
Human reproductive system MCQ Solved Paper for SSC GD

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Prostate gland produces a secretion for ...
A. Attracting sperms
B. Stimulating sperm activity
C. Inhibiting sperm activity
D. None of the above
Answer : B
2. At the end of meiosis I, the Oocyte yields
A. Secondary Oocyte and first polar body
B. First polar body
C. Secondary Oocyte
D. Second polar body
Answer : A
3. The rate of active movement of sperm is ...
A. 1.5 -3.0 mm/min
B. 1.5 - 3.0 cm/min
C. 1.5 -3.0 m/min
D. 1.5 -3.0 m/hr
Answer : A
4. Embryonic connective tissue is formed from ..
A. ectoderm
B. endoderm
C. Mesenchyme
D. Mesogloea
Answer : C
5. Increase in basal body temperature in the middle of menstrual cycle is a sign of
A. Fertilization
B. Onset of menstruation
C. Menopause
D. Ovulation
Answer : D
6. Which of the following statements is most correct about the human menstrual cycle.
A. The menstrual cycle in all women is a 28 day cycle
B. Ovulation always occurs at the midpoint of the menstrual cycle
C. A high body temperature indicates ovulation is occurring
D. The menstrual cycle is an endocrine cycle regulating reproductive physiological changes
Answer : D
7. After fertilization, implantation of human embryo takes place on
A. 10 th day
B. 14 th day
C. 7 th day
D. 3 rd day
Answer : C
8. The number of chromosomes present in sperms
A. 46
B. 23
C. 23 + X
D. 23+ Y
Answer : B
9. Total numbers of ovum released in the life time of a woman is approximately
A. 40
B. 400
C. 4000
D. 20000
Answer : B
10. Chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by ...
A. Pituitary
B. Ovary
C. Placenta
D. Uterus
Answer : C
11. Pregnancy begins with implantation of
A. Embryo
B. Fertilized ovum
C. Blastopore
D. Blastocyst
Answer : D
12. Which part of the ovary act as an endocrine gland in human beings
A. Stroma
B. Vitteline membrane
C. Graffian follicle
D. Epithelium
Answer : C
13. The pre fertilisation process stage of sperm before entry into the ovum is called as
A. Maturation
B. Insemination
C. Capacitation
D. Fertilization
Answer : C
14. Which one occurs first in the human embryo
A. Neurogenesis
B. Cardiogenesis
C. Hepatogenesis
D. Osteogesis
Answer : A
15. A genetically diseased father (male) marries with a normal female and gives birth to 3 carrier girls and 5 normal sons. Find out the type of genetic disease.
A. Sex-influenced disease
B. Blood group inheritance disease
C. Sex-linked disease
D. Sex-recessive disease
Answer : C
16. In humans female ovulation occurs during menstrual cycle
A. At the end of proliferative phase
B. At the beginning of proliferative phase
C. Before the end of secretary phase
D. In the middle of secretary phase
Answer : A
17. Which one is not the function of human placenta
A. Helps co2 and excretory products pass from foetus to mother's body
B. Helps o2 and nutrients from mother's body enter the foetus
C. Secretes hormones
D. It protects foetus from mechanical shocks
Answer : D
18. The pelvic inflammatory disease is common with which type of contraception?
A. Oral contraceptive pills
B. Diaphragms
C. Condoms
D. Intra uterine devices
Answer : D
19. The three primary germ layers, ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm are differentiated during
A. Blastulation
B. Neurulation
C. Gastrulation
D. Organogenesis
Answer : C
20. Human embryo is enclosed by a sac called
A. Scrotum
B. Ericardium
C. Placenta
D. Amniotic sac
Answer : D
21. HCG, HPL and relaxin are produced in women ...
A. At puberty
B. During pregnancy
C. Before puberty
D. At menopause
Answer : B
22. Pregnancy can be detected as early as on
A. 28 th day of cycle
B. 8th week
C. 40 th day of the cycle
D. 10 th week
Answer : A
23. Mongolian idiocy due to trisomy in 21st chromosome is known as
A. Downs syndrome
B. Turners syndrome
C. Klinefelters syndrome
D. Triple x syndrome
Answer : A
24. Which one of the following is produced early in the life of a human female?
A. Relaxin
B. Oxytocin
C. Prolactin
D. Progesterone
Answer : C
25. The male hormone testosterone is secreted by
A. Sertoli cells
B. Leydig cells
C. Crypt cells
D. Semniferous tubules
Answer : B
26. Immediately after ovulation, the ovum is covered by a membrane called
A. Chorion
B. Zona pellucida
C. Corona radiata
D. Vitelline membrane
Answer : B
27. When there is no fertilization, the corpus luteum ...
A. Stops secreting progesterone
B. Changes to corpus albicans
C. Starts producing progesterone
D. Begins next cycle
Answer : B
28. In menstrual cycle the secretory phase is also known as
A. luteal phase and lasts for 6 days
B. Luteal phase and lasts for 13 days
C. Follicular phase and lasts for 13 days
D. Follicular phase and lasts for 6 days
Answer : B
29. In which phase of menstrual cycle ovulation occurs in
A. Luteal
B. Menstrual
C. Proliferative
D. Secretory
Answer : C
30. Secretion of testosterone is stimulated by
Answer : C
31. The gonadotropic hormones are secreted by
A. Anterior pituitary
B. Posterior pituitary
C. Adrenals
D. Ovaries
Answer : A
32. Emergency contraceptives may prevent pregnancy if used within 72 hrs of
A. Menstruation
B. Fertilization
C. Ovulation
D. Coitus
Answer : D
33. Highly sophisticated procedure of injecting sperm directly into the ovum is
Answer : C
34. The number and appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is called as
A. Karyotype
B. Genotype
C. Phenotype
D. Cytogenetics
Answer : A
35. The first milk which comes out just after child birth is known as .
A. Colostrum
B. Prolactin
C. Hind milk
D. Lactogen
Answer : A
36. Menstrual phase is followed by .
A. Luteal phase
B. Follicular phase
C. Fertilization
D. Implantation
Answer : B
37. Which layer of embryo is formed first
A. ectoderm
B. Mesoderm
C. Endoderm
D. Mesenchyma
Answer : C
38. Mammary glands are modification of ...
A. Sebaceous glands
B. Sweat glands
C. Meibomian glands
D. None of the above
Answer : B
39. Albinism is a congenital disorder resulting from the lack of which enzyme?
A. Tyrosinase
B. Xanthine oxidase
C. Catalase
D. Fructokinase.
Answer : A
40. The hormone responsible for enlargement of mammary glands at puberty is
A. Progesterone
B. Oestrogen
C. Testosterone
D. Oxytocin
Answer : B
41. Decreased motility of sperm <40 % is known as
A. Azoospermia
B. Oligospermia
C. Asthenozoospermia
D. Necrozoospermia
Answer : C
42. Pregnancy test is confirmed by the presence of
A. Prolactin in urine
B. Relaxin in urine
C. H c g in urine
D. Fsh and lh in urine
Answer : C
43. Which of the following is not a hereditary disease?
A. Cystic fibrosis
B. Thalassaemia
C. Haemophilia
D. Cretinism
Answer : D
44. Pregnancy is ascertained by
A. Insemination
B. Copulation
C. Implantation
D. Capacitation
Answer : C
45. Fertilization is fusion of ..
A. Diploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote
B. Haploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote
C. Diploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
D. Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
Answer : D
46. Human eggs are
A. Mesolecithel
B. Microlecithel
C. Macrolecithel
D. Alecithel
Answer : D
47. Approximately how long does it take for a spermatocyte to complete its differentiation into a spermatozoan in the testis?
A. 7 days
B. 70 days
C. 7 months
D. 70 hours
Answer : B
48. Which cells provide nutrition to the sperms?
A. Sertoli cells
B. Leydig cells
C. Crypt cells
D. Semniferous tubules
Answer : A
49. What happens during fertilization when many sperms reach close to ovum ....
A. Cells of corona radiata trap all the sperm except one
B. Only two sperms nearest to ovum penetrate zona pellucida
C. Secretion of acrosome helps one sperm enter cytoplasm of ovum through zona pellucida
D. All sperms except the one nearest to ovum lose their tails
Answer : C
50. Normal sperm count is
A. 40 to 300 million per ml
B. 10 to 20 million per ml
C. < 10 million per ml
D. 200 million per ml
Answer : A

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