
1000+ Industrial Engineering & Production Management Test MCQ for IIFT [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Work study involves
A. Only method study
B. Only work measurement
C. Method study and work measurement
D. Only motion study
Answer : C
2. Gantt charts provide information about
A. Breakeven point analysis
B. Production schedule
C. Material handling layout
D. Determining selling price
Answer : B
3. The employees provident fund act is applicable to
A. All industries
B. All industries other than small and medium industries
C. Volunteers
D. The industries notified by Government
Answer : D
4. Work study is done with the help of
A. Process chart
B. Material handling
C. Stop watch
D. All of the above
Answer : C
5. What does symbol 'D' imply in work study?
A. Inspection
B. Transport
C. Delay/temporary storage
D. Permanent storage
Answer : C
6. Probabilistic time for completion of any activity can be found out from
A. Optimistic time
B. Pessimistic time
C. Most likely time
D. All of these
Answer : D
7. Fixed position layout is also known as
A. Analytical layout
B. Synthetic layout
C. Static product layout
D. None of these
Answer : C
8. According to MAPI formula, the old machine should be replaced by new one when (CAM = Challenger's Adverse minimum DAM = Defender's Adverse minimum)
D. There is no such criterion
Answer : A
9. Queueing theory is used for
A. Inventory problems
B. Traffic congestion studies
C. Job-shop scheduling
D. All of the above
Answer : D
10. Product layout is best suited where
A. One type of product is produced
B. Product is standardised
C. Product is manufactured in large quantities
D. All of the above
Answer : D
11. Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram?
A. The events are represented graphically by circles or nodes at the beginning and the end of activity by arrows.
B. The tail end of the arrow represents the start of an activity.
C. The head of the arrow represents the end of an activity.
D. All of the above
Answer : D
12. Scheduling gives information about
A. When work should start and how much work should be completed during a certain period
B. When work should complete
C. That how idle time can be minimized
D. Proper utilisation of machines
Answer : A
13. In process layout
A. Handling and backtracking of materials is too much
B. Production control is more difficult and costly
C. Routing and scheduling is more difficult
D. All of the above
Answer : D
14. The most popular type of organisation used for Civil Engineering Constructions is
A. Line organisation
B. Line and staff organisation
C. Functional organisation
D. Effective organisation
Answer : A
15. The probability distribution of project completion in PERT follows following distribution
A. Normal
B. Binomial
C. Exponential
D. Gaussian
Answer : D
16. The difference between the time available to do the job and the time required to do the job, is known as
A. Event
B. Float
C. Duration
D. Constraint
Answer : B
17. PERT analysis is based upon
A. Optimistic time
B. Pessimistic time
C. Most likely time
D. All of these
Answer : D
18. Pick up the correct step used for scheduling a project by C.P.M.
A. A project is divided into various activities
B. Required time for each activity is established
C. Sequence of various activities is made according to their importance
D. All of the above
Answer : D
19. Standard time as compared to normal time is
A. Greater
B. Smaller
C. Equal
D. There is no such correlation
Answer : A
20. For a small scale industry, the fixed cost per month is Rs. 5000. The variable cost per product is Rs. 20 and sales price is Rs. 30 per piece. The break even production per month will be
A. 300
B. 460
C. 500
D. 1000
Answer : C
21. One of the basic essentials of an incentive plan is that
A. A differential piece rate system should exist
B. Minimum wages should be guaranteed
C. Provide incentive to group efficiency performance
D. All standards should be based on time studies
Answer : D
22. Work study is concerned with
A. Improving present method and finding standard time
B. Motivation of workers
C. Improving production capability
D. Improving production planning and control
Answer : A
23. Gantt chart is used for
A. Inventory control
B. Material handling
C. Production schedule
D. Machine repair schedules
Answer : C
24. If a worker gets a daily wage of Rs HA, then according to Rowan plan, his maximum daily earnings can be
A. 2 HA
B. 1.33 HA
C. 1.5 HA
D. 1.15 HA
Answer : A
25. The artificial activity, which indicates that an activity following it cannot be started unless, the preceding activity is complete, is known as
A. Event
B. Free float
C. Artificial
D. Dummy
Answer : D
26. A dummy activity in a net work diagram
A. Is represented by a dotted line
B. Is an artificial activity
C. Does not consume time or resources
D. All of these
Answer : D
27. The process layout is best suited where
A. Specialisation exists
B. Machines are arranged according to sequence of operation
C. Few number of non-standardised units is to be produced
D. Mass production is envisaged
Answer : C
28. Value engineering aims at finding out the
A. Depreciation value of a product
B. Resale value of a product
C. Major function of the item and accomplishing the same at least cost without change in quality
D. Breakeven point when machine requires change
Answer : C
29. The simplex method is the basic method for
A. Value analysis
B. Operation research
C. Linear programming
D. Model analysis
Answer : C
30. Dummy activities are used to
A. Determine the critical path
B. Determine the project completion time
C. Maintain the required net work
D. None of these
Answer : C
31. Which of the following type of layout is suitable for automobile manufacturing concern?
A. Product layout
B. Process layout
C. Fixed position layout
D. Combination layout
Answer : A
32. Gantt charts are used for
A. Forecasting sales
B. Production schedule
C. Scheduling and routing
D. Linear programming
Answer : B
33. The most suitable incentive plan for the maintenance section of an industry will be
A. Piece rate system
B. Group incentive plan
C. Profit sharing plans
D. Simplification
Answer : B
34. A systematic job improvement sequence will consist of
A. Motion study
B. Time study
C. Job enrichment
D. All of these
Answer : D
35. F. W. Taylor introduced a system of organisation known as
A. Line organisation
B. Functional organisation
C. Line and staff organisation
D. Line, staff and functional organisation
Answer : B
36. At the breakeven point,
A. Total cost is more than the sales revenue
B. Total cost is less than the sales revenue
C. Total cost is equal to sales revenue
D. Fixed cost is equal to variable cost
Answer : C
37. String diagram is used when
A. Team of workers is working at a place
B. Material handling is to be done
C. Idle time is to be reduced
D. All of the above
Answer : A
38. Product layout is used for
A. Job production
B. Batch production
C. Mass production
D. Any one of these
Answer : C
39. Pick up the correct statement about relationship between various floats
A. Free float = total float
B. Independent float = total float
C. Independent float > free float
D. Independent float < free float
Answer : D
40. Pick up the correct statement from the following
A. If the float is positive and the activity is delayed by a period equal to its total float, the completion of project in no delayed
B. If the float of an activity is negative, delay in its performance is bound to delay the completion of project
C. If the float of an activity is zero, the activity is critical and any delay in its performance will delay the whole project
D. All of the above
Answer : D
41. Which of the following layouts is suited to job production?
A. Process layout
B. Product layout
C. Fixed position layout
D. Plant layout
Answer : A
42. Breakeven analysis consists of
A. Fixed cost
B. Variable cost
C. Fixed and variable costs
D. Operation costs
Answer : C
43. Which of the following depreciation system ensures that the interest be charged on the cost of machine asset every year on the book value, but the rate of depreciation every year remains constant
A. Sinking fund method
B. Straight line method
C. ABC charging method
D. Annuity charging method
Answer : D
44. The start or completion of task is called
A. An event
B. An activity
C. A duration
D. None of these
Answer : A
45. Breakeven analysis is a
A. Short term analysis
B. Long term analysis
C. Average of short and long term analysis
D. Any one of these
Answer : A
46. A critical activity has
A. Maximum slack
B. Minimum slack
C. Zero slack
D. Average slack
Answer : C
47. If A is the total items consumed per year, P is the procurement cost per order, and C is the annual inventory carrying cost per item, then the most economic ordering quantity is given by
B. 2AP/C
C. ?(AP/C)
D. (AP/C)2
Answer : C
48. The breakeven point represents
A. The most economical level of operation of any industry
B. The time when unit can run without i loss and profit
C. Time when industry will undergo loss
D. The time when company can make maximum profits
Answer : C
49. Bin card is used in
A. Administrative wing
B. Workshop
C. Foundry shop
D. Stores
Answer : D
50. The process capability of a machine is defined as the capability of the machine to
A. Produces a definite volume of work per minute
B. Perform definite number of operations
C. Produce job at a definite spectrum of speed
D. Holds a definite spectrum of tolerance and surface finish
Answer : A

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