
General Biology Set 2 MCQ Solved Paper for ISRO Recruitment

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which one of the following was probably absent in the atmosphere at the time of origin of life?
A. Ammonia
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Carbon
Answer : B
2. Adaptation for flying is termed as
A. aquatic
B. volant
C. fossorial
D. cursorial
Answer : B
3. Which of the following is NOT a viral disease?
A. Chicken-pox
B. Influenza
C. Epilepsy
D. Measles
Answer : C
4. The function of a cell wall is
A. to give definite shape to the cell
B. to provide mechanical strength and protection to the cell
C. to prevent the cell from desiccation
D. All the above
Answer : D
5. The cortex of human brain normally consists of
A. five billion, two hundred million cells
B. nine billion, two hundred million cells
C. six billion, two hundred million cells
D. eight billion, two hundred million cells
Answer : B
6. Veins carry blood
A. towards the heart
B. away from the heart
C. both to and from the heart
D. only around the heart
Answer : A
7. The hormones are carried to target organs through the
A. blood
B. lymph
C. water
D. corpuscles
Answer : A
8. The buffer substance in blood is
A. Calcium carbonate
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Sodium bicarbonate
D. Ammonia
Answer : C
9. Valves are present inside
A. arteries
B. capillaries
C. veins
D. aorta
Answer : C
10. The metallic part in haemoglobin is
A. Copper
B. Molybdenum
C. Nickel
D. Iron
Answer : D
11. At the end of a reaction enzymes are
A. left as they are
B. reduced
C. increased
D. neutralised
Answer : A
12. Higher plants take up nitrogen as
A. Nitrites only
B. Nitrates only
C. Nitrates and Ammonia
D. Urea
Answer : C
13. The small pox vaccine was discovered by
A. Louis Pasteur
B. Edward Jenner
C. John
D. Harvey
Answer : B
14. Nucleus was first discovered by
A. Porter
B. Robert Brown
C. Palade
D. None of these
Answer : B
15. Tse-Tse fly is the vector for
A. malarial parasite
B. try peorosoma
C. piroplasm
D. microfilaria
Answer : B
16. The best and easy method of control of crop pests is by
A. crop rotation
B. chemicals
C. quarantine
D. biological control
Answer : A
17. In one minute normally the heart beats
A. 60 times
B. 80 times
C. 100 times
D. 72 times
Answer : D
18. Vessels leaving the heart are
A. veins
B. arteries
C. capillaries
D. lymph ducts
Answer : B
19. Which of the following terms is used in Botany?
A. Recession
B. Dumping
C. Barter System
D. Biennial
Answer : D
20. The white blood corpuscles the body because they are popularly called soldiers of
A. march at a regular pace
B. appear uniform
C. defend the body
D. are disciplined
Answer : C
21. The study of heart is called
A. haematology
B. cardiology
C. pathology
D. nephrology
Answer : B
22. Which of the following contains the highest protein content per gram?
A. Groundnut
B. Soyabean
C. Apple
D. Wheat
Answer : B
23. What is 'atavism'?
A. The genes which show numerous phenolypic effects
B. Reappearance of traits after several generations
C. Effects of mutation
D. Intermediate inheritance of genes
Answer : B
24. Which one of the following is not caused by bacteria?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Typhoid
C. Cholera
D. Mumps
Answer : D
25. Green plants In the sea are useful for respiration of flash because they
A. release oxygen
B. release carbon dioxide
C. release oxygen and carbon dioxide simultaneously
D. take oxygen and give out carbon dioxide
Answer : A
26. Malaria is transmitted from one person to another by
A. bad air
B. flies
C. anopheles mosquito
D. culex mosquito
Answer : C
27. Tetrodotoxin is a potent poison that
A. erodes blood vessels
B. blocks conduction of nerve impulses causing respiratory paralysis
C. produces damage to the kidneys
D. produces intestinal bleeding
Answer : B
28. The specific gravity of blood is
A. lower than water
B. higher than water
C. same as water
D. many times that of water
Answer : B
29. The mouth of a river opening into the sea is termed as
A. shore line
B. littoral zone
C. continental shelf
D. estuary
Answer : D
30. The insect vector for the disease Leishmaniasis is
A. Tsetse fly
B. Culex
C. Phlebotomus
D. Anopheles
Answer : C
31. Which of the following organelles is known as the 'power House' of the cell?
A. Golgi Bodies
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. None of these
Answer : C
32. When the earth was formed it had an atmosphere with
A. Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen
B. Water Vapour, Hydrogen and Oxygen
C. Oxygen, Carbondioxide and Nitrogen
D. Water Vapour, Ammonia and Methane
Answer : D
33. Origin of species was published by
A. Lamarck
B. Weismann
C. de Vries
D. Charles Darwin
Answer : D
34. The biogenetic law was proposed by
A. Alfred Russel Wallace
B. Charles Darwin
C. Ernst von Haeckel
D. Lamarck
Answer : C
35. What are halophytes?
A. plants found in fresh water
B. plants growing in saline conditions
C. mesophytic plants
D. desert plants
Answer : B
36. Antibodies are formed in
A. lymph nodes
B. red bone marrow
C. spleen
D. liver
Answer : B
37. An inherited characteristic which does not appear in one generation but can appear in the next is called
A. dominant
B. recessive
C. homozygous
D. heterozygous
Answer : B
38. Insect pollination is known as
A. Hydrophily
B. Ornithophily
C. Anemophily
D. Entomophily
Answer : D
39. Deciduous forests are those with trees
A. that are evergreen
B. that shed leaves periodically
C. that have needle like leaves
D. that have no leaves at all
Answer : B
40. Translocation of food takes place in plants through
A. xylem
B. phloem
C. cambium
D. cortex
Answer : B
41. Dwarf plants can be made to attain their normal stature by applying
B. Ethylene
C. Gibberelins
D. Cytokinins
Answer : C
42. Biological control is to check growth of
A. plants
B. animals
C. weeds
D. one pest by another
Answer : D
43. Hormone promoting maleness in flowering plants is
A. Indole Acetic Acid
B. Kinetin
C. Cytokinin
D. Gibberellin
Answer : D
44. Which among, the following is a solid lubricant?
A. carbohydrate
B. graphite
C. protein
D. starch
Answer : B
45. Evergreen forests are confined to
A. Equatorial region
B. Temperate region
C. Alpine region
D. Arctic region
Answer : A
46. Calcium and phosphorus assimilation will depend on sufficient intake of
A. vitamin B complex
B. vitamin D
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin C
Answer : B
47. Vestigeal organs are those which are
A. fully formed and functional
B. much reduced but functional
C. much reduced and functionless
D. fully formed but functionless
Answer : C
48. Memory is the responsibility of
A. cerebrum
B. cerebellum
C. medulla oblongata
D. spinal cord
Answer : A
49. Spiders can take only
A. solid food
B. liquid food
C. plant juice
D. flesh of dead animals
Answer : B
50. Clotting of blood is
A. a chain reaction
B. reversible reaction
C. reflex action
D. no reaction
Answer : A

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