
JEE Main - General Biology Set 2 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Dialysis is used when there is a failure of
A. heart
B. lungs
C. liver
D. kidneys
Answer : D
2. Fusarium causes the wilting of the cotton plants by
A. clogging the vessels
B. producing toxic substance
C. causing necrosis of roots
D. killing the leaves
Answer : B
3. What are the symptoms of Xeroph-thalmia?
A. eye weakness
B. dry skin and night blindness
C. nervous break down
D. All the above
Answer : B
4. What ia leukaemia?
A. proliferation of WBC
B. decrease of RBC
C. increase of platelets
D. decrease of WBC
Answer : A
5. Hormones are carried from their place of production by
A. ducts
B. blood
C. lymph
D. muscus
Answer : B
6. Tse-Tse fly is the vector for
A. malarial parasite
B. try peorosoma
C. piroplasm
D. microfilaria
Answer : B
7. Small pox is caused by
A. bacteria
B. fungus
C. virus
D. algae
Answer : C
8. Hypogeal germination is found in
A. castor
B. onion
C. bean
D. bengal gram
Answer : D
9. Malarial parasite is brought to human host by
A. male anopheles mosquito
B. female anopheles mosquito
C. male culex
D. female culex
Answer : B
10. Which of the following diseases is water borne?
A. Cholera
B. Malaria
C. Filiariasis
D. None of the above
Answer : A
11. The blood clotting requires the vitamin
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. K
Answer : D
12. Who coined the term gene?
A. Mendel
B. Devries
C. Jacob and Monod
D. Johanson
Answer : D
13. Which one of the following is not an essential micronutrient for plants?
A. Boron
B. Zinc
C. Sodium
D. Copper
Answer : C
14. The latest drug for cancer is obtained from
A. Strychnos nuxvomica
B. Vinca rosea
C. Atropa belladona
D. Phyllanthus niruri
Answer : B
15. Blood is
A. acidic
B. alkaline
C. neutral
D. like a buffer
Answer : B
16. Sex linked genes are carried by
A. X-chromosomes
B. Y-chromosomes
C. different part of X- and Y-chromosomes
D. autosomes
Answer : C
17. Food substances are substances by
A. hormones
B. enzymes
C. vitamins
D. zymogens
Answer : B
18. Which of the following organelles is known as the 'power House' of the cell?
A. Golgi Bodies
B. Ribosomes
C. Mitochondria
D. None of these
Answer : C
19. Stripes on the bodies of animals Indicate
A. mating habit
B. food habit
C. cave dwelling
D. matching of skin colour with the surroundings
Answer : D
20. What are top carnivores?
A. biggest carnivores
B. tigers
C. all carnivorous animals
D. carnivores that are not eaten by any other animal
Answer : D
21. Blood clot Inside blood vessels is prevented by
A. heparin
B. fibrinogen
C. thrombin
D. prothrombin
Answer : A
22. The normal systolic blood pressure is
A. 140
B. 120
C. 180
D. 80
Answer : B
23. Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease. Deficiency of _________ causes it.
A. vitamin A
B. vitamin B
C. vitamin C
D. vitamin E
Answer : A
24. Which of the following is a disease of brain?
C. Diabetes
D. Alzheimer's
Answer : D
25. Sadabahar, a common weed, is the raw material that provides the source of medicines used In the treatment of
A. gout
B. blood cancer
C. coronary heart disease
D. polio
Answer : C
26. The biologist who believed in the spontaneous creation of microorganisms was
A. Leuwenhock
B. Needham
C. Spallanzeni
D. Pasteur
Answer : B
27. Man is warm-blooded, frog is cold-blooded, Which one of the following is cold-blooded?
A. snake
B. peacock
C. parrot
D. camel atmospheric pressure
Answer : A
28. Which one is called anti-haemorrhagic vitamin?
A. A
B. C
C. E
D. K
Answer : D
29. Phototropism means that plants react to the direction of
A. sound
B. wind
C. light
D. gravity
Answer : C
30. Which of the following terms is used in Botany?
A. Recession
B. Dumping
C. Barter System
D. Biennial
Answer : D
31. Jaundice is caused by a/an
A. virus
B. bacteria
C. fungus
D. animal
Answer : A
32. Who discovered the electron microscope?
A. Knoll and Ruska
B. Rudolf and Kolliker
C. Robert Hooke
D. CP Swanson
Answer : A
33. Warm-bloodedness
A. means, animals living in warm climates
B. means, the warming up of blood as the temperature increases during day time
C. is characterised by constant body temperature
D. is shown by reptiles
Answer : C
34. The life cycle of Malarial Parasite consists of two phases in man. Where do they occur?
A. In RBC and liver cells
B. In WBC and RBC
C. In lymph
D. In gall bladder and pancreas
Answer : A
35. Which of these is most consistently observed in Vitamin B12 deficiency?
A. Pigmentation of skin
B. Red, sore tongue with capillary atrophy
C. Megaloblastic anemia
D. Absence of tendon reflexes
Answer : C
36. The study of ecology with pyramids was invented by
A. Darwin
B. Elton
C. Odum
D. Joshua
Answer : B
37. What is an antigen?
A. toxic substance
B. a kind of protein
C. blood platelets
D. blood corpuscles
Answer : B
38. The science dealing with diseases of plants is called
A. Plant anatomy
B. Plant ecology
C. Plant pathology
D. Plant morphology
Answer : C
39. AIDS is caused by the organisms which are
A. bacteria
B. fungi
C. viruses (HTLV III)
D. Protozoa
Answer : C
40. The brain is covered by
A. meninges
B. bone
C. skin
D. All the above
Answer : D
41. Insulin is concerned with the metabolism of
A. sugar
B. fats
C. proteins
D. vitamins
Answer : A
42. What are the symptoms of 'Pellagra'?
A. Colour blindness
B. Rickets
C. Patches of skin
D. Soft bones
Answer : C
43. The part of the human brain concerned with sight is the
A. Frontal lobe
B. Parietal lobe
C. Temporal lobe
D. Occipital lobe
Answer : D
44. Most of the enzymes are
A. proteins
B. lipids
C. acids
D. alkalis
Answer : A
45. The theory that cells arise from the pre-existing cells was proposed by
A. Nageli
B. Virchow
C. Schleiden
D. Muller
Answer : B
46. Blood is a kind of
A. epithelial tissue
B. connective tissue
C. nervous tissue
D. cartilage
Answer : B
47. Riboflavin is otherwise known as
A. vitamin B-complex
B. vitamin B2
C. vitamin A
D. vitamin E
Answer : B
48. Origin of species was published by
A. Lamarck
B. Weismann
C. de Vries
D. Charles Darwin
Answer : D
49. Foal' is the young on of the
A. Cat
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Horse
Answer : D
50. Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against
A. loss of heat from the body
B. loss of essential body fluids
C. loss of salts from the body
D. entry of harmful micro-organisms from the environment
Answer : A

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