
Important formula on Simplification

Friday 1st of January 2016

Sharing is caring

When the express the given expression in the simplest form, then it is known as simplification. In order to simplify an expression, we use the operations in the following order, which is known as BODMAS rule.
Rule of BODMAS

  • B - Bracket

  • O - Of

  • D - Division 

  • M - Multiplication

  • A - Addition

  • S - Substraction

Order of Brackets

  1. Vi - Viniculum of Bar '-'

  2. Ci - Circular Bracket ()

  3. Cu - Curly Bracket {}

  4. Sq - Square Bracket []

1.  a÷b÷c=a×1b×1c
2. abc+ def - ghi = (a+d-g)+bc+ef-hi
3. (a+b)2-(a-b)2=4ab
4. x+x+x+....=n+1, if x=n(n+1)
5. m of n%=m×n100
6. a-m=1am
7. am+1=am.a
8. am×a-n=am-n
9. am-1=am×1a, amn×nm=a, ax=1, then x=0

Sharing is caring