
General Chemistry 1000+ MCQ with answer for RRB ALP

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the following cannot be used for the preparation of soap?
A. oleic acid
B. acetic acid
C. palmitic acid
D. stearic acid
Answer : B
2. Hard water does not lather well with soap because
A. it contains carbonates of calcium and magnesium
B. it contains sodium chloride
C. it is highly coloured
D. it contains suspended impurities
Answer : A
3. Biogas is obtained during
A. decomposition of petrol
B. fermentation of animal and plant waste
C. destructive distillation of coal
D. electrolysis of water
Answer : B
4. Which or the following electrolysis?
A. Aluminium
B. Copper
C. Zinc
D. Iron
Answer : A
5. Beri-beri is caused by deficiency of Vitamin
A. A
B. C
C. B12
D. B1
Answer : D
6. An acid which is used as a preservative for pickles is
A. hydrochloric acid
B. citric acid
C. tartaric acid
D. acetic acid
Answer : D
7. The form of carbon used in decolourising sugar solution is
A. wood charcoal
B. animal charcoal
C. coconut charcoal
D. lamp black
Answer : B
8. BHC is a
A. Rodenticide
B. Herbicide
C. Pesticide
D. Fungicide
Answer : C
9. Which of the following is a mixture?
A. Baking soda
B. Milk
C. Chloroform
D. Copper wire
Answer : B
10. The substance most abundantly found in sea water is
A. magnesium chloride
B. sodium chloride
C. calcium sulphate
D. potassium chloride
Answer : B
11. Which one of the following is used in dry cleaning of garments?
A. asphalt
B. naphtha
C. diesel oil
D. lubricating oil
Answer : B
12. Rusting is
A. an oxidation process
B. a reduction process
C. a physical change
D. an electro-chemical process
Answer : D
13. Hydrogen gas has
A. a very sweet smell
B. a very pungent smell
C. an irritating smell
D. no smell at all
Answer : D
14. Acute diabetes patients smell of
A. acetone
B. ether
C. ethyl alcohol
D. methyl alcohol
Answer : A
15. Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by
A. fractional distillation
B. fractional crystallisation
C. sublimation
D. evaporation
Answer : A
16. Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called
A. carbohydrates
B. carbides
C. hydrocarbons
D. carbonyls
Answer : C
17. Grape sugar is another name for
A. glucose
B. fructose
C. sucrose
D. maltose
Answer : A
18. The depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is due to -extensive use of
A. dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid
B. superphosphate of lime
C. chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)
D. dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
Answer : C
19. Which of the following is a communicable disease caused by viruses?
A. Cholera
B. Dysentery
C. Diabetes
D. Measles
Answer : D
20. The foul odour of gasoline is due to
A. pyridine
B. hydrogen sulphide
C. cacodyl
D. carbylamines
Answer : B
21. The pure at form of iron is
A. wrought iron
B. steel
C. pig iron
D. nickel steel
Answer : A
22. The term 'nucleons' apples to
A. neutrons
B. protons
C. protons and neutrons
D. protons and electrons
Answer : C
23. One method by which the components of air can be separated is
A. shaking with caustic soda solution
B. shaking with water
C. fractional distillation of liquid air
D. passing air over heated magnesium
Answer : C
24. The artificial silk produced from cellulose is
A. Polyethylene
B. Nylon
C. Terylene
D. Rayon
Answer : D
25. A compound of carbon used as anaesthetic is
A. carbon disulphide
B. carbon tetrachloride
C. phosgene
D. chloroform
Answer : D
26. Which of the following can absorb gases quickly?
A. Activated charcoal
B. Anthracite coal
C. Diamond
D. Graphite
Answer : A
27. The neutron was discovered by
A. Chadwick
B. Madam Curie
C. Becquerel
D. Aston
Answer : A
28. Clark's method for removal of temporary hardness in water uses
A. calcium hydroxide
B. washing soda
C. calcium chloride
D. zeolite
Answer : A
29. In the nitrogen cycle, denitrifying bacteria
A. oxidise ammonia to nitrates
B. convert nitrogen into ammonia
C. oxidise ammonia to free nitrogen
D. oxidise ammonia to oxides of nitrogen
Answer : C
30. Flint glass contains
A. potassium and lead silicates
B. zinc and barium borosilicates
C. potassium and calcium silicates
D. sodium and calcium silicates
Answer : A
31. Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?
A. Petrol
B. Kerosene
C. Hydrazine
D. Alcohol
Answer : C
32. Water always contains hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 1:8 by weight. This is in accordance with the
A. Law of Multiple Proportions
B. Law of Definite Proportions
C. Law of Conservation of Mass
D. Law of Reciprocal Proportions
Answer : B
33. The modern system of symbols was evolved by
A. Dalton
B. Cavendish
C. Avogadro
D. Berzelius
Answer : D
34. Rooms in places infected by plague are disinfected using
A. bleaching powder
B. iodoform
C. sulphur dioxide
D. chlorine
Answer : C
35. Which one of the following gases is extremely soluble in water?
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Ammonia
C. Chlorine
D. Hydrogen sulphide
Answer : B
36. The gas which has a faint sweet odour is
A. nitrogen
B. nitrous oxide
C. nitric oxide
D. nitrogen peroxide
Answer : B
37. A valuable by-product in the manufacture of soap is
A. stearic acid
B. sodium hydroxide
C. palmitic acid
D. glycerol
Answer : D
38. Which of the following cannot be used as fuel?
A. Gasoline
B. Kerosene
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Alcohol
Answer : C
39. Which among the following is a solid non-metal?
A. chlorine
B. mercury
C. water
D. iodine
Answer : D
40. The substance preserved under water is
A. potassium
B. sodium
C. red phosphorus
D. white phosphorus
Answer : D
41. The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is
A. urea
B. ammonium nitrate
C. ammonium sulphate
D. calcium cyanamide
Answer : A
42. Real gases tend to become ideal Under
A. low pressure and high temperature
B. low pressure and low temperature
C. high pressure and low temperature
D. high pressure and high temperature
Answer : A
43. Vinegar is an aqueous solution of
A. oxalic acid
B. citric acid
C. acetic acid
D. hydrochloric acid
Answer : C
44. Quick lime has the formula
A. CaO
B. Ca(OH)2
D. Na2CO3
Answer : A
45. Reduction involves
A. loss of electrons
B. gain of electrons
C. gain of oxygen
D. removal of hydrogen
Answer : B
46. Which of the following statements regarding natural radioactivity is true?
A. It is spontaneous disintegration of atoms
B. It is induced by bombardment with projectiles
C. It is transmutation of atoms with projectiles
D. It is dependent on temperature
Answer : A
47. Which of the following is called 'the King of Chemicals?
A. Nitric acid
B. Hydrochloric acid
C. Silver nitrate
D. Sulphuric acid
Answer : D
48. The purest form of carbon is
A. animal charcoal
B. coal
C. wood charcoal
D. sugar charcoal
Answer : D
49. A non-material kind of pollution is
A. land pollution
B. air pollution
C. noise pollution
D. water pollution
Answer : C
50. Which of the following is not a chemical change?
A. Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
B. Distillation of water
C. Heating of cane sugar
D. Setting of cement
Answer : B

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