
Classifications of Animal Kindom MCQ Solved Paper for IIFT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. In fishes, lobed fins are found in
A. marine fishes
B. fresh water fishes
C. lung fishes
D. none of these
Answer : C
2. According to Whittaker, the term 'protista' includes
A. all types of single celled eukaryotic organisms
B. all types of single celled plants, animals as well as bacteria
C. all types of bacteria and blue green algae
D. all types of sinlge celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Answer : A
3. Ornithorhynchus is a
A. dinosaur
B. duck
C. fossil bird
D. monotreme mammal
Answer : D
4. A spider belongs to class
A. Insecta
B. Myriapoda
C. Arachnida
D. Onychophora
Answer : C
5. Tapeworm is placed in class
A. Cestoda
B. Trematoda
C. Sporozoa
D. Suctoria
Answer : B
6. Sepia is also known as
A. star fish
B. cartilagenous fish
C. jellyfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : D
7. Which of the following belongs to Mollusca ?
A. Starfish
B. Dogfish
C. Silver fish
D. Goldfish
Answer : A
8. The generic name of peacock is
A. Passer domesticus
B. Pavo cristatus
C. Psittacula krameri
D. None of these
Answer : B
9. Diploblastic acoelomate condition is found in
A. Ascaris
B. Planaria
C. Rotifer
D. Sea anemone
Answer : D
10. Which of the following has no segmentation ?
A. Hydra
B. Earthworm
C. Cockroach
D. Centipede
Answer : A
11. Tube feet are the locomotory organs found in
A. Protozoans
B. Arthropods
C. Echinodermata
D. Molluscs
Answer : C
12. Bony plates are found in addition to scales in
A. hag fish
B. eel
C. flyingfish
D. seahorse
Answer : D
13. A true terestrial animal among these is
A. frog
B. tortoise
C. salamander
D. toad
Answer : D
14. The centipede has
A. 100 legs
B. 50-100 legs
C. As many legs as body segments
D. As many pairs of legs as body segments
Answer : D
15. Dolphins are classified under
A. Pisces
B. Amphibia
C. Reptile
D. Mammals
Answer : D
16. Amphixous is a marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum
A. Urochordata
B. Cephalochordata
C. Vertebrata
D. Hemichordata
Answer : B
17. Pharyngeal gill slits are found in
A. flying fish
B. silver fish
C. crayfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : A
18. Exclusively marine chelones are known as
A. tortoise
B. turtles
C. sea hares
D. none of these
Answer : B
19. In which of the following sets, groups are not correctly matched ?
A. Onychophora, Myriapoda, Arachnida
B. Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Anthozoa
C. Polychaeta, Hirudiniea, Oligochaeta
D. Gastropoda, Rhizopoda, Scaphopoda
Answer : D
20. The segmentation which affects both external and internal features represented in
A. annelida
B. peripatus
C. insects
D. acolopendra
Answer : A
21. Salamander belongs to class
A. Reptilia
B. Amphibia
C. Aves
D. Mammalia
Answer : B
22. Which of the following is a matching set of groups in animal classification ?
A. Annelida, Porifera and Mammals as phyla
B. Hydrozoa, Mollusca and chordata as phyla
C. Protozoa, Reptilia and Mammalia as classes
D. Insecta, Cephalopoda and Aves as classes
Answer : D
23. Spider is not included under class insects because of
A. absence of walking legs
B. absence of mandibles
C. absence of wings
D. presence of walking legs
Answer : B
24. Aphrodite, commonly called as sea mouse is a/an
A. annelide
B. fish
C. mollusc
D. arthropod
Answer : A
25. Pheretivia is placed in class
A. annelida
B. chaetopoda
C. polychaeta
D. oligochaeta
Answer : D
26. The main basis of classification of Phylum Protozoa is
A. size
B. locomotary organelles
C. shape
D. number of nuclei
Answer : B
27. Euplectella (Venus flower basket) is a
A. porifer
B. protozoan
C. coelentrate
D. nematode
Answer : A
28. Sea horse is a
A. fish
B. mammal
C. bird
D. none of these
Answer : B
29. Insects possess
A. 2 pairs of legs
B. 3 pairs of legs
C. 4 pairs of legs
D. 5 pairs of legs
Answer : B
30. Which of the following pairs of specific names belongs to the same genus
A. histolytica and proteus
B. histolytica and coli
C. histolytica and falciparum
D. histolytica and rocktertil
Answer : D
31. Which one is a cold blooded animal
A. Penguin
B. Whale
C. Otter
D. Tortoise
Answer : D
32. Which one is characteristic for birds ?
A. They are flying animals
B. They are warm blooded
C. They are bipedal and have feathers
D. They are quadruped and have scales
Answer : C
33. One of the following is not a true fish :
A. Saw fish
B. Silver fish
C. Dogfish
D. Pipefish
Answer : A
34. According to Aristotle's classification, animals were divided into
A. Protozoa and Metazoa
B. Invertebrata and Vertebrata
C. Chordata and Non-chordata
D. Anaima and Enaima
Answer : D
35. A limbless amphibian is
A. Siren
B. Ophiosaurus
C. Triturus
D. Ichthyophis
Answer : D
36. The group amniota includes
A. birds and mammals
B. birds and reptiles
C. reptiles and mammals
D. reptiles, birds and mammals
Answer : D
37. Which is matching set in taxonomy ?
A. Neries, Planum, Roundworm, Earthworm
B. Millipede, Crab, Centipede, Cockroach
C. Star fish, Jelly fish, Cuttle fish, Octopus
D. Leech, Locust, Sea urchin, Lobster
Answer : B
38. Largest animals belong to class
A. arthropoda
B. pisces
C. mammalia
D. reptilia
Answer : C
39. Which one of the animals does not have a segmented body ?
A. Shipworm
B. Glowworm
C. Earthworm
D. Tapeworm
Answer : A
40. A pearl oyster belongs to class
A. mollusca
B. bivalvia
C. scaphopoda
D. gastropoda
Answer : B
41. The term Thylum' in taxonomy was given by
A. John Ray
B. Carolus Linnaeus
C. G.L. Cuvier
D. All of these
Answer : A
42. Canal system is characteristic of
A. hydra
B. sponge
C. sea anemone
D. sea urchin
Answer : B
43. Exclusively marine animals are found in group
A. Fishes and Echinodermata
B. Coelentrata and Echinodermata
C. Porifera and Coelentrata
D. Echinodermata and Protochordata
Answer : D
44. One of the following is not an animal:
A. Ant eater
B. Dolfin
C. Heloderma
D. Echidna
Answer : B
45. Metamerism is a characteristic feature of
A. porifera
B. mollusca
C. annalida
D. platyhelminthes
Answer : C
46. The mammals of order Rodentia have
A. long incisors
B. short incisors
C. long canines
D. long molars
Answer : A
47. Sea Stick refers to group
A. porifera
B. coelentrata
C. annelida
D. mollusca
Answer : B
48. Members of which phylum exhibit adaptations widely varied environmental conditions ?
A. Annelida
B. Platyhelminthes
C. Echinodermata
D. Mollusca
Answer : D
49. Aside from a three chambered heart, reptiles are characterised by the presence of
A. limb girdles
B. dermal scales
C. lungs
D. dorsal nerve cord
Answer : B
50. Histological differentiation is absent in
A. Amoeba
B. Hydra
C. Earthworm
D. Cockroach
Answer : A

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