
1000+ Linux OS Multiple Choice Question Answer [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. To view all the installed RPM packages use
A. rpm -qa
B. rpm -iv
C. rpm -h
D. rpm -I
Answer : A
2. cat > abc, if the requested file does not exist, error will be given by
A. Kernel
B. Shell
C. root
D. None of the above
Answer : A
3. Samba is actually a
A. Share
B. File server
C. File
D. None of the above
Answer : B
4. init 6 is
A. Shutdown
B. Restart
C. Text mode
D. Graphics mode
Answer : B
5. ls j?e - output will be
A. Filenames with 3 charcter
B. Filenames with 4 charcter
C. Filenames with 5 charcter
D. Filenames with 10 charcter
Answer : A
6. The X-Window system in Linux is a
A. program development environment
B. graphical user interface
C. tool to connect Linux with Windows
D. none of the above
Answer : B
7. All device files are stored in
A. /device
B. /etc/dev
C. /bin
D. /dev
Answer : D
8. When an user is deleted it home directory contents are also deleted
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
9. There can be only ----- job in foreground.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : A
10. What is the relation between grep & egrep
A. egrap is a mother of grep.
B. Egrap is totally difference
C. Egrap is a another version of grep.
D. None of these.
Answer : C
11. To delete an user along with its home directory, the command is
A. userdel -d username
B. userdel -D username
C. userdel -r username
D. userdel -R username
Answer : C
12. For a user _______ is an autoexec.bat equivalent file in Linux
A. .bashrc
B. .bash_rc
C. .bash_profile
D. .bashprofile
Answer : C
13. Protocols used by Linux are
D. None of the above
Answer : A
14. To see the process status which command you will use?
A. chmod
B. ps
C. ls-l
D. head
Answer : B
15. ________ gives information about an user
A. who
B. who am i
C. who -i
D. None of the above
Answer : B
16. Which command is used to compare files?
A. cmp
B. diff
C. head
D. All of these
Answer : A
17. To access a directory the minimum permission required is
A. r
B. w
C. x
D. All
Answer : C
18. The mounted partition information is stored in
A. /etc/passwd
B. /etc/fstab
C. /etc/inittab
D. /sbin/lilo
Answer : B
19. A swap partition is actually
A. Primary partition
B. Extended partition
C. Extended memory
D. Virtual memory
Answer : D
20. /dev is used for
A. Executable file
B. Contains include file
C. Contain compiler file.
D. Device file & resource file.
Answer : D
21. Linux is a dedicated server
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
22. To get information about the Ethernet card, ___________ command is used
A. ipconfig
B. ifconfig
C. eth0
D. man Ethernet
Answer : B
23. The command to view the partition information is
A. fsck
B. fstab
C. fdisk
D. diskdruid
Answer : C
24. mkdir - p is used for
A. Making directory under parent directory.
B. Making directory non existing parent directory.
C. Specified the mode of directory.
D. None of the above
Answer : B
25. chmod 632 stuff means
A. Gives read & write& execute permission for owner write & execute for group read permission for other.
B. Gives read & write permission for owner write & execute for group Write permission for other.
C. Gives write permission for owner write & execute for group Write permission for other.
D. Gives read & write permission for owner read & execute for group Write permission for other.
Answer : B
26. Hidden file can be viewed using
A. ls -l
B. ls -a
C. ls -h
D. None of the above
Answer : B
27. Shell is a
A. Program
B. Hardware
C. Account
D. None of the above
Answer : A
28. wc -l will give the
A. Number of lines
B. Number of characters
C. Number of words
D. All of the above
Answer : A
29. Linux mount partition must be a primary partition
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
30. -wxrwx-x is equivalent to
A. 567
B. 675
C. 571
D. 672
Answer : C
31. To unmount a filesystem ________ command is ised
A. Umount
B. unmount
C. dismount
D. mount -u
Answer : A
32. The command to check a partition is
A. fsck
B. fstab
C. fdisk
D. diskdruid
Answer : A
33. To start graphics mode use
A. init 3
B. init 5
C. init 0
D. init 6
Answer : B
34. During Linux booting the init program is called by
B. Bootstrap
C. Sysinit
D. Kernel
Answer : D
35. Linux is a ---------------Operating System
A. Single User
B. Multi User
C. Time Sharing
D. None of the above
Answer : B
36. Output of the command 'wc <filename>' is
A. Show only line
B. Show only word.
C. Show alphabet, line, word.
D. Show only file name.
Answer : C
37. Read & Write permission means
A. 1
B. 6
C. 2
D. 0
Answer : B
38. Name of the kernel file in Linux is
A. lkrnl
B. vmlinux
C. linuxbin
D. none of the above
Answer : D
39. In practical, at the most _____ terminals can be opened at a time
A. 3
B. 6
C. 10
D. 12
Answer : B
40. _______ is used to rename files
A. ren
B. move
C. rename
D. mv
Answer : D
41. To change the ownership of a file use
A. chmod
B. chgrp
C. chown
D. change
Answer : C
42. A user is logged in on a terminal; root tries to delete the user. Will the user be deleted?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : B
43. What is the meaning of chmod 444 stuf?
A. Gives all user write permission.
B. Gives all user execute permission.
C. Gives all user read permission.
D. All of the above.
Answer : C
44. _______ is used to change the file/folder permission
A. chown
B. chmod
C. mod
D. chgrp
Answer : B
45. An user can login without password
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
46. To check if a service is running, the command is
A. Ntsysv
B. setup
C. /etc/rc.d/init.d/service
D. /etc/serice
Answer : A
47. Default file system type of Linux is
A. etx
B. ext2
C. etx3
D. mimix
Answer : C
48. ls - t is used for
A. Sort by name
B. Sort by date
C. Sort by time stamp
D. Sort by alphabetic order
Answer : C
49. The symbol of wildcard(s) is
A. w
B. `
C. ? *
D. None of the above.
Answer : C
50. Samba password and user password are same
A. True
B. False
Answer : B

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