
1000+ Microsoft Excel MCQ for CAT [Solved]

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Each excel file is called a workbook because
A. It can contain text and data
B. It can be modified
C. It can contain many sheets including worksheets and chart sheets
D. You have to work hard to create it
Answer : C
2. We can save and protect the workbook by
A. Write Reservation Password
B. Protection Password
C. Read-only Recommended
D. Any of the above
Answer : D
3. Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel
A. Number
B. Character
C. Label
D. Date/time
Answer : B
4. What is the short cut key to replace a data with another in sheet?
A. Ctrl + R
B. Ctrl + Shift + R
C. Ctrl + H
D. Ctrl + F
Answer : C
5. You can set Page Border in Excel from
A. From Border tab in Format Cells dialog box
B. From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
C. From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
D. You can not set page border in Excel
Answer : D
6. Which area in an excel window allows entering values and formulas
A. Title bar
B. Menu bar
C. Formula bar
D. Standard toolbar
Answer : C
7. A circular reference is
A. Geometric modeling tool
B. A cell that points to a drawing object
C. A formula that either directly or indirectly depends on itself
D. Always erroneous
Answer : C
8. To create a formula, you can use:
A. Values but not cell references
B. Cell references but not values
C. Values or cell references although not both at the same time
D. Value and cell references
Answer : D
9. To copy cell contents using drag and drop press the
A. End key
B. Shift key
C. Ctrl key
D. Esc key
Answer : A
10. How can you show or hide the gridlines in Excel Worksheet?
A. Go to Tools >> Options >> View tab and mark or remove the check box named Gridline
B. Click Gridline tool on Forms toolbar
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : C
11. The numbers in our worksheet look like this: You want them to look like this: $1,000.How can you accomplish this?
A. None of these
B. Select Format > Money from the menu
C. Click the Currency Style button on the formatting toolbar
D. You have to retype everything and manually add the dollar signs, commas, and decimals
Answer : C
12. The chart wizard term data series refers to
A. A chart legend
B. A collection of chart data markers
C. A set of values you plot in a chart
D. A data label
Answer : B
13. In a worksheet you can select
A. The entire worksheet
B. Rows
C. Columns
D. All of the above
Answer : B
14. Which of the following series type is not valid for Fill Series dialog box?
A. Linear
B. Growth
C. Autofill
D. Time
Answer : D
15. You can enter which types of data into worksheet cells?
A. Labels, values, and formulas
B. Labels and values but not formulas
C. Values and formulas but not labels
D. Formulas only
Answer : A
16. In the formula, which symbol specifies the fixed columns or rows?
A. $
B. *
C. %
D. &
Answer : A
17. You can merge the main document with data source in Excel. In mail merge operation, Word is usually
A. server
B. source
C. client
D. none
Answer : C
18. Edit >> Delete command
A. Deletes the content of a cell
B. Deletes Formats of cell
C. Deletes the comment of cell
D. Deletes selected cells
Answer : D
19. Excel files have a default extension of
A. Xls
B. Xlw
C. Wk1
D. 123
Answer : A
20. Which of the following is not information you can specify using the solver?
A. Input cells
B. Constraints
C. Target cell
D. Changing cells
Answer : A
21. To view a cell comment
A. click the edit comment command on the insert menu
B. click the display comment command on the window menu
C. position the mouse pointer over the cell
D. click the comment command on the view menu
Answer : C
22. You can use the format painter multiple times before you turn it off by
A. You can use the format painter button on ly one time when you click it
B. Double clicking the format painter button
C. Pressing the Ctrl key and clicking the format painter button
D. Pressing the Alt key and clicking the format painter button
Answer : B
23. Which menu option can be sued to split windows into two
A. Format > window
B. View > window > split
C. Window > split
D. View > split
Answer : C
24. You can move a sheet from one workbook into new book by
A. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy sheet, mark the Create a ccopy and Click OK
B. From Edit menu choose Move of Copy then choose (Move to end) and click OK
C. From Edit menu choose Move or Copy then select (new book) from To Book list and click OK
D. None of above
Answer : C
25. Which command will you choose to convert a column of data into row?
A. Cut and Paste
B. Edit >> Paste Special >> Transpose
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : B
26. Which of the following is invalid statement?
A. Sheet tabs can be colored
B. Some picture can be applied as a background of a sheet
C. You can set the column width automatically fit the amount of text
D. The width of a row and be specified manually or fit automatically
Answer : D
27. Each excel file is a workbook that contains different sheets. Which of the following can not be a sheet in workbook?
A. work sheet
B. chart sheet
C. module sheet
D. data sheet
Answer : D
28. A worksheet range is a
A. A command used for data modeling
B. A range of values such as from 23 to 234
C. A group of cells
D. A group of worksheets
Answer : C
29. What will be the output if you format the cell containing 5436.8 as #,##0.00'?
A. 5430
B. 5436.80
C. 5436.8
D. 6.8
Answer : B
30. Which tool you will use to join some cells and place the content at the middle of joined cell?
A. From Format Cells dialog box click on Merge Cells check box
B. From Format Cells dialog box select the Centered alignment
C. From Format Cells dialog box choose Merge and Center check box
D. Click on Merge and Center tool on formatting toolbar
Answer : D
31. Ctrl + D shortcut key in Excel will
A. Open the font dialog box
B. Apply double underline for the active cell
C. Fill down in the selection
D. None of above
Answer : C
32. B7:B9 indicates:
A. Cells B7 and cell B9 only
B. Cells B7 through B9
C. Cell B8 only
D. None of the above
Answer : B
33. When the formula bar is active, you can see
A. The edit formula button
B. The cancel button
C. The enter button
D. All of the above
Answer : D
34. Concatenation of text can be done using
A. Apostrophe ( )
B. Exclamation ( ! )
C. Hash ( # )
D. Ampersand ( & )
Answer : D
35. Where can you change automatic or manual calculation mode in Excel?
A. Double CAL indicator on status bar
B. Go to Tools >> Options >> Calculation and mark the corresponding radio button
C. Both of above
D. None of above
Answer : B
36. You can select a single range of cells by
A. Clicking the upper-left cell in a group of cells and then pressing the Shift key while clicking the lower right cell in a group of cells
B. Pressing the Ctrl key while dragging over the desired cells
C. Pressing the Shift key and an arrow key
D. Dragging over the desired cells
Answer : D
37. Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
A. Edit, Chart
B. Insert, Chart
C. Tools, Chart
D. Format, Chart
Answer : B
38. When a row of data is to be converted into columns
A. Copy the cells in row, select the same number of cells in row and paste
B. Copy the cells in column then choose Edit >> Paste Special, then click Transpose and OK
C. Copy the cells then go to Format >> Cells then on Alignment tab click Transpose check box and click OK
D. Select the cells then place the cell pointer on new cell and choose Edit >> Paste Special, mark Transpose check box and click OK
Answer : D
39. Which of the following is not a worksheet design criterion?
A. Efficiency
B. Aditibility
C. Description
D. Clarity
Answer : C
40. You can convert existing excel worksheet data an charts to an HTML document by using
A. FTP wizard
B. Internet assistant wizard
C. Intranet wizard
D. Import wizard
Answer : B
41. To center worksheet titles across a range of cells, you must
A. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be centered
B. Widen the columns
C. Select the cells containing the title text plus the range over which the title text is to be enfettered
D. Format the cells with the comma style
Answer : A
42. When you insert an excel file into a word document. The data are
A. Hyperlinked placed in a word table
B. Linked
C. Embedded
D. Use the word menu bar and toolbars
Answer : B
43. Excel uniquely identifies cells within a worksheet with a cell name
A. Cell names
B. Column numbers and row letters
C. Column letters and row numbers
D. Cell locator coordinates
Answer : C
44. You can use the drag and drop method to
A. Copy cell contents
B. Move cell contents
C. Add cell contents
D. a and b
Answer : D
45. In help menu of Excel, which of the following tabs are found?
A. Contents tab
B. Answer Wizard tab
C. Index tab
D. all of the above
Answer : D
46. How do you select an entire column?
A. Select Edit > Select > Column from the menu
B. Click the column heading letter
C. Hold down the shift key as you click anywhere in the column
D. Hold down the Ctrl key as you click anywhere in the column
Answer : B
47. Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?
A. Paper
B. Margin
C. Layout
D. Orientation
Answer : B
48. An Excel Workbook is a collection of .......
A. Workbooks
B. Worksheets
C. Charts
D. Worksheets and Charts
Answer : D
49. How many worksheets can a workbook have?
A. 3
B. 8
C. 255
D. none of above
Answer : D
50. How do you display current date only in MS Excel?
A. date ()
B. Today ()
C. now ()
D. time ()
Answer : B

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