
GMAT - General Chemistry 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the following is not an alloy of copper?
A. Bronze
B. Brass
C. Solder
D. Gun metal
Answer : C
2. Copper is purified by
A. poling
B. tempering
C. calcination
D. galvanising
Answer : A
3. An antipyretic is a drug used
A. in the treatment of malaria
B. to relieve sleepiness
C. to induce sleep
D. to lower body temperature
Answer : D
4. Hydrogen gas has
A. a very sweet smell
B. a very pungent smell
C. an irritating smell
D. no smell at all
Answer : D
5. A valuable by-product in the manufacture of soap is
A. stearic acid
B. sodium hydroxide
C. palmitic acid
D. glycerol
Answer : D
6. Which of the following is not a food material?
A. silicate
B. protein
C. fat
D. carbohydrate
Answer : A
7. In the mouth, starch is converted into ______ by the action of saliva.
A. sucrose
B. glucose
C. fructose
D. mannose
Answer : D
8. The number of neutrons in the nucleus of an atom of mass A and atomic number Z is given by
A. A - Z
B. A + Z
C. Z
D. A
Answer : A
9. The value of Avogadro Number is
A. 6.023 x 1022
B. 1 x 10-14
C. cl 6.056 x 10-6
D. 6.023 x 1023
Answer : D
10. Marble is
A. calcium carbonate
B. sodium carbonate
C. magnesium sulphate
D. ferric chloride
Answer : A
11. BHC is a
A. Rodenticide
B. Herbicide
C. Pesticide
D. Fungicide
Answer : C
12. A metal which is extracted by thermal reduction is
A. nickel
B. aluminium
C. mercury
D. calcium
Answer : C
13. If people sleep in closed rooms where charcoal fire is burning, they die due to
A. carbon monoxide
B. carbon dioxide
C. methane
D. phosgene
Answer : A
14. The term 'nucleons' apples to
A. neutrons
B. protons
C. protons and neutrons
D. protons and electrons
Answer : C
15. The raw materials used in the manufacture of cement are
A. brimstone and silica
B. limestone and clay
C. brimstone and clay
D. brimstone and limestone
Answer : B
16. An example of stimulant fertilizer is
A. gypsum
B. urea
C. potassium nitrate
D. ammonium phosphate
Answer : A
17. Galvanised iron sheets are protected from rusting due to the presence of a layer of
A. lead
B. chromium
C. zinc
D. tin
Answer : C
18. PAS is a drug used In the treatment of
A. tuberculosis
B. cancer
C. typhoid
D. malaria
Answer : A
19. Refined petroleum is decolourised by
A. manganese dioxide
B. bauxite
C. animal charcoal
D. quicklime
Answer : B
20. The principle involved in dialysis, a treatment administered to patients with affected kidneys is
A. Cataphoresis
B. Osmosis
C. Dehydration
D. Diffusion
Answer : B
21. Artificial diamonds were produced by
A. Moissan
B. Davy
C. Faraday
D. Marie Curie
Answer : A
22. Which is the 'odd man' in the following?
A. brass
B. common salt
C. cane sugar
D. water
Answer : A
23. Biogas is obtained during
A. decomposition of petrol
B. fermentation of animal and plant waste
C. destructive distillation of coal
D. electrolysis of water
Answer : B
24. Which of the following is a communicable disease caused by viruses?
A. Cholera
B. Dysentery
C. Diabetes
D. Measles
Answer : D
25. The Carbon dioxide is absorbed by
A. Palladium
D. Dilute H2SO4
Answer : C
26. An example of thermo setting plastics is
A. bakelite
B. polythene
D. Teflon
Answer : A
27. Which of the following la a very good supporter of combustion?
A. Carbon monoxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen
Answer : B
28. The freezing point of water at 760 mm pressure is
A. 273 K
B. 0 K
C. 273°C
D. -273°C
Answer : A
29. The commonest ore of aluminium is
A. cryolite
B. bauxite
C. malachite
D. azurite
Answer : B
30. The function of nitrogen in air is
A. to make air a moderate supporter of combustion
B. to maintain the density of air constant
C. to prevent the hydrogen in air from exploding
D. to reduce the poisonous nature of ozone in air
Answer : A
31. Ozone is an allotrope of Oxygen, containing ______ atom/s of oxygen per molecule instead of two.
A. three
B. four
C. one
D. five
Answer : A
32. Rayon la made from
A. cotton
B. wool
C. cellulose
D. silk
Answer : C
33. The compound of iron used in the manufacture of blue-black ink is
A. ferric chloride
B. ferric sulphate
C. ferric thiocyanate
D. ferrous sulphate
Answer : D
34. Which of the following is a mixture?
A. Baking soda
B. Milk
C. Chloroform
D. Copper wire
Answer : B
35. In addition to nitric acid, another acid which may render iron passive is
A. acetic acid
B. oxalic acid
C. chromic acid
D. citric acid
Answer : C
36. Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by
A. fractional distillation
B. fractional crystallisation
C. sublimation
D. evaporation
Answer : A
37. Even as early as 3000 BC glass was known to the
A. Europeans
B. Egyptians
C. Asians
D. Americans
Answer : B
38. Which of the following is a regenerated fibre?
A. Terylene
B. Rayon
C. Nylon
D. Silk
Answer : B
39. The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is
A. urea
B. ammonium nitrate
C. ammonium sulphate
D. calcium cyanamide
Answer : A
40. Diamonds are weighed in
A. grams
B. pounds
C. carats
D. tons
Answer : C
41. Two or more entirely different compounds having the same molecular formula are known as
A. isobars
B. isotopes
C. isomorphs
D. isomers
Answer : D
42. In the process of purification of water for town supply, the substance used to remove bad smell and colour from water is
A. charcoal
B. bleaching powder
C. chlorine
D. carbolic acid
Answer : A
43. Cupellation is used in the purification of
A. Lead
B. Tin
C. Silver
D. Gold
Answer : C
44. Invar, used for making pendulums is an alloy of steel with
A. tungsten
B. nickel
C. manganese
D. chromium
Answer : B
45. Glass articles are annealed so that
A. they may appear better
B. they can resist the action of acids and alkalies
C. they lose their brittleness
D. they can withstand temperature shocks
Answer : C
46. Heated saw dust catches fire when a drop of concentrated nitric acid is added to it. This is due to
A. dehydration
B. oxidation
C. reduction
D. dehydrogenation
Answer : B
47. Water has an unusually high bolling point because
A. its molecular weight is low
B. it is denser than ice
C. it is a good solvent for many ionic substances
D. the molecules of water are joined by hydrogen bonds
Answer : D
48. Compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen are called
A. carbohydrates
B. carbides
C. hydrocarbons
D. carbonyls
Answer : C
49. The earliest known acid is
A. nitric acid
B. oxalic acid
C. carbonic acid
D. acetic acid
Answer : D
50. Tincture iodine is
A. a disinfectant
B. an analgesic
C. a hypnotic
D. a dye
Answer : A

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