
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare 2017 observed

Monday 1st of May 2017

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29 April: Day of Remembrance for many Victims of Chemical Warfare

The Day of Remembrance for many Victims of Chemical Warfare 2017 was observed on 29 April 2017 by your United Nations (UN).

This commemoration will give you possibility to pay tribute in the victims of chemical warfare, along with to reaffirm the commitment within the Organization in the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in the elimination within the threat of chemical weapons.

The Third Review Conference of States Parties in the Chemical Convention located in April 2013 on the Hague, the Netherlands, adopted a political declaration that confirms the unequivocal commitment within the States Parties to the worldwide chemical weapons ban.


The United Nations'Conference within the States Parties at its Tenth Session on 11 November 2005 decided a memorial Day of Remembrance for many Victims of Chemical Warfare could be observed on 29 April, the time what is the best the Chemical Weapons Convention signed force in 1997.

Today, the OPCW Member States represent about 98 percent of the worldwide population and landmass, along with 98% within the worldwide chemical industry.

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