
Asp Programming MCQ Solved Paper for LIC AAO

Thursday 9th of March 2023

Sharing is caring

1. Anything appearing after ________ is cleared
A. Response.Flush
B. Response.End
C. Response.Buffer
D. Response.Clear
Answer : B
2. If someone accidentally deletes the Page Directive of an ASP.NET page say "First.aspx" under "Sales", what will you do?
A. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" Inherits="FirstQuarter"%>
B. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" ClassName="Sales.FirstQuarter"%>
C. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" Inherits="Sales.FirstQuarter"%>
D. <%@ Page Language="vb" Codebehind="FirstQuarter.aspx.vb" ClassName="Sales.FirstQuarter" Inherits="FirstQuarter"%>
Answer : C
3. To make an HTML control behave as a Server control, ___________ option must be set.
A. Server Control
B. Run As Server Control
C. Run As Web Control
Answer : B
4. ____________ enables you to set a particular date when a page should no longer be cached by a browser or proxy server
A. Response.Expires
B. Session.Timeout
C. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
D. Response.CacheControl
Answer : C
5. In Global.asax there are _______ general methods
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
Answer : C
6. One difference between ASP.NET and ASP is that ASP is more structure than ASP.NET
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
7. What are unique properties of RangeValidator control?
A. Maximum value
B. Minimum value
C. Type
D. All of the above
Answer : D
8. The code file for WebForm1.aspx will be ___________
A. WebForm1.vbp
B. WebForm1.vb
C. WebForm1.frm
D. WebForm1.sln
Answer : B
9. You can specify a function name in
A. CustomValidator
B. RequiredFieldValidator
C. RangeValidator
D. ValidationSummary
Answer : A
10. _________ object represents all information sent form a browser to a server
A. Response
B. Request
C. Session
D. Application
Answer : B
11. We can write an XML document from ASP.NET without mentioning the encoding format ie even without specifying 'Nothing'
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
12. Why is Global.asax is used?
A. Declare Global variables
B. Implement application and session level events
C. No use
D. Both a and b
Answer : B
13. What is the default data type of a variable in ASP.NET?
A. Variant
B. Object
C. Integer
D. String
Answer : B
14. What class does a Web Service Inherit?
A. System.Web.Services
B. System.Web
C. System.Services
D. System.Web.Page
Answer : A
15. _________ object represents all information sent form a server to a browser
A. Response
B. Request
C. Session
D. Application
Answer : A
16. Default scripting language in ASP.
A. EcmaScript
B. VBScript
D. JavaScript
Answer : B
17. ______________ creates a read-only recordset that can scroll forward only.
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : A
18. Options available with SelectionMode are
A. Single
B. Single and Multiple
C. Single, Multiple and Extended
D. All of the above
Answer : B
19. In a DataSet if multible tables are used, they are identified by their
A. Names
B. Indexes
C. Any one of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : C
20. In ___________ records are locked when the update method is called
A. LockReadOnly
B. LockPessimistic
C. LockOptimistic
D. LockDynamic
Answer : C
21. For Adrotator control the XML file is mentioned through ________ property
A. File
B. Name
C. Advertisement File
D. Ad File
Answer : C
22. How do we create a FileSystemObject?
A. Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
B. Create("FileSystemObject")
C. Create Object:"Scripting.FileSystemObject"
D. Server.CreateObject("FileSystemObject")
Answer : A
23. To pass queries to Crystal Reports use
A. SelectionFormula
B. Formula
C. Filter
D. None of the above
Answer : A
24. ____________ enables you to add, modify and delete records and you will see the changes made by other users
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : C
25. ASP.NET uses _______ as the code behind
B. VBScript
C. JavaScript
D. Jscript
Answer : A
26. ASP.NET can be installed on Windows 98 machine
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
27. ___________ sets the time out period for a particular page in seconds
A. Session.Timeout
B. Server.ScriptTimeout
C. Response.Expires
D. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
Answer : B
28. ___________ controls how proxy servers temporarily store web pages
A. Expires
B. CacheControl
C. ExpiresAbsolute
D. None of the above
Answer : B
29. ASP.NET supports all data types that VB.NET supports
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
30. What keyword is necessary to expose a public function as a method of a Web Service?
A. WebSub()
B. WebFunction()
C. WebMethod()
D. WebClass
Answer : C
31. Difference between Response.Write() andResponse.Output.Write().
A. Response.Output.Write() allows you to buffer output
B. Response.Output.Write() allows you to write formatted output
C. Response.Output.Write() allows you to flush output
D. Response.Output.Write() allows you to stream output
Answer : B
32. The default method of a WebForm is
A. Page_Load
B. WebForm_Load
C. Form_Load
D. Page_Init
Answer : A
33. Web.config file is used...
A. Configures the time that the server-side codebehind module is called
B. To store the global information and variable definitions for the application
C. To configure the web server
D. To configure the web browser
Answer : B
34. The HTML control that helps to browse a file is
A. File
B. FileBrowser
C. Browser
D. Select
Answer : A
35. To open Microsoft Word from ASP.NET page use
A. Response.Content
B. Response.ContentType
C. Request.Content
D. Request.ContentType
Answer : B
36. How can you check if the page is visited for the first time
A. Use PostBack
B. Use IsPostBack
C. Use Post
D. Use Get
Answer : B
37. Cookies can be created with mentioning the expiry date

B. False
Answer : B
38. How do you get information from a form that is submitted using the "post" method?
A. Request.QueryString
B. Request.Form
C. Response.write
D. Response.writeln
Answer : B
39. To redirect an user to a particular page when a user logs in use
A. Use Response.Redirect in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Use Response.Redirect in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Use Server.MapPath in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Use Server.MapPath in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : A
40. Which of the following object is not an ASP component?
A. LinkCounter
B. Counter
C. AdRotator
D. File Access
Answer : A
41. Can you have more than one form declaration on a web form?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : B
42. To read an XML file from ASP.NET use
A. XMLTextReader
B. XMLReader
C. XML.Reader
D. ReadXML
Answer : A
43. ____________ converts virtual path to default path
A. Server.MapPath and Request.MapPath
B. Server.MapPath and Response.MapPath
C. Response.MapPath and Request.MapPath
D. All of the above
Answer : B
44. You need to modify an ASP.NET page to prevent the browser window from going blank after a postback and to maintain the correct control focus after events are processed. What should you do?
A. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:
B. Add the following attribute to the HTML code for the controls that cause the postbacks:
C. Add the following attribute to the Page directive for the aspx file:
D. Add the following attribute to the OutputCache directive for the aspx file:
Answer : C
45. Attribute must be set on a validator control for the validation to work.
A. ControlToValidate
B. ControlToBind
C. ValidateControl
D. Validate
Answer : A
46. In ASP.NET a page is inherited from System.Web.UI.Page. Here UI means
A. Universal Indicator
B. Uniform Indicator
C. User Interface
D. Universal Interface
Answer : C
47. ASP.NET if fully compatible with ASP
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
48. __________ and __________ event are the two most commonly supported server-side events. (Click and Change)
A. Click and Change
B. Click and DblClick
C. KeyUp and KeyDown
D. KeyEnter and KeyPress
Answer : A
49. Which of the following is not a member of ADODBCommand object?
A. ExecuteScalar
B. ExecuteStream
C. Open
D. ExecuteReader
Answer : C
50. ASP.NET use
A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
Answer : A

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