
Engineering Drawing 1000+ MCQ with answer for LIC AAO

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The architectural drafter usually begins a set of working drawings by creating the ________ plan first.
A. Foundation
B. Floor plan
C. Elevations
D. Building section
Answer : B
2. A drafter who develops technical drawings of a highway overpass would most likely be a ________ drafter.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Mechanical
D. Process piping
Answer : B
3. This is used in applications for nonferrous construction:
A. Copper tubing
B. Steel pipe
C. PVC pipe
D. Iron tubing
Answer : A
4. Oblique drawings are dimensioned in a similar fashion as these types of drawings:
A. Orthographic
B. Isometric
C. Angular
D. Parallel
Answer : B
5. Understanding the Cartesian coordinate system will help the beginning drafter ________.
A. Control the accuracy of the drawing
B. Produce a visible grid system
C. Select a different text style
D. Choose various line types
Answer : A
6. On a floor plan the dashed line that appears approximately 24 outside the exterior wall represents the __________.
A. Sidewalk
B. Roof overhang
C. Plumbing drain lines
D. None of the above
Answer : B
7. These units are based on inch-foot and yard measurements:
A. International customary units
B. U.S. metric units
C. U.S. customary units
D. ISO international units
Answer : C
8. 4.The principle reason for using an auxiliary view is ________.
A. To eliminate hidden lines
B. To create a true projection plane from an inclined plane in one of the primary views
C. To show cylinders as ellipses
D. To locate center marks
Answer : B
9. 9.The lines used to create the auxiliary view should appear as ________ in the finished view.
A. Object lines
B. Construction lines
C. Reference lines
D. Construction lines
Answer : A
10. The condition of a part when it contains the least amount of material is referred to as ________.
A. Smallest
D. Actual size
Answer : B
11. This type of weld is the most common in structural steel fabrication:
A. Fillet weld
B. Beam weld
C. Rivet weld
D. Structural weld
Answer : A
12. In multi-view drawing it is common practice to include three views, the front, the top and the right side. If no dimensions are required on the right side view the drafter can ________.
A. Leave the view as is
B. Eliminate the view
C. Use the left view instead
D. None of the above
Answer : B
13. A projection weld is a type of:
A. Resistance weld
B. Arc weld
C. Gas weld
D. Fillet weld
Answer : A
14. The primary unit of measurement for engineering drawings and design in the mechanical industries is the:
A. Millimeter
B. Centimeter
C. Meter
D. Kilometer
Answer : A
15. An advantage of this type of view is that each view shows the object all the way through as if it were transparent:
A. Planar
B. Horizontal
C. Auxiliary
D. Orthographic
Answer : D
16. This is the plane upon which the top view is projected:
A. Horizontal
B. Frontal
C. Profile
D. Base
Answer : A
17. CAD programs which incorporate parametric modeling utilize a system in which the dimensions control the ________.
A. Size and shape of the model features
B. Perspective of the model
C. Shading used to render the model
D. All of the above
Answer : A
18. When drawing a line using the relative coordinate system a line is created from ________.
A. 0, 0
B. The ending point of the last line
C. The beginning point of the last line
D. None of the above
Answer : B
19. This type of circuit is a semiconductor wafer or chip:
A. Integrated circuit
B. Transmission circuit
C. Plotted circuit
D. Conducted circuit
Answer : A
20. In order to create an isometric circle to represent a hole through the top surface of a box, the drafter must insure that the correct iso-plane has been selected by scrolling through the iso-planes using the ________ key.
A. F1
B. F3
C. F5
D. F8
Answer : C
21. The ________ is a standard element of a section view in a technical drawing.
A. Cutting Plane line
B. Section lines
C. Material hatch pattern
D. All of the above
Answer : D
22. This type of drawing shows two lines representing the pipe diameter:
A. Single-line
B. Double-line
C. Standard piping
D. Centerline piping
Answer : B
23. When filling an area with a hatch pattern in Auto-CAD the drafter needs to be able to ________.
A. See the entire bounding area to hatch
B. Set Ortho on
C. Turn ISO grid off
D. Set the layer to Defpoints
Answer : A
24. These are used to attach parts to a cylinder so they won't turn on it:
A. Lugs and bearings
B. Key-seats and bearings
C. Knurls and keys
D. Keys and keyways/key-seats
Answer : D
25. This is the measured size of a finished part:
A. Actual size
B. Dimensioned size
C. Production size
D. Basic size
Answer : A
26. This means that a feature of a finished product contains the maximum amount of material permitted by the tolerance dimensions for that feature:
A. Maximum material condition
B. Machined material condition
C. Maximum machined indication
D. Machine mark indication
Answer : A
27. The daily workload of a ________ drafter would generally include technical drawings of machine parts.
A. Architectural
B. Civil
C. Electrical
D. Mechanical
Answer : D
28. This should show what changes were made, when, and by whom:
A. Portable document
B. Record of revisions
C. Title form
D. Revision drawings
Answer : B
29. A fillet is a rounded surface on the ________ corner of a part.
A. Inside
B. Outside
C. Radial
D. Isoplane
Answer : A
30. The default position of the UCS icon is positioned at ________ on the AutoCAD grid.
A. 0, 0, 0
B. 10, 10, 10
C. 20, 20, 20
D. None of the above
Answer : A
31. 5.These items typically are not used in new designs, but are still common in high-power amplifiers:
A. Amplifier tubes
B. Electron tubes
C. Signal relays
D. Switches
Answer : B
32. In the section view, the areas that would have been in actual contact with the cutting plane are shown with:
A. A cutting plane line
B. Section lining
C. Visible lines
D. Lines and arrows
Answer : B
33. When dimensioning piping drawings, you give the lengths of all runs of this type:
A. Straight
B. Angular
C. Filleted
D. Transverse
Answer : A
34. These drawings are given to contractors to perform work or manufacture individual parts:
A. Assembly details
B. 3D drawings
C. Working drawings
D. Skeleton assemblies
Answer : C
35. The UCS icon represents the intersection of the ________.
A. X-axis
B. Y-axis
C. Z-axis
D. All of the above
Answer : D
36. When setting up a mechanical drawing in Auto-CAD the drafter should set the units to ________.
A. Fractional
B. Decimal
C. Architectural
D. Metric
Answer : B
37. The Auto-CAD command used to combine two or more primitive shapes into a single complex 3-dimensional model is ________.
A. Add
B. Union
C. Attach
D. Form
Answer : B
38. Angles project true size only when the plane containing the angle and plane of projection are this:
A. Adjacent
B. Aligned
C. Perpendicular
D. Parallel
Answer : D
39. These maps are used to plan construction projects that locate construction features so they fit the topography of the area:
A. Subdivision plats
B. Landscape maps
C. Structural topography maps
D. Structure location plans
Answer : D
40. This is how axonometric, oblique, and perspective sketches show objects:
A. Orthographically
B. Pictorially
C. Obliquely
D. Parallel
Answer : B
41. 3.When lines intersect on a drawing at angles of this many degrees, it is customary not to dimension the angle:
A. 360
B. 180
C. 90
D. 45
Answer : C
42. In architectural drawing ________ are often used to illustrate and detail structural components.
A. Foundation beam detail sections
B. Wall sections
C. Building sections
D. All of the above
Answer : D
43. Most architectural firms and mechanical design companies utilize different categories of blocks. These sets of blocks are usually housed in ________.
A. Block vaults
B. Block libraries
C. Block books
D. Block references
Answer : B
44. To avoid having to dimension to a hidden feature the drafter can utilize a ________ section.
A. Whole
B. Half
C. Broken out
D. All of the above
Answer : D
45. Architectural dimensioning is usually done in ________.
A. Even numbers
B. Feet and inches
C. Feet only
D. Inches only
Answer : B
46. These are special installations of stone or concrete marking the locations of points accurately determined by precise surveying:
A. Topographic marks
B. Hatches
C. Monuments
D. Pillars
Answer : C
47. This is the bottom surface joining the sides of two adjacent threads:
A. Lead
B. Pitch
C. Crest
D. Root
Answer : D
48. These breaks are used to shorten the view of an object:
A. Section breaks
B. Aligned breaks
C. Conventional breaks
D. Full breaks
Answer : C
49. Which of the following is one of the basic types of welded joints:
A. T-joint
B. Rear joint
C. Angle joint
D. Groove joint
Answer : A
50. Referring to the fractional inches to decimal inches to millimetre conversion chart on page 55 what is the equivalent mm measurement of 3/16 inch.
A. 1.906
B. 4.7625
C. 5.958
D. 14.6844
Answer : B

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