
Classifications of Animal Kindom MCQ Solved Paper for SSC GD

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Structures built on a common plan, but modified during the course of evolution : to serve particular function in different animals are regarded as
A. homologous
B. analogous
C. both homologous and analogous
D. phylogenetically related
Answer : A
2. A natural system of classification is based upon
A. natural relationships, reflecting evolutionary relationship
B. morphological similarities between organisms
C. embryologicall, biochemical, phisio-loical and ecological considerations
D. both (b) and (c)
Answer : A
3. All mammals have hair, but these are absent in order
A. Cetacea
B. Primates
C. Rodentia
D. Chiroptera
Answer : A
4. In fishes, lobed fins are found in
A. marine fishes
B. fresh water fishes
C. lung fishes
D. none of these
Answer : C
5. Which is the common character between all mammals ?
A. They are viviparous
B. They are herbivores
C. They are carnivores
D. They have 7 cervical vertebrae
Answer : D
6. Which of the following belongs to the same phylum ?
A. Mollusca, cockroach, centipede
B. Turbellaria, cestoda, trematoda
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of these
Answer : B
7. Which of the following is the correct pairing of the classification groups and common example ?
A. Porifera - Sea fan
B. Crustacea - Cuttle fish
C. Platyhelminthes - Neries
D. Martigophora - Volvox
Answer : D
8. Pharyngeal gill slits are found in
A. flying fish
B. silver fish
C. crayfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : A
9. A definite number of body segments is found in
A. leech
B. tapeworm
C. earthworm
D. slug
Answer : A
10. The concept of homology can be applied to
A. gross structures of the body
B. physiological mechanisms
C. biochemical similarities
D. all of these
Answer : D
11. For finding a haemocoel which animal you will select ?
A. Earthworm
B. Hydra
C. Ascaris
D. Scolopendra
Answer : D
12. National mammal of India is
A. cow
B. peacock
C. lion
D. tiger
Answer : D
13. The beak of birds is toothed in
A. Ostrich
B. Kiwi
C. Archaeopteryx
D. Pelican
Answer : C
14. Tube in the tube' plan is exhibited by one of the following phyla :
A. Coelenterata
B. Porifera
C. Annelida
D. Arthropoda
Answer : C
15. Snakes are not found in
A. India
B. U.K
D. West Indies
Answer : D
16. Which of the following animals has a ventral nerve cord
A. Frog
B. Cockroach
C. Hydra
D. Earthworm
Answer : B
17. Hair of bat and feathers of pigeon are
A. homologous structures
B. analogous structures
C. both (a) and (b
D. integumentary derivatives
Answer : A
18. Which of the following is homiother-mous ?
A. Lizard
B. Frog
C. Rabbit
D. Cuttlefish
Answer : C
19. The respiratory organs of crustaceans are
A. tracheae
B. book lungs
C. gills
D. skin
Answer : C
20. Exclusively marine animals are found in group
A. Fishes and Echinodermata
B. Coelentrata and Echinodermata
C. Porifera and Coelentrata
D. Echinodermata and Protochordata
Answer : D
21. Which of the following is not a deuteros-tome phylum ?
A. Mollusca
B. Echinodermata
C. Hemichordata
D. Urochordata
Answer : A
22. Which one of the following is a metatherian mammal ?
A. Hystrin
B. Tachyglossns
C. Diadelphyes
D. None of these
Answer : C
23. Amphixous is a marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum
A. Urochordata
B. Cephalochordata
C. Vertebrata
D. Hemichordata
Answer : B
24. Natural system of classification has the basis of
A. morphology
B. Phylogeny
C. both (a) and (b)
D. ontogeny
Answer : C
25. Limulus, the king-crab, is the only living representative of the order xiphosura belonging to the phylum
A. Annelida
B. Mollusca
C. Echinodermata
D. Arthropoda
Answer : D
26. In title classification of animals a 'family' name is formed by adding
A. idae as a suffix to the name of the type genus
B. inae as a suffix
C. ceae as a suffix
D. oidea as a suffix
Answer : A
27. The main basis of classification of Phylum Protozoa is
A. size
B. locomotary organelles
C. shape
D. number of nuclei
Answer : B
28. Spider is not included under class insects because of
A. absence of walking legs
B. absence of mandibles
C. absence of wings
D. presence of walking legs
Answer : B
29. Viviparous animal is
A. shark
B. mud puppy
C. bony fish
D. fish
Answer : A
30. Platyhelminthes are called
A. flat worms
B. roundworms
C. tapeworms
D. blind worms
Answer : A
31. A limbless amphibian is
A. Siren
B. Ophiosaurus
C. Triturus
D. Ichthyophis
Answer : D
32. Euplectella (Venus flower basket) is a
A. porifer
B. protozoan
C. coelentrate
D. nematode
Answer : A
33. Antedon belongs to class
A. echinodermata
B. ophiuroidea
C. crinoidea
D. echinoidea
Answer : C
34. Most important characteristic of the mammal is the presence of
A. pinnae
B. four-chambered heart
C. movement on two limbs only
D. diaphragm
Answer : D
35. Nauplius larva belongs to
A. insects
B. shrimps
C. echinoderms
D. molluscs
Answer : B
36. Which of the following is a correct hierar-chial sequence in systematics ?
A. Species, genus, family, order, class, phylum
B. Species, genus, order, family, class, phylum
C. genus, species, order, family, class, phylum
D. genus, family, order, class, species, phylum
Answer : B
37. Lobsters and crabs belong to the class
A. Insecta
B. Arachnida
C. Crustacea
D. Polychaeta
Answer : C
38. Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is
A. compound eyes
B. joint legs
C. book lungs
D. green glands
Answer : B
39. Tube feet are the locomotory organs found in
A. Protozoans
B. Arthropods
C. Echinodermata
D. Molluscs
Answer : C
40. The group amniota includes
A. birds and mammals
B. birds and reptiles
C. reptiles and mammals
D. reptiles, birds and mammals
Answer : D
41. Which of the following animals has a diaphragm between the thorax and abdomen ?
A. Frog
B. Lizard
C. Pigeon
D. Whale
Answer : D
42. Birds and bats are good fliers. The bat differs from a bird in having
A. diaphragm
B. four-chambered heart
C. wings
D. small brain
Answer : A
43. Which of the following is a matching set of the class and some of its main distinguishing features?
A. Sporozoa - infection by sporozoites transmission by intermediate host and a contractile vacuole
B. Trematoda - well developed suckers, flat and unsegmented body
C. Arachnida - 3 pairs of legs, chitinous exosketeton and poisonous sting
D. Insecta - compound eyes, segmented body and nephridia
Answer : D
44. Which of the following has no segmentation?
A. Hydra
B. Earthworm
C. Centipede
D. Cockroach
Answer : A
45. Which of the following is a species ?
A. Mammalia
B. Carnivora
C. Canidae
D. Catiisfamilaris
Answer : D
46. Aside from a three chambered heart, reptiles are characterised by the presence of
A. limb girdles
B. dermal scales
C. lungs
D. dorsal nerve cord
Answer : B
47. An insect differs from a spider in the following ways :
A. Insect has 6 pairs of legs and one pair of wings while spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
B. Insect has 4 pair of legs and two pairs of wings while spider has 3 pairs of legs and no wings
C. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and two pairs of wings and spider has 4 pairs of legs and no wings
D. Insect has 3 pairs of legs and generally no wings while spider has 5 pairs of legs and generally one pair of wings
Answer : C
48. Which of the following shows deuteros- I tome condition ?
A. Acoelomate animals
B. Pseudocoelomate animals
C. Animals with enterocoel
D. Animals with schizocoel
Answer : D
49. Egg laying mammals are found in
A. India
B. Australia
C. Africa
D. South America
Answer : B
50. The smallest unit of classification in animals is
A. variety
B. species
C. sub species
D. genus
Answer : B

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