
1000+ General Biology Set 2 MCQ for SBI Clerk [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. 1 gm of carbohydrate gives energy which is about
A. 3 k cal
B. 2 k cal
C. 4.2 k cal
D. 8.1 k cal
Answer : C
2. Cretinism is due to the disorder of the glands
A. Thymus
B. Parathyroid
C. Thyroid
D. Adrenal
Answer : C
3. Desert plants are called
A. Xerophytes
B. Bryophytes
C. Pteridophytes
D. Halophytes
Answer : A
4. When the earth was formed it had an atmosphere with
A. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
B. Water Vapour, Hydrogen and Oxygen
C. Oxygen, Carbondioxide and Nitrogen
D. Water Vapour, Ammonia and Methane
Answer : D
5. Foal' is the young on of the
A. Cat
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Horse
Answer : D
6. Which among the following is a Cast growing tree?
A. Teak
B. Eucalyptus
C. Banyan
D. Coconut
Answer : B
7. The cell theory of Schleiden and Schwann states that
A. cells reproduce by mitosis or meiosis
B. all cells have nuclei
C. cells are basic units of plants and animals
D. cells arise only from pre-existing cells
Answer : C
8. What are the symptoms of 'Pellagra'?
A. Colour blindness
B. Rickets
C. Patches of skin
D. Soft bones
Answer : C
9. Blood is a kind of
A. epithelial tissue
B. connective tissue
C. nervous tissue
D. cartilage
Answer : B
10. Tuberculosis is caused by
A. tobacco
B. tubers
C. bacteria
D. virus
Answer : C
11. Who first observed the plasma membrane?
A. William Seifriz
B. Schwann
C. Palade
D. None of the above
Answer : A
12. Rh+ blood is due to genes which are
A. dominant
B. recessive
C. codominant
D. neutral
Answer : A
13. Kwashiorkor' is caused by deficiency of
A. carbohydrates
B. proteins
C. fats
D. vitamins
Answer : B
14. The rate of growth of plants can be measured by a/an
A. manometer
B. auxanometer
C. photometer
D. thermometer
Answer : B
15. Cancer is induced by certain viruses called
A. poxviruses
B. adenoviruses
C. oncogenic viruses
D. herpesviruses
Answer : C
16. Lizards, snakes, crocodiles and turtles belong to the class
A. Aves
B. Reptilia
C. Mammalia
D. Amphibia
Answer : B
17. Injection of insulin causes
A. increase in glucose in blood
B. decrease in glucose in blood
C. increase in blood pressure
D. decrease in blood pressure
Answer : B
18. Fibrinogen is present in
A. lymph
B. liver
C. blood plasma
D. pancreas
Answer : C
19. The tallest tree in the world Sequoia™ is found in
C. former USSR
D. China
Answer : B
20. Which of the following plays an important part in photosynthesis?
A. Chloroplast
B. Centrosome
C. Tonoplast
D. Nematoblast
Answer : A
21. Food substances are substances by
A. hormones
B. enzymes
C. vitamins
D. zymogens
Answer : B
22. The natural defence of our body against foreign germs is formed by
A. red corpuscles
B. white corpuscles
C. platelets
D. lymph
Answer : B
23. The medulla oblongata encloses the
A. optic lobe
B. optic capsule
C. second ventricle
D. fourth ventricle
Answer : B
24. Plant diseases are spread by
A. insects
B. man
C. wind
D. All the above
Answer : D
25. Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?
C. Blood platelets
D. Lymph
Answer : C
26. Chromosome theory of inheritance was propounded by
A. Sutton and Boveri
B. Mendel
C. Muller
D. Beadle and Tatum
Answer : A
27. The first person to observe the bacteria, protozoa and spermatozoa under the microscope was
A. Theodore Schwann
B. Matthias Schleidon
C. Robert Hooke
D. Leuwenhoek
Answer : D
28. The energy for the sperm to swim and reach the egg is provided by
A. tail
B. head
C. neck
D. mitochondria
Answer : D
29. The specific gravity of blood
A. lower than water
B. higher than water
C. same as water
D. many times that of water
Answer : B
30. Which among the following is a communicable disease?
A. Beri Beri
B. Diabetes
C. Leucoderma
D. Dysentery
Answer : D
31. From the end of the Triassic to the cretaceous period the earth was ruled by
A. eurypterids
B. cotylosaurs
C. dinosaurs
D. mammals
Answer : C
32. Plague is caused by
A. Bacteria
B. Virus
C. Fungus
D. Fleas
Answer : A
33. Herbivores are
A. primary consumers
B. secondary consumers
C. tertiary consumers
D. decomposers
Answer : A
34. AIDS is caused by the organisms which are
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. viruses (HTLV III)
D. Protozoa
Answer : C
35. Milk fever in cows occurs due to lack of
A. Phosphates
B. Calcium
C. Iron
D. Iodine
Answer : A
36. The artificial kidney is a
A. machine
B. transplant
C. another's kidney
D. other kidney form same body
Answer : A
37. Riboflavin is otherwise known as
A. vitamin B-complex
B. vitamin B2
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin E
Answer : B
38. The rate of heartbeat is accelerated by the hormone
A. adrenaline
B. acetylcholine
C. thyroxine
D. pituitrin
Answer : A
39. Scurvy is prevented by vitamin
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
Answer : C
40. Which one of the following was probably absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?
A. Ammonia
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Carbon
Answer : B
41. The valve between the right auricle and right ventricle is called
A. Tricuspid
B. Bicuspid
C. Monocuspid
D. Semilunar
Answer : A
42. Under the immunisation programme's Govt. of India is providing vaccination to prevent some vaccine-preventable diseases. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Diphtheria
C. Tetanus
D. Plague
Answer : D
43. Vitamin D is known as anti-rachitic vitamin because it cures the deficiency disease called
A. Rickets
B. Beriberi
C. Xerophthalmia
D. Sterility
Answer : A
44. Sex linked genes are carried by
A. X-chromosomes
B. Y-chromosomes
C. different part of X- and Y-chromosomes
D. autosomes
Answer : C
45. Carbohydrates are mainly needed for
A. growth
B. immunity
C. repair
D. energy
Answer : D
46. Tetrodotoxin is a potent poison that
A. erodes blood vessels
B. blocks conduction of nerve impulses causing respiratory paralysis
C. produces damage to the kidneys
D. produces intestinal bleeding
Answer : B
47. Maintenance of pregnancy is under the control of
A. follicular stimulating hormone
B. growth hormone
C. estrogen
D. progesterone
Answer : D
48. Lamarck's theory of inheritance of acquired characters was challenged by
A. August Weismann
B. Hugo de Vries
C. Herbert- Spencer
D. Carl Linnaeus
Answer : A
49. The theory that cells arise from the pre-existing cells was proposed by
A. Nageli
B. Virchow
C. Schleiden
D. Muller
Answer : B
50. Which of the following contains the highest protein content per gram?
A. Groundnut
B. Soyabean
C. Apple
D. Wheat
Answer : B

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