
IBPS Clerk - Advance DBMS 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. It is possible to define a schema completely using
A. VDL and DDL.
B. DDL and DML.
C. SDL and DDL.
D. VDL and DML.
Answer : B
2. Which of the following extracts its data from the result of an SQL SELECT statement.
A. View
B. Synonym
C. Sequence
D. Transaction
Answer : A
3. Which of the following is/are error-free channel(s)
i) Noisy channel
ii) Noiseless channel

A. i only
B. ii only
C. Both
D. None of these
Answer : B
4. When all attributes in a relation tuple are not functionally dependent only on the key attribute. Which of the following normalization is needed?
A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer : C
5. In E-R Diagram weak entity set are represented by
A. Ellipse
B. Dashed ellipse
C. Dashed Rectangle
D. Doubled Rectangle
Answer : D
6. The command used to delete a particular column in a relation
Answer : C
7. The physical location of a record is determined by a mathematical formula that transforms
a file key into a record location is :

A. B-Tree File
B. Hashed File
C. Indexed File
D. Sequential file.
Answer : B
8. View never contains derived columns.
A. True
B. False
C. Cant say
D. none
Answer : A
9. DECLARE is a(an)
A. executable statement.
B. declarative statement.
C. Ordered file
D. none of the above
Answer : B
10. In this data model each record can hae more than one parent
A. Hierarchical model
B. E-R model
C. Network based model
D. none of these
Answer : C
11. In two-phase locking
A. the data items are locked in growing phase.
B. the data items are released in shrinking phase.
C. Both A and B are true
D. Both A and B are false
Answer : C
12. Noiseless channel has ……… types of protocols.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer : A
13. The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is?
A. View
B. Instance
C. Scheme
D. None of these
Answer : B
14. Which of the following is not a constraint on a single relation?
A. check
B. unique
C. not null
D. is duplicate
Answer : D
15. UML is stands for
A. Universal Modeling Language
B. Unified Modeling Language
C. United Modeling Language
D. Uni Modeling Language
Answer : B
16. The mode in which data item may be locked
A. Partner
B. Mutual
C. Exclusive
D. Atomic
Answer : C
17. In the architecture of a database system external level is the
A. physical level.
B. logical level.
C. conceptual level
D. view level.
Answer : D
18. Natural mask for a Class A network
D. none of these
Answer : A
19. The left outer join takes all tuples
A. in the left relation which didnt match with any tuple in right relation
B. in the left relation which matched with a tuple in right relation
C. in the right relation which didnt match with any tuple in left relation
D. in the right relation which matched with a tuple in left relation
Answer : A
20. .................. occurs due to velocity of propagation the frequency varies. Thus various frequency components of a signal arrive at the receiver at different times.
A. Noise
B. Delay distortion
C. Attenuation distortion
D. Dispersion
Answer : B
21. The minimal set of super key is called
A. Primary key
B. Secondary key
C. Candidate key
D. Foreign key
Answer : C
22. Specialization is a
A. top-down approach.
B. bottom-up approach.
C. left-right approach.
D. none of the above
Answer : A
23. A data dictionary contains:
i) The name of all fields in all files.
ii) The data type of all fields in all files.
iii) The width of all fields in all files.

A. only i)
B. only i) and ii)
C. only ii) and iii)
D. i) ii) iii)
Answer : D
24. DBMS helps achieve
A. Data independence
B. Centralized control of data
C. Neither A) nor B)
D. both A) and B)
Answer : D
25. Select the incorrect statement
A. BCNF is stronger than 3NF
B. Relational algebra is a non-procedural language
C. Every conflict serializable schedule is view serializable.
D. none of the above
Answer : B
26. What does a field or a combination of fields that has a unique value called ?
A. Foreign key
B. Secondary key
C. Primary key
D. Alternate key
Answer : C
27. The attribute that can be divided into other attributes is called
A. Simple Attribute
B. Composite Attribute
C. Multi-valued Attribute
D. Derived Attribute
Answer : B
28. Transaction processing is associated with everything below except
A. producing detail, summary, or exception reports.
B. recording a business activity.
C. confirming an action or triggering a response.
D. maintaining data.
Answer : C
29. Only one communication channel is needed rather than n channels to transmit data between two communicating devices
A. parallel
B. serial
C. analog
D. digital
Answer : B
30. In a Hierarchical model records are organized as
A. Graph.
B. List.
C. Links.
D. Tree.
Answer : D
31. Relational Algebra is
A. Data Definition Language.
B. Data Manipulation Language
C. Procedural query Language
D. None of the above
Answer : C
32. The race condition occurs when
A. Two concurrent processes attempt to interact with each other.
B. Two concurrent processes interact with different data files.
C. Two concurrent processes attempt to hold a data item .
D. none of the above.
Answer : C
33. Which of the following Key is used to represent relationship between the tables?
A. Primary key
B. Secondary Key
C. Foreign Key
D. None of these
Answer : C
34. Volatile storage
A. loses its contents when power is switched off.
B. doesnt loses its contents when power is switched off.
C. creates backup when power is switched off.
D. none
Answer : A
35. Which of the following is the unit of signaling speed or modulation rate or the rate of symbol transmission?
A. Data rate
B. Bit rate
C. Signal to Noise Ratio
D. Baud rate
Answer : D
36. In ………… paging we make copy of the current page table.
A. physical
B. logical
C. shadow
D. duplicate
Answer : C
37. As a side-effect of database update ,the system automatically executes a statement called
A. a view
B. a grant permission
C. a trigger
D. all of the above
Answer : C
38. The raw facts and figures are:
A. Data
B. Data field
Answer : A
39. The control of concurrent execution is left with the
A. operating system
B. controller unit of the kernel
C. concurrency control component of the database system
D. none
Answer : C
40. Related fields in a database are grouped to form a
A. data file.
B. data record.
C. menu.
D. bank.
Answer : B
41. Which of the following operator preserves unmatched rows of the relations being joined?
A. Inner join
B. Outer join
C. union
D. Intersect
Answer : B
42. Referential integrity
A. controls relationships between operations of an object
B. controls relationships between instances of a class
C. controls relationships between attributes in a table
D. controls relationships between tables in a database
Answer : D
43. .................. means sending a digital signal over a channel without changing the digital signal to an analog signal.
A. Baseband transmission
B. Broadband transmission
C. Digital transmission
D. Analog transmission
Answer : A
44. Which of the following is not a database object?
A. index
B. sequence
C. cursor
D. trigger
Answer : C
45. Functional dependencies are generalization of
A. Relation dependencies
B. Data dependencies
C. key dependencies
D. none of the above
Answer : A
46. The maximum number of children in a B-tree of order m is
A. m+1
B. m
C. m-1
D. m/2
Answer : B
47. Extended Entity Relationship model consists of which of the following
i) Specialization
ii) Generalization
iii) Categorization

A. i and ii only
B. ii and iii only
C. i and iii only
D. All i, ii iii
Answer : D
48. Which of the following is logical topology?
A. Bus
B. Ring
C. Star
D. None of these
Answer : B
49. A table that displays data redundancies yields ____________ anomalies
A. Insertion
B. Deletion
C. Update
D. All of the above
Answer : D
50. Which of the following file organization provides very fast access to any arbitrary record of a file?
A. Ordered file
B. Unordered file
C. Hashed file
D. B-tree
Answer : C

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