
GATE - Fill in the blanks 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. It____ not look like a great deal today, but back then it was a coup: no man before ____ to import tea directly into Ireland.
The option that will best fill the blanks in the above sentences would be:

A. may, has dared
B. may, had dared
C. might, have dared
D. might, have ever dared
Answer : B
2. A child is the future of a family _________ nation.
A. just as
B. as a
C. like a
D. as well as of a
Answer : D
3. Mountaineering institutes___to the young climbers the technical knowledge which has been accumulated over the years.
A. impart
B. indicate
C. apply
D. help
Answer : A
4. Sam asked me to keep this secret ___________ .
A. secret
B. in myself
C. amongst us
D. between us
Answer : D
5. The valley is known for its ________ growth of vegetation.
A. luxurious
B. luxury
C. luxuriant
D. luxuriously
Answer : A
6. Political power is just as permanent as todays newspaper. Ten years down the line, ___________, who the most powerful man in any state was today.
A. who cares
B. nobody will remember what was written in todays newspaper or
C. few will know, or care about
D. when a lot of water will have passed under the bridge, who will care
Answer : A
7. An organization .......... to the mission of road safety has prepared an action plan for reducing accidents and related
injuries and fatalities. (1) specified (2) inaugurated (3) committed (4) kicked off (5) succumbed (6) dedicated

A. (3) and (6)
B. (1) and (5)
C. (3) and (5)
D. (4) and (6)
Answer : A
8. This approach would ________ the enormous illiteracy problem to be ________ in a holistic manner.
A. enable, tackled
B. focus, viewed
C. envision, dealt
D. combine, judged
Answer : A
9. The Romans were _________ science.
A. bad in
B. bad to
C. bad for
D. bad at
Answer : D
10. In his address to the teachers, the Vice-Chancellor____certain measures being taken for improving the quality of college education.
A. declined
B. directed
C. advised
D. highlighted
Answer : D
11. The manners and ___________ of the nouveau riche is a recurrent ___________ in the literature.
A. style, motif
B. morals, story
C. wealth, theme
D. morals, theme
Answer : D
12. The water transport project on the west coast is ____ to get a shot in the arm with a new plan in which the Road Development Corporation will build the infrastructure and ___ a private party to operate the service.
A. scheduled, let
B. verge, permit
C. set, sanctions
D. bound, task
Answer : D
13. India has the_______ of high saving and low growth rates.
A. irony
B. similarity
C. difference
D. paradox
Answer : D
14. Once he has signed the agreement, he wont be able to back______.
A. up
B. in
C. at
D. out
Answer : D
15. I dont suppose that Pramod will be elected __________ how hard he struggles as he is not completely supported by the committee.
A. although
B. seeing as
C. no matter
D. however
Answer : C
16. They ________ their seats away from the curved wall panels to give themselves more space as the flight attendant brought drinks from the gallery, which was ________ with familys favorite snacks and beverages.
A. Swiveled, stocked
B. Hinged, lacquered
C. Pended, embellished
D. Retracted, thronged
Answer : A
17. Nowadays there exists a spirit of___ among the various departments of the University. This has led to a number of interdisciplinary research publications due to interaction of various research groups.
A. co-operation
B. education
C. casteism
D. favouritism
Answer : A
18. Jacob was a rich old man who lived_____ alone in a huge house because his children did not care about him.
A. only
B. all
C. more
D. too
Answer : B
19. You have no business to _________ pain on a weak and poor person.
A. inflict
B. put
C. direct
D. force
Answer : A
20. In spite of her other_____, Kasthuri still managed to find time for her hobbies.
A. occupations
B. preoccupations
C. predilections
D. business
Answer : B
21. I have given her ______ .
A. a work
B. some works
C. a piece of work
D. many works
Answer : C
22. When you want to digitalise a city __________ with millions, you dont bet __________ the odds.
A. proceeding, into
B. teeming, against
C. ndergoing, adhere
D. dangling, for
Answer : B
23. Despite his _____ he had to suffer.
A. punishment
B. fault
C. negligence
D. innocence
Answer : D
24. The bus __________ fifty passengers fell __________ the river.
A. with; into
B. for; upon
C. over; on
D. of; at
Answer : A
25. The house that the actress lives in is beautiful, but the surroundings are ________ unpleasant.
A. quite
B. more and more
C. a little quite
D. very little
Answer : A
26. _________ of illiteracy from a nation that is set to become the most populated in the world is by no ________easy.
A. Countering, task
B. Driving, measure
C. Curbing, way
D. Eradication, means
Answer : D
27. His attitude to his boss was so_____ that it caused a good deal of repulsion.
A. refulgent
B. arrogant
C. sycophantic
D. hybrid
Answer : C
28. I had a vague _________ that the lady originally belonged to Scotland.
A. notion
B. expression
C. imagination
D. theory
Answer : A
29. He was ______ pertaining his innocence.
A. stridently
B. harshly
C. confidently
D. quickly
Answer : A
30. We have not yet fully realised the _________ consequences of the war.
A. happy
B. pleasing
C. grim
D. exciting
Answer : C
31. Rajeshs car wasnt __________ Rameshs, so we were too exhausted by the time we reached home.
A. such comfortable
B. as comfortable as
C. comfortable enough
D. so comfortable that
Answer : B
32. It is raining __________ . Do not go out.
A. heavily
B. fast
C. soundly
D. strongly
Answer : A
33. I had already published a novel and it was an unexpected success. I thought my ___________ .
A. days were up
B. chances were good
C. lady luck was happy
D. fortune was made
Answer : D
34. It is difficult to speak a language fluently unless ______ regularly.
A. it is in practice
B. it is by practising
C. it will be practised
D. it is practised
Answer : D
35. Most political leaders acquire their position by causing a large number of people to believe that these leaders are ___________ by altruistic desires.
A. actuated
B. convinced
C. categorized
D. led
Answer : A
36. When she retired, she handed __________ the charge to the Vice-President.
A. over
B. out
C. across
D. off
Answer : A
37. Skeptics would not ___________ that the earth actually moves, let alone that it ___________ around the sun.
A. permit, orbits
B. accept, revolves
C. experience, circles
D. assume, went
Answer : B
38. There are different and ________ versions about what happened in the city, but one thing is certain. It is a dastardly act that must be condemned ________
A. Dissimilar, concertedly
B. Contrary, obviously
C. Conflicting, unequivocally
D. Unique, without conflict
Answer : C
39. This is a_____ translation of the speech.
A. literary
B. literal
C. verbal
D. verbatim
Answer : B
40. Education is an essential means of_________women with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to fully_________ in the development process.
A. empower- include
B. empowering - participate
C. empowered - participating
D. empowerment - participate
Answer : D
41. The head ____ was annoyed to see a ____ in the soup.
The option that would best fill the blanks in the above sentence would be:

A. chief, house fly
B. chef, housefly
C. chief, house-fly
D. chef, house fly
Answer : B
42. The President today______ the committee with the induction of the five new general secretaries in place of those dropped.
A. reconstituted
B. reviewed
C. formed
D. enlarged
Answer : A
43. The statue _________ a global symbol of freedom
A. stands against
B. stands to
C. stands for
D. stands as
Answer : D
44. Satyajitrays films ________ all barriers of caste, creed and religion. They are universal.
A. transcend
B. transcends
C. trancend
D. transend
Answer : C
45. Lack of financing options, __________ with HR and technological __________ , make small and medium enterprises sector the most vulnerable component of our economy.
A. except, loophole
B. coupled, challenges
C. armed, benefits
D. registered, strategies
Answer : B

A. would have
B. would had
C. will have
D. have
Answer : A
47. Mr. Murugan has been in this college ________ 2010.
A. for
B. since
C. after
D. before
Answer : C
48. Economic growth is on auto-pilot, unlikely to be derailed by any lapse into ________ and controls or to be ________ by serious policy reforms.
A. Growth, blowed
B. Boom, berated
C. Recession, reduced
D. Dirigisme, boosted
Answer : C
49. Although there is ______________ gunfire, there is no stiff resistance to the revolutionary army.
A. bitter
B. meagre
C. continuous
D. sporadic
Answer : C
50. Happiness consists in being _________what we have?
A. contented to
B. contented with
C. contented for
D. contented in
Answer : B

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