
General Biology Set 2 1000+ MCQ with answer for LSAT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the following terms is used in Botany?
A. Recession
B. Dumping
C. Barter System
D. Biennial
Answer : D
2. Blood of cockroach is
A. red
B. bluish
C. greenish
D. colourless
Answer : D
3. Digestion of proteins starts in the
A. mouth
B. stomach
C. duodenum
D. intestine
Answer : B
4. The grouping o( blood is based on substances called
A. antibodies
B. antigens
C. antitoxin
D. enzymes
Answer : B
5. The age of a tree can be determined by
A. counting the number of annual rings
B. thickness of the bark
C. the bulk of the tree
D. the number of leaves
Answer : A
6. The metallic part of haemoglobin is
A. copper
B. molybdenum
C. nickel
D. iron
Answer : D
7. What is an antigen?
A. Toxic substance
B. A kind of protein
C. Blood platelets
D. Blood corpuscles
Answer : B
8. Which among, the following is a solid lubricant?
A. carbohydrate
B. graphite
C. protein
D. starch
Answer : B
9. Valve a are present inside
A. Arteries
B. Capillaries
C. Veins
D. Lymph vessels
Answer : C
10. Which among the following is a communicable disease?
A. Beri Beri
B. Diabetes
C. Leucoderma
D. Dysentery
Answer : D
11. Which one of the following is essential for blood clotting?
C. Blood platelets
D. Lymph
Answer : C
12. Riboflavin is otherwise known as
A. vitamin B-complex
B. vitamin B2
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin E
Answer : B
13. Life begets life' or biogenesis was stated by
A. Robert Koch
B. Miller
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Lord Lister
Answer : C
14. The blood without corpuscles is called
A. bile
B. lymph
C. plasma
D. blood
Answer : C
15. The dinosaurs (terrible lizards) became very successful during
A. Palaeozoic era
B. Mesozoic era
C. Cenozoic era
D. Archaeozoic era
Answer : B
16. The oldest era is
A. Palaeozoic
B. Mesozoic
C. Cenozoic
D. Proterozoic
Answer : D
17. Egg laying animals are referred to as
A. viviparous
B. oviparous
C. ovoviviparous
D. vegetative
Answer : B
18. The plant cells are surrounded rigidly by
A. plasmalemma
B. cell membrane
C. cell wall
D. plasma membrane
Answer : C
19. The dreaded virus which, on reaching the central nervous system, produces spasms of the muscles of the throat and the cheat while swallowing, and is sure to kill the patient is
A. Poliomyelitis virus
B. AIDS virus
C. Smallpox virus
D. Rabies virus
Answer : D
20. Lecuminous plants are recommended for rotation of crops because they
A. kill harmful insects
B. require little amount of water
C. help in Nitrogen fixation
D. are cash crops
Answer : C
21. Kwashiorkor' is caused by deficiency of
A. carbohydrates
B. proteins
C. fats
D. vitamins
Answer : B
22. Loss of blood is minimized due to blood
A. clotting
B. receding
C. healing
D. drying up
Answer : A
23. A plant cell is distinguishable from an animal cell by the presence of
A. nucleus
B. cell wall
C. chloroplasts
D. cell membrane
Answer : B
24. The heart of the human embryo starts beating in the _____ week of its development.
A. second
B. third
C. fourth
D. first
Answer : B
25. The endocrine glands secrete
A. bile
B. harmones
C. sweat
D. genes
Answer : B
26. Who was the first scientist/doctor who attempted vaccination?
A. Joseph Lister
B. Robert Koch
C. Elie Metchnikoff
D. Edward Jenner
Answer : D
27. DNA is found
A. only in cytoplasm
B. only in nucleus
C. in both cytoplasm and nucleus
D. in hybrid form only
Answer : C
28. Diabetes is a disease which is
A. contagious
B. non-communicable
C. communicable
D. epidemic
Answer : B
29. The cellular and molecular control o( programmed cell death is known as
A. Apoptosis
B. Ageing
C. Degeneration
D. Necrosis
Answer : A
30. Insects that make a clicking sound are
A. crickets
B. beetles
C. flies
D. silver fish
Answer : B
31. What is 'atavism'?
A. The genes which show numerous phenolypic effects
B. Reappearance of traits after several generations
C. Effects of mutation
D. Intermediate inheritance of genes
Answer : B
32. What are the symptoms of Xeroph-thalmia?
A. eye weakness
B. dry skin and night blindness
C. nervous break down
D. All the above
Answer : B
33. Prions are composed largely of
B. proteins
D. None of these
Answer : B
34. The geotropism of the roots that makes them grow towards gravity is said to be
A. positive
B. negative
C. neutral
D. oblique
Answer : A
35. The smallest size of a cell which can be seen directly by the eye is
A. One micron
B. 10 micron
C. 100 micron
D. 1000 micron
Answer : C
36. The acid that is secreted in the stomach is
B. H2SO4
C. H2CO3
Answer : A
37. The specific gravity of blood is
A. lower than water
B. higher than water
C. same as water
D. many times that of water
Answer : B
38. The normal systolic blood pressure is
A. 140
B. 120
C. 180
D. 80
Answer : B
39. The counting of RBCs is done with
A. haemocytometer
B. haemoglobinometer
C. clinostat
D. thermometer
Answer : A
40. Vestigeal organs are those which are
A. fully formed and functional
B. much reduced but functional
C. much reduced and functionless
D. fully formed but functionless
Answer : C
41. Which among the following is a Cast growing tree?
A. Teak
B. Eucalyptus
C. Banyan
D. Coconut
Answer : B
42. Translocation of food takes place in plants through
A. xylem
B. phloem
C. cambium
D. cortex
Answer : B
43. Vessels leaving the heart are
A. veins
B. arteries
C. capillaries
D. lymph ducts
Answer : B
44. The deficiency of Vitamin A which leads to poor vision during night is termed
A. nyctolopia
B. myopia
C. glaucoma
D. colour blindness
Answer : A
45. The association between leguminous plants and bacteria is
A. parasitic
B. saprophytic
C. symbiotic
D. None of the above
Answer : C
46. Spiders can take only
A. solid food
B. liquid food
C. plant juice
D. flesh of dead animals
Answer : B
47. The insect vector for the disease Leishmaniasis is
A. Tsetse fly
B. Culex
C. Phlebotomus
D. Anopheles
Answer : C
48. Plants grown in darkness show
A. stout stem
B. long internodes
C. bigger leaves
D. no growth at all
Answer : B
49. Colour vision is made possible by the cells in the retina called
A. rods
B. cones
C. fovea
D. blind spot
Answer : B
50. Afforestation means
A. study of forests
B. growing new forests
C. destroying the forests
D. go into the forests
Answer : B

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