house-fly
D. chef, house fly
Answer : B
2. Opinions concerning him had remained nearly ____, his daily habits had presented scarcely any visible change.
A. static
B. biased
C. limpid
D. stationary
Answer : D
3. Undoubtedly, English is the most___spoken language in the world today.
A. elaborately
B. greatly
C. widely
D. broadly
Answer : C
4. Every human being, after the first few days of his life, is a product of two factors: on the one hand, there is his __________ endowment; and on the other hand, there is the effect of environment, including _________
A. constitutional, weather
B. congenital, education
C. personal, climate
D. economic, learning
Answer : B
5. The car driver was arrested for rash driving and his licence was_____ by the police.
A. impounded
B. prescribed
C. suspended
D. penalised
Answer : A
6. She was a devoted wife and looked____ her husband very well.
A. after
B. at
C. for
D. upon
Answer : A
7. He has already made up his mind on this issue. Now it is____ to argue with him.
A. sympathetic
B. vague
C. futile
D. contradictory
Answer : C
8. Since the British were masters of the seas, no ____ power could venture into Indian waters under British rule.
A. territorial
B. continental
C. maritime
D. geo-political
Answer : C
9. I dont suppose that Pramod will be elected __________ how hard he struggles as he is not completely supported by the committee.
A. although
B. seeing as
C. no matter
D. however
Answer : C
10. Lack of financing options, __________ with HR and technological __________ , make small and medium enterprises sector the most vulnerable component of our economy.
A. except, loophole
B. coupled, challenges
C. armed, benefits
D. registered, strategies
Answer : B
11. The stock markets ___________. The state they are in right now speaks volumes about this fact.
A. is the barometer of public confidence
B. are the best indicators of public sentiment
C. are used to trade in expensive shares
D. are not used to taking stock of all markets
Answer : B
12. Although it has been more than 50 years since Satyajit Ray made Pather Panchali, ___________ refuse to go away from the mind.
A. the haunting images
B. its haunting images
C. its haunted images
D. the haunt of its images
Answer : B
13. It is the role of the state to ____ crime and protect people and property. If the state is unable to prevent a crime it falls upon the state to __ the victim.
A. prevent-support
B. preventing-encourage
C. prevent-supporting
D. forbid-discourage
Answer : B
14. Rajeshs car wasnt __________ Rameshs, so we were too exhausted by the time we reached home.
A. such comfortable
B. as comfortable as
C. comfortable enough
D. so comfortable that
Answer : B
15. Many teachers ___________ the lack of ___________ for leaving the job.
A. cited, reason
B. explained, force
C. claimed, understanding
D. argued, culprit
Answer : C
16. Your present statement does not _________ what you said last week.
A. accord to
B. accord in
C. accord with
D. accord for
Answer : C
17. Regular exercise is conducive__________ heath.
A. in
B. to
C. for
D. of
Answer : B
18. Sheila gained an advantage __________ me.
A. upon
B. from
C. on
D. over
Answer : D
19. Cellular phone service has______ in a new phase of communication.
A. called
B. ushered
C. resulted
D. started
Answer : B
20. After a short holiday Rajni came back totally_______.
A. rejuvenated
B. reborn
C. refurbished
D. revamped
Answer : A
21. More is ___________ of conditions of the tribals in Maharashtra than ___________ conditions of those in the other parts of the country.
A. certain, the
B. known, of
C. aware, of
D. aware, of
Answer : B
22. We attended a ________ discourse.
A. spiritual
B. spirituous
C. spirituality
D. spiritually
Answer : A
23. The journey may be made by sea or___by road.
A.B. alteringly
C. conversely
D. alternatively
Answer : D
24. The organisation ___________ to popularise Indian classical music among the youth which has lost ___________ with its cultural roots.
A. endeavours, touch
B. wishes, interest
C. efforts, experience
D. exerts, intrigue
Answer : B
25. The organization takes its cue from the person on the top. I always told our business leaders their personal ___________ determined their organizations ___________.
A. serendipity, faux pas
B. predilection, despair
C. intensity, success
D. oddity, conformity
Answer : C
26. Let us quickly __________.
A. muddle
B. huddle
C. hurdle
D. puddle
Answer : B
27. His rude behaviour is a _________ his organisation.
A. disgrace for
B. disgrace on
C. disgrace upon
D. disgrace to
Answer : D
28. The car we were travelling in _________ a mile from home.
A. broke off
B. broke down
C. broke into
D. broke up
Answer : B
29. The final electoral rolls have been intensively revised through house-to-house_____.
A. documentation
B. categorisation
C. enumeration
D. investigation
Answer : C
30. The high cutoff marks this year have ___ college admission-seekers to either ___ for lesser known colleges or change their subject preferences.
A. cajoled, ask
B. pressured, sit
C. forced, settle
D. strained, compromise
Answer : C
31. In his address to the teachers, the Vice-Chancellor____certain measures being taken for improving the quality of college education.
A. declined
B. directed
C. advised
D. highlighted
Answer : D
32. Women should be paid the same as men-when they do the same job, for surely, what is sauce for the______ is sauce for the ___
A. goose, gander
B. cock, hen
C. fox, vixen
D. buck, doe
Answer : A
33. They ________ their seats away from the curved wall panels to give themselves more space as the flight attendant brought drinks from the gallery, which was ________ with familys favorite snacks and beverages.
A. Swiveled, stocked
B. Hinged, lacquered
C. Pended, embellished
D. Retracted, thronged
Answer : A
34. The bus __________ fifty passengers fell __________ the river.
A. with; into
B. for; upon
C. over; on
D. of; at
Answer : A
35. Rajeev was upset because he _____________ forgotten his best friends birthday?
A. have
B. shall
C. will
D. had
Answer : D
36. A public, servant who is guilty will not ___________ punishment and no ___________ person will be punished.
A. be, sincere
B. flee, guilty
C. defend, common
D. avoid, uninformed
Answer : B
37. The battalion operating from the mountain was able to tie____ three enemy divisions.
A. up
B. down
C. on
D. with
Answer : B
38. Even as the _________ elsewhere in the world are struggling to come out of recession, Indian consumers are splurging on consumer goods and to _________ this growth, companies are investing heavily in various sectors.
A. economies, meet
B. countries, inhibit
C. governments, measure
D. nations, inflict
Answer : A
39. The master dispensed_______the services of his servant.
A. up
B. with
C. from
D. through
Answer : B
40. In India is __________ on protecting its resources, international business appears equally __________ to safeguard its profit.
A. dreaded, fragile
B. stubborn, weak
C. bent, determined
D. approaching, settled
Answer : C
41. It is not ______________ for a man to be confined to the pursuit of wealth.
A. healthy
B. easy
C. possible
D. common
Answer : B
42. Statistics __________ always my worst subject.
A. are
B. were
C. is
D. have
Answer : C
43. Scientists, working to save the earth, have ___________ dry water that soaks carbon three times better than water, and hence helps ___________ global warming.
A. aided, cut
B. created, combat
C. built, stop
D. produced, increase
Answer : B
44. In spite of her other_____, Kasthuri still managed to find time for her hobbies.
A. occupations
B. preoccupations
C. predilections
D. business
Answer : B
45. Real friends, genuinely wanting the best for the organisation, ___________ different garbs.
A. come in
B. clad in
C. dressed in
D. clothed in
Answer : A
46. Nature is ______ and unchangeable , and it is ______ as to whetherits hidden reasons and ______ are ______ to man or not.
The option that best fill the blanks in the above sentence would be:

A. relentless, indifferent, actions, understandable
B. persistent, heartless, actions, comprehensible
C. inexorable, apathetic, activities, explicable
D. ineseapable, unconcerned, activities, intelligible
Answer : D
47. Infant mortality rate in China has____ from 200 per thousand to 14 per thousand.
A. retarded
B. declined
C. contracted
D. minimised
Answer : B
48. It is difficult to speak a language fluently unless ______ regularly.
A. it is in practice
B. it is by practising
C. it will be practised
D. it is practised
Answer : D
49. Throw a stone ______ the fierce dog.
A. at
B. upon
C. on
D. above
Answer : A
50. Laxmi lost an important file and rather than confessing her___ she blamed Sandra for losing it.
A. respect
B. image
C. attitude
D. mistake
Answer : D

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