
JEE Main - Asp Programming 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. In ___________ records are read-only and cannot be changed.
A. LockReadOnly
B. LockPessimistic
C. LockOptimistic
D. LockDynamic
Answer : A
2. To send attachments using SMTP use
A. MailAttachment and MailMessage
C. Any one of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : A
3. Default Session data is stored in ASP.Net.
A. StateServer
B. Session Object
C. InProcess
D. all of the above
Answer : C
4. Menus can be added to an ASP.NET Page
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
5. An alternative way of displaying text on web page using
A. asp:label
B. asp:listitem
C. asp:button
D. None of these
Answer : A
6. ____________ enables you to add, modify and delete records but you won't see the changes made by other users
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : B
7. The default method of a WebForm is
A. Page_Load
B. WebForm_Load
C. Form_Load
D. Page_Init
Answer : A
8. Checkboxes have same name and different values while Radio Buttons have the reverse
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
9. To display HTML tags as it is use
A. Encode
B. HTMLEncode
C. URLEncode
D. EncodeHTML
Answer : B
10. For Adrotator control the XML file is mentioned through ________ property
A. File
B. Name
C. Advertisement File
D. Ad File
Answer : C
11. To pass queries to Crystal Reports use
A. SelectionFormula
B. Formula
C. Filter
D. None of the above
Answer : A
12. Can you have more than one form declaration on a web form?
A. Yes
B. No
Answer : B
13. In ___________ records are locked when you start editing.
A. LockReadOnly
B. LockPessimistic
C. LockOptimistic
D. LockDynamic
Answer : B
14. _________ object represents all information sent form a browser to a server
A. Response
B. Request
C. Session
D. Application
Answer : B
15. To make a RepeaterControl viewable, the controls ____________ must be edited
A. DataSource
B. DataMember
C. ItemTemplate
D. Template
Answer : D
16. To open Microsoft Word from ASP.NET page use
A. Response.Content
B. Response.ContentType
C. Request.Content
D. Request.ContentType
Answer : B
17. Caching type supported by ASP.Net
A. Output Caching
B. DataCaching
C. a and b
D. none of the above
Answer : C
18. Under Button Click the following code is written
1. Dim I =10
2. MsgBox(I)

A. Problem is in line 1
B. Problem is in line 2
C. Will display 10 in a message box
D. Compilation Error
Answer : C
19. Cookies collection is present in
A. Response and Request
B. Request and Server
C. Response and Server
D. All of the above
Answer : A
20. What keyword is necessary to expose a public function as a method of a Web Service?
A. WebSub()
B. WebFunction()
C. WebMethod()
D. WebClass
Answer : C
21. File extension used for ASP.NET files.
A. .Web
D. None of the above
Answer : B
22. ___________ sets the time out period for a particular page in seconds
A. Session.Timeout
B. Server.ScriptTimeout
C. Response.Expires
D. Response.ExpiresAbsolute
Answer : B
23. What class does a Web Service Inherit?
A. System.Web.Services
B. System.Web
C. System.Services
D. System.Web.Page
Answer : A
24. This property is inapplicable in DropDownList
A. SelectionMode
B. Items
C. DataMember
D. None of the above
Answer : A
25. One difference between ASP.NET and ASP is that ASP is more structure than ASP.NET
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
26. To count how many users have logged in the web site till date use
A. Increment Session Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Increment Session Variable in Aplication_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Increment Application Variable in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Increment Application Variable in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : C
27. ___________ controls how proxy servers temporarily store web pages
A. Expires
B. CacheControl
C. ExpiresAbsolute
D. None of the above
Answer : B
28. Error handling can be done through Global.asax
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
29. In ASP.NET, the default method of a form is
A. Get
B. Post
Answer : B
30. To set text programmatically without adding extra HTML tags use
A. Literal
B. Response.Write
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer : C
31. ______________ creates a read-only recordset that can scroll forward only.
A. OpenForwardOnly
B. OpenKeyset
C. OpenDynamic
D. OpenStatic
Answer : A
32. In case of RangeValidator, a TextBox's value can be compared to the values taken from two other TextBoxes
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
33. ASP.NET use
A. Compiler
B. Interpreter
Answer : A
34. You can send an e-mail with an attachment using only SmtpMail class
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
35. There can be more than one Global.asax file
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
36. Attribute must be set on a validator control for the validation to work.
A. ControlToValidate
B. ControlToBind
C. ValidateControl
D. Validate
Answer : A
37. A web server control is written as
A. <asp-TextBox ......
B. <asp TextBox ......
C. <aspTextBox ........
D. <asp:TextBox ........
Answer : D
38. Which of the following is not a member of ADODBCommand object?
A. ExecuteScalar
B. ExecuteStream
C. Open
D. ExecuteReader
Answer : C
39. A _____________ is a logical naming scheme for grouping related types of
A. objects together.
B. class
C. namespace
D. interface
Answer : C
40. This control does not produce an HTML output
A. Panel
B. Literal
C. PlaceHolder
D. DataList
Answer : C
41. The code file for WebForm1.aspx will be ___________
A. WebForm1.vbp
B. WebForm1.vb
C. WebForm1.frm
D. WebForm1.sln
Answer : B
42. Default event handler for Link Label is
A. LinkClicked
B. Clicked
C. LinkActivated
D. ActiveLinkClicked
Answer : A
43. To count the number of times an user visited a page, use
A. Session variables
B. Application variables
C. Cookies
D. Server variables
Answer : C
44. To redirect an user to a particular page when a user logs in use
A. Use Response.Redirect in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
B. Use Response.Redirect in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
C. Use Server.MapPath in Session_Start event of Global.asax file
D. Use Server.MapPath in Application_Start event of Global.asax file
Answer : A
45. In case of a CompareValidator, a TextBox's value can be compared to an expression
A. True
B. False
Answer : B
46. Radio Button's have same name and different values while Checkboxes have the reverse
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
47. While redirecting, values can be passed with it
A. True
B. False
Answer : A
48. Of the following controls which can be used to add a control at runtime
A. Panel
B. Image
C. Label
D. All of the above
Answer : D
49. Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS?
Answer : A
50. HTML tag equivalent to Panel is
A. Div
B. Br
C. P
D. Span
Answer : A

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