
FCI Recruitment - Astronomy 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Who was the first person to describe the earth as a sphere?
A. Columbus
B. Varahmihir
C. Aryabhat
D. Copernicus
Answer : D
2. Charon' is the satellite of _____.
A. Earth
B. Saturn
C. Pluto
D. Neptune
Answer : C
3. What is the temperature of the sun estimated at approximately?
A. 5000°C
B. 6000°C
C. 7000°C
D. 212°C
Answer : B
4. Equatorial circumference of the Earth is
A. 40067 km
B. 50067 km
C. 4067 km
D. 5067 km
Answer : A
5. What happens during the equinoxes?
A. The countries along the Equator are in darkness
B. The countries along the Equator are at their hottest
C. The countries along the Equator are at their wettest
D. The Sun shines vertically over the Equator
Answer : D
6. What is the primary cause of seasonal change on the surface of the earth?
A. Earth's revolution and inclination of its axis
B. Revolution
C. Earth's rotation and inclination of its axis
D. Rotation
Answer : A
7. A celestial body which revolves round the Sun and receives heat and light from it is called _____.
A. Planet
B. Orion
C. Satellite
D. Star
Answer : A
8. Presently the farthest planet from the Sun is _____.
A. Pluto
B. Neptune
C. Uranus
D. Venus
Answer : A
9. Outside Antarctica, which is the deepest part of the earth?
A. The Dead Sea
B. The Aral Sea
C. The Caspian Sea
D. Lake Baikal
Answer : A
10. Which of the following is the largest ocean?
A. Indian
B. Pacific
C. Atlantic
D. Arctic
Answer : B
11. Which of the following conditions la the most relevant for the presence of life on Mars?
A. Atmospheric composition
B. Thermal conditions
C. Occurrence of ice caps and frozen water
D. Occurrence of ozone
Answer : C
12. Sidereal means
A. Pertaining or referring to the stars
B. Pertaining or referring to the moon
C. Pertaining or referring to the Sun
D. Pertaining' or referring to the cosmic bodies
Answer : A
13. What is the unit of measurement of distance between celestial bodies?
A. Light year
B. Nautical mile
C. Statute mile
D. Kilometre
Answer : A
14. What is significant about the town of Greenwich?
A. The International Date Line passes through it
B. The 0° (Zero) meridian passes through it and therefore the world sets its time by it
C. It is at 180� longitude
D. It is a major horological research centre in Britain
Answer : B
15. What is a narrow waterway separating two bits of land called?
A. A bay
B. A gulf
C. A strait
D. An isthmus
Answer : C
16. The date on which the Sun is vertical over the 'Tropic of Cancer' is
A. June-21
B. December-22
C. March-21
D. September-23
Answer : A
17. Distance between the Moon and the Earth is
1. Approximately 386000 km
2. 1.25 light seconds

A. Only 1
B. Only 2
C. Both land 2
D. None of these
Answer : C
18. One Astronomical Unit is the average distance between
A. Earth and the Sun
B. Earth and the Moon
C. Jupiter and the Sun
D. Pluto and the Sun
Answer : A
19. From west to east, what are the three main island groups in the Pacific called?
A. Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia
B. Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia
C. Melanesia, Polynesia and Micronesia
D. Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia
Answer : A
20. Which one of the following stars is nearest to the Earth?
A. Polaris
B. Alpha Centauri
C. Sun
D. Sirius
Answer : C
21. Which star has the largest percentage In the universe
A. Single stars
B. Binary stars
C. Multiple stars
D. Cephied stars
Answer : C
22. The Sun contains over ___of the total mass of the Solar System.
A. 0.825
B. 0.98
C. 0.998
D. 0.02
Answer : C
23. The inclination of the earth's axis, i.e. the earth's axis is tilted at an angle from perpendicular to the orbital plane or makes an angle with the plane of the earth's orbit. What are these respective angles?
A. 900
B. 23120
C. 00
D. 66120
Answer : B
24. Hale Bopp' is a newly discovered ____.
A. Planet
B. Meteore
C. Satellite
D. Comet
Answer : D
25. What is peninsula?
A. A narrow belt of land
B. A mountainous island
C. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides
D. A range of hills
Answer : C
26. Arrange the Outer Planets in increasing order of their sizes.
1. Jupiter
2. Uranus
3. Saturn
4. Neptune

A. 4, 2, 3, 1
B. 4, 2, 1, 3
C. 2, 4, 3, 1
D. 4, 2, 3, 1
Answer : A
27. The rate of rotation of the Earth on its axis is the highest on which of the following date?
A. It never changes
B. January-4
C. January-3
D. January-21
Answer : A
28. The time period elapsing between one New Moon and the next is approximately
A. 8.19 Days
B. 30 days
C. 29.5 Days
D. 61 Days
Answer : C
29. Period of sunspot cycle is
A. 11 years
B. 15 years
C. 21 years
D. 33 years
Answer : A
30. Which of the following statements best describes longitudes?
A. An imaginary line on the earth's surface joining the north and south pole
B. The angular distance east or west of the Greenwich Meridian
C. The distance of place east or west of the Greenwich Meridian
D. The position of a place on the Earth surface with reference to the Prime Meridian
Answer : B
31. All asteroids collectively revolve around the
A. Sun
B. Planet
C. Satellite
D. Moon
Answer : A
32. Largest planet of our Solar System is _____.
A. Jupiter
B. Mars
C. Saturn
D. Uranus
Answer : A
33. The term 'syzygy' is referred to when the
A. Earth is at prihelion and Moon at perigee
B. Earth is at aphelion and Moon at apogee
C. Moon and Sun are at right angles with reference to the Earth
D. Moon, Sun and Earth lie along a straight line
Answer : C
34. Which of the following is known as the Cold Planet?
A. Mars
B. Uranus
C. Jupiter
D. Venus
Answer : C
35. Relatively cool spots of the Sun are called __ while relatively hot spots of the Sun are called __.
A. Fusionspot, Facu1ae
B. Sunspot, Faculae
C. Faculae, Sunspot
D. Sunspot, Hotspot
Answer : B
36. The word 'planet' means ____.
A. wanderer
B. pollution
C. celestial body
D. heavenly body
Answer : A
37. A 'black hole' is a body in space which does not allow any radiation to come out. This property is due to its
A. Very small size
B. Very large size
C. Very high density
D. Very low density
Answer : C
38. Polar circumference of the Earth is
A. 40000 km
B. 4000 km
C. 50000 km
D. 5000 km
Answer : A
39. An ancient star that has collapsed matter so dense that It creates gravitational force so powerful that even light also does not escape. It Is called
B. Black Hole
C. Neutron Star
D. Black Dwarf
Answer : B
40. What is siderial day?
A. Time taken by the earth to complete one rotation with respect to a fixed star at infinity
B. Time taken by the earth to complete one revolution with respect to the Moon
C. Time taken by the earth to complete one rotation with respect to the Moon
D. Time taken by the earth to complete one rotation with respect to the Sun
Answer : A
41. What are the Pleides?
A. Constellation
B. Asteroides
C. Meteores
D. Comets
Answer : A
42. Smallest planet of our Solar System is _____.
A. Pluto
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Mercury
Answer : A
43. How much time is taken by the Moon in completing one revolution around the Earth?
A. 27 days
B. 29 days
C. 29.32 days
D. 27.32 days
Answer : D
44. The length of its day and the tilt of its axis are almost identical to those of the Earth. This is true or
A. Uranus
B. Neptune
C. Saturn
D. Mars
Answer : D
45. Which one of the following conditions is moat relevant for the presence of life on Mars?
A. Atmospheric composition
B. Thermal conditions
C. Occurrence of ice caps and frozen water
D. Occurrence of ozone
Answer : C
46. Which of the following statements is correct with reference to our Solar System?
A. The Earth is the densest of all the Planets in our Solar System
B. The predominant element in the composition of Earth is silicon
C. The sun contains 75 per cent of the mass of the Solar System
D. The diameter of the Sun is 190 times that of the Earth
Answer : A
47. The atmospheric� pressure on the surface of Venus is more than__ times the atmospheric pressure of the Earth.
A. 90
B. 80
C. 50
D. 100
Answer : A
48. The most important constituent of the Sun's mass is.

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 and 3
C. 3 and 4
D. 1,2 and 4
Answer : A
49. When the Sun is vertically overhead along the Tropic of Capricorn at mid-day
A. days and nights are of equal lengths in the Northern Hemisphere
B. Nights are longer than days in the Southern Hemisphere
C. Days and nights are of equal lengths at the poles
D. Night is equal to 24 hours at the North Pole
Answer : D
50. Which of the following is not an astronomical object?
A. Pulsar
B. Brittle Star
C. Black hole
D. Quasar
Answer : B

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