
LIC AAO - Advance DBMS 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Which of the following statements is not true about two tier client server database architecture?
A. SQL statements are processed on tier server
B. SQL statements may be processed on some of the clients
C. Business logic is mostly processed on clients
D. Business logic may be processed on the server
Answer : C
2. Data independence means
A. data is defined separately and not included in programs.
B. programs are not dependent on the physical attributes of data.
C. programs are not dependent on the logical attributes of data.
D. both B) and C).
Answer : @
3. The method by which the structure of the database is modified to eliminate hidden dependencies and replacing groups is
A. Normalization
B. Indexing
C. Enforcing referential integrity
D. Enforcing data integrity
Answer : A
4. In mesh topology, if the number of devices is n , then the number of ports present in each device is
A. n
B. n+1
C. n-1
D. n/2
Answer : C
5. In which of the following SET concept is used ?
A. Network Model
B. Hierarchical Model
C. Relational Model
D. None of these
Answer : A
6. Primary storage
A. magnetic disk
B. magnetic tape
C. juke box
D. cache
Answer : D
7. In the architecture of a database system external level is the
A. physical level.
B. logical level.
C. conceptual level
D. view level.
Answer : D
8. A relation is said to be in ………. If it doesnt contain partial dependency
A. 1NF
B. 2NF
C. 3NF
Answer : B
9. The physical location of a record is determined by a mathematical formula that transforms
a file key into a record location is :

A. B-Tree File
B. Hashed File
C. Indexed File
D. Sequential file.
Answer : B
10. Tertiary storage
A. magnetic tape
B. juke box
C. optical disk
D. All of the above
Answer : D
11. Thermal noise is often referred to as ............... noise, because it affects uniformly the different frequencies.
A. Gray
B. White
C. Blue
D. Black
Answer : B
12. Mail services are available to network users through the
A. Session layer
B. Presentation layer
C. Application layer
D. Transport layer
Answer : C
13. The statement
Every foreign-key value must match a primary-key value in an associated table
Is related to

A. View
B. Cursor defination
C. Referential intergrity
D. Trigger
Answer : C
14. A transaction which completes successfully is called
A. Granted
B. Committed
C. Compensated
D. Accomplished
Answer : B
15. Range variables are designed using the
A. TO clause
B. FROM clause
C. RANGE clause
D. none of the above
Answer : C
16. Which one of the following is provided by a data dictionary ?
A. User data
B. Database structure data
C. Sorted data
D. Functional data
Answer : B
17. Repeaters operate in
i) Physical layer
ii) Datalink layer
iii) Transport layer
iv) Network layer

A. i and ii only
B. ii and iii only
C. ii only
D. i only
Answer : D
18. By default a user who has been granted some form of authorization
A. is allowed to pass them to others
B. is not allowed to pass them to others
C. may be or may not be allowed to pass them to others
D. none
Answer : B
19. The index table has …… Columns.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer : B
20. Which of the following extracts its data from the result of an SQL SELECT statement.
A. View
B. Synonym
C. Sequence
D. Transaction
Answer : A
21. The race condition occurs when
A. Two concurrent processes attempt to interact with each other.
B. Two concurrent processes interact with different data files.
C. Two concurrent processes attempt to hold a data item .
D. none of the above.
Answer : C
22. RAID
A. Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks
B. Redundant Arrays of Independent Drives
C. Redundant Arrays of Interconnected Drives
D. Redundant Arrays of Interconnected Disks
Answer : A
23. UML is stands for
A. Universal Modeling Language
B. Unified Modeling Language
C. United Modeling Language
D. Uni Modeling Language
Answer : B
24. Symbol to represent weak entity set in ER Model
A. Dotted rectangle
B. Square
C. Doubly outlined rectangle
D. Diamond
Answer : C
25. A table that displays data redundancies yields ____________ anomalies
A. Insertion
B. Deletion
C. Update
D. All of the above
Answer : D
26. In client/server computing data are
A. sent only upon the client's request
B. sent in complete copies for the client to filter and sort
C. never sent to the client machine
D. sent in very large sections to save processing time
Answer : A
27. A ………… clause permits a view definition to be used in multiple places within a query.
A. where
B. exist
C. with
D. select
Answer : C
28. If the .................... is too much, the receiver may not be able to detect the signal at all or the signal may fall below the noise level.
A. Noise
B. Delay
C. Dispersion
D. Attenuation
Answer : D
29. Data integrity refers to
A. the uniqueness of the data in a database
B. the correctness and completeness of the data in a database
C. the un redundancies of the data in a database
D. Data independence of the database
Answer : B
30. In defining the notion of the tuple variable, which one of the clause is useful?
A. as
B. by
C. from
D. none of the above
Answer : A
31. A logical description of some portion of database that is required by a user to perform task is called as
A. System View
B. User View
C. Logical View
D. Data View
Answer : B
32. In two-phase locking protocol the two phases are
A. growing phase and shrinking phase
B. execution phase and blocking phase.
C. running phase and sleeping phase.
D. none of the above
Answer : A
33. Tape storage is referred to as
A. sequential access storage
B. direct access storage
C. random access storage
D. none of the above
Answer : A
34. Noiseless channel has ……… types of protocols.
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer : A
35. A logical schema
A. is the entire database.
B. is a standard way of organizing information into accessible parts.
C. describes how data is actually stored on disk.
D. both A) and C)
Answer : A
36. The syntax to select all column from the table is
A. select all from tablename
B. select * from tablename
C. select from tablename
D. none of these
Answer : B
37. In an E-R diagram attributes are represented by
A. rectangle.
B. square.
C. ellipse.
D. triangle.
Answer : C
38. Which of the following file organization provides very fast access to any arbitrary record of a file?
A. Ordered file
B. Unordered file
C. Hashed file
D. B-tree
Answer : C
39. Expand the acronym OLAP
A. Object Linked Access Program
B. Organizational Architecture Processing
C. Online Analytical Processing
D. none of these
Answer : C
40. The collection of information stored in a database at a particular moment is?
A. View
B. Instance
C. Scheme
D. None of these
Answer : B
41. The output of the Data Definition Language is stored in the
A. view table
B. schema
C. metadata
D. all of the above.
Answer : C
42. A lock that allows concurrent transactions to access different rows of the same table is known as a
A. Field-level lock
B. Row-level lock
C. Table-level lock
D. Database-level lock
Answer : A
43. The ________ states that a foreign key must either match a primary key value in another relation or it must be null.
A. entity integrity rule
B. referential integrity constraint
C. composite attribute
D. action assertion
Answer : A
44. Data fragmentation is performed by the …… and each fragment is stored at…………..
A. DBMS, same site
B. OS ,same site
C. DBMS ,different site
D. OS ,different site
Answer : C
45. In which of the random-access method, stations do not sense the medium?
Answer : A
46. Extended Entity Relationship model consists of which of the following
i) Specialization
ii) Generalization
iii) Categorization

A. i and ii only
B. ii and iii only
C. i and iii only
D. All i, ii iii
Answer : D
47. Unwanted energy from source other than the transmitter.
A. Attenuation
B. Distortion
C. Delay
D. Noise
Answer : D
48. The number of cursors depend on the
A. number of queries
B. number of attributes
C. size of memory area
D. none of these
Answer : C
49. DBMS helps achieve
A. Data independence
B. Centralized control of data
C. Neither A) nor B)
D. both A) and B)
Answer : D
50. The access protocol used by traditional Ethernet
D. Token ring
Answer : B

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