
1000+ General Physics MCQ for NMAT [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Photoelectric cell is a device which converts
A. light energy into electrical energy
B. electrical energy into light energy
C. magnetic energy into electrical energy
D. electrical energy into mechanical energy
Answer : A
2. Frictional force acts in
A. the same direction as the motion
B. the opposite direction of the motion
C. all the directions
D. upward direction
Answer : B
3. The rings of Saturn were discovered by
A. Galileo
B. Bhaskara
C. Aryabhatta
D. Ptolemy
Answer : A
4. Rays from the headlight of a motor car are rendered parallel by suitably using
A. a convex mirror behind it
B. a concave lens behind it
C. a concave mirror in front of it
D. a concave mirror behind it
Answer : D
5. The principle on which a Jet engine works is
A. conservation of mass
B. Newtonian law of action and reaction
C. conservation of angular momentum
D. None of the above
Answer : B
6. Before the invention of geostationary satellites, television stations could not transmit their programmes to far off places because
A. these signals are electromagnetic in nature
B. these are not electromagnetic in nature
C. their wavelength is very large
D. they are not reflected by the ionosphere but pass through it
Answer : D
7. Which metal is used in storage batteries?
A. Copper
B. Lead
C. Tin
D. Iron
Answer : B
8. At temperature near OK, (zero kelvin) metals such as lead and tin become
A. insulators
B. semiconductors
C. superconductors
D. condenser
Answer : C
9. When the velocity of a body is halved
A. its momentum is halved
B. its kinetic energy is halved
C. its acceleration is halved
D. its potential energy is halved
Answer : A
10. Which of the following apparatus is used in the electrolysis of water?
A. Voltmeter
B. Voltameter
C. Ammeter
D. Potentiometer
Answer : B
11. Acoustics' la a branch or study dealing with
A. historical sites
B. architecture
C. sound
D. trigonometry
Answer : C
12. The largest reserve of radioactive element which can be used in a nuclear reactor has been found in India, The name of the element is
A. Thorium
B. Uranium
C. Plutonium
D. Radium
Answer : A
13. If a body weight 12N on the surface of the earth, how much will it weigh on the surface of the moon where acceleration due to gravity is only one-sixth of that on earth's surface?
A. 12N
B. 2N
C. 10N
D. 6N
Answer : B
14. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction is Newton's law of Motion
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer : C
15. In a microphone
A. sound energy is converted into electrical energy
B. electrical energy is converted into sound energy
C. sound energy is converted into mechanical energy
D. mechanical energy is converted into sound energy
Answer : A
16. Alternating Current (AC) is more advantageous than direct current because
A. it can be transmitted easily and efficiently
B. Alternating Current (AC) loses the least amount of energy when transmitted at high voltages
C. Alternating Current (AC) voltage can be easily increased or decreased
D. all the above
Answer : D
17. Light from the sun reaches the earth in
A. 2 minutes
B. 4 minutes
C. 12 minutes
D. 8 minutes
Answer : D
18. Like magnetic poles
A. attract each other
B. repel each other
C. neither attract nor repel
D. attract or repel depending upon the conditions
Answer : B
19. The colour of a star is an indication of its
A. distance from the earth
B. age
C. temperature
D. size
Answer : C
20. The filament lamp is an example for
A. fluorescence
B. incandescence
C. both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer : B
21. The velocity of sound in air
A. increases as the square root of the absolute temperature
B. decreases with temperature
C. is independent of temperature
D. None of these
Answer : A
22. A rod of brass is held in hand and rubbed with fur. The rod is found to have
A. no charge
B. positive charge
C. negative charge
D. can't be said
Answer : A
23. The resistance of a wire depends on
A. the material of the wire
B. the length of the wire
C. the cross section of the wire
D. All the above
Answer : D
24. Which of the following sets of elementary particles have nearly equal masses?
A. Neutron and Proton
B. Electron and Proton
C. Neutron and Electron
D. Proton, Neutron and Electron
Answer : A
25. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in Vehicles?
A. Parabolic
B. Convex
C. Concave
D. Plain
Answer : B
26. Which metal is used in storage batteries?
A. Copper
B. Lead
C. Tin
D. Iron
Answer : B
27. Some persons are not able to see distant objects clearly because the image of the object is focused in front of the retina. This defect is known as
A. short sight
B. long sight
C. astigmatism
D. presbyopia
Answer : A
28. Lightning is produced when
A. similar charges of electricity rush towards each other and then get repelled
B. clouds strike against impurities in air and the friction burns up these impurities
C. strong opposite charges in different clouds break down the resistance offered by the intervening air
D. water vapour produces electricity in the clouds
Answer : C
29. No current will flow between two charged bodies if they have the same
A. resistance
B. charge
C. potential
D. charge/potential ratio
Answer : C
30. When a body is projected upwards
A. the time for the upward journey and downward journey are the same
B. the upward journey takes more time
C. the downward journey takes more time
D. Can't be said
Answer : A
31. Railway tracks are banked on curves so that
A. the necessary centrifugal force may be obtained from the horizontal component of the weight of the train
B. the frictional force between the track and the wheels is avoided
C. the necessary centripetal force may be derived from the horizontal component of the weight of the train
D. None of these
Answer : C
32. The period of a geostationary (synchronous) satellite orbiting the earth over the equator la
A. 16 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 20 hours
D. 24 hours
Answer : D
33. Ultrasonic waves are used
A. in medical and surgical diagnosis
B. in testing the quality of the linings and pads used in vehicles and aircraft brakes
C. to clean surgical instruments, jewellery and similar articles
D. All the above
Answer : D
34. The light from the star nearest to the sun reaches the earth in
A. 8 minutes
B. 4.3 years
C. 12 seconds
D. 24 hours
Answer : B
35. The overhead wires supported by high towers in the grid system carry
A. alternating current of very high frequency
B. alternating current of very high voltage
C. a very large direct current
D. a high voltage direct current
Answer : B
36. Changing of one element into another element is known as
A. transmutation
B. fission
C. fusion
D. radioactivity
Answer : A
37. If a bar magnet is broken into two pieces
A. both pieces will lose their magnetism
B. one piece will have North Pole on both ends and the other South Pole on its both ends
C. each will remain a magnet with North Pole at one end and South Pole at the other
D. the longer piece will behave as a bar magnet while the smaller will have no magnetism at all
Answer : C
38. Credit for starting Space Science Research in India goes to
A. HJ Bhabha
B. SS Bhatnagar
C. V Sarabhai
D. CV Raman
Answer : C
39. The SI unit of electric current is
A. the ampere
B. the volt
C. the ohm
D. the coulomb
Answer : A
40. To produce beats it is necessary to have two waves
A. travelling in opposite direction
B. of slightly different frequencies
C. of equal wavelength
D. of equal amplitude
Answer : B
41. If you want to open a door with les difficulty you push it
A. at the middle
B. at a point away from the hinge (near the rim)
C. near the hinge
D. None of the above
Answer : B
42. When a charged rod is brought near a collection of small pith balls, the balls
A. will jump rapidly up and down for a short time
B. will remain unaffected
C. Both (a) and (b) above
D. It will produce electric shock
Answer : A
43. In which of the following will a piece of iron weigh most?
A. in air
B. in an atmosphere of oxygen
C. in an atmosphere of CO2
D. in vacuum
Answer : D
44. Water has maximum density at
A. 0° C
B. -15° C
C. 4° C
D. 15° C
Answer : C
45. A cyclist leans inwards when he is negotiating a curve 10 that
A. he may increase his speed
B. his weight may be reduced
C. ncessary centripetal force may be available from the horizontal component of the normal reaction due to the track to maintain the curved motion
D. no frictional force may be produced between the wheels and the axle
Answer : C
46. A photon is
A. a quantum of electromagnetic radiation
B. light source used in photography
C. a photo film
D. sun-light
Answer : A
47. Rays from the headlight of a motor car are rendered parallel by suitably using
A. a convex mirror behind it
B. a concave lens behind it
C. a concave mirror in front of it
D. a concave mirror behind it
Answer : D
48. The audible range of a normal human ear is frequencies ranging from
A. 10000 to 20000 Hz
B. 50 to 15000 Hz
C. 20 to 20000 Hz
D. 15 to 50000 Hz
Answer : C
49. The Cact that the compass needle does not point true north was observed first by
A. Sir Isaac Newton
B. Columbus
C. Archimedes
D. Thomas Alva Edison
Answer : B
50. A photon is
A. a quantum of electromagnetic radiation
B. light source used in photography
C. a photo film
D. sun-light
Answer : A

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