
Operating System MCQ Solved Paper for JEE Main

Thursday 9th of March 2023

Sharing is caring

1. Windows 2000 supports -------------- type of file system
Answer : A
2. A process may create a new process by executing ___________system call.
A. init
B. fork
C. create
D. new
Answer : B
3. ______________approach simplifies debugging and system verification.
A. Kernel
B. Layered
C. Extended
D. Virtual machine
Answer : B
4. When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generates a(n)
A. Page file
B. Spool
C. Stack
D. Interrupt
Answer : D
5. In ____________ location policies a random node is polled to check its state and the task is transferred if it will not be overloaded; polling is continued until a suitable node is found.
A. Threshold
B. Shortest
C. Bidding
D. Pairing
Answer : A
6. Identify the server:
This type of server generally remains in existence indefinitely. It is shared by many clients. Servers of this type are created and installed before the clients use them.

A. Instance-per-call-servers
B. Persistent Servers
C. Non-Persistent Servers
D. Semantic server
Answer : B
7. Objects location is found by _________________
A. Broadcasting
B. Encoding Location of objects within UID
C. Searching creator node first and then broadcasting
D. All A, B, C
Answer : D
8. A process is already split into pieces, called________________.
A. Tasks
B. Program
C. Processors
D. Routines
Answer : A
9. When resources have multiple instances ________ is used for deadlock Avoidance.
A. Bankers algorithm
B. Resource Allocation Graph
C. semaphores
D. all of these
Answer : A
10. Fsck conducts a check in _____ phases
A. One
B. Two
C. Five
D. Eight
Answer : C
11. Which one is true for unconditional disk formatting?
A. Transfer system files after format
B. Do not check/scan surface after format
C. Destroys every byte of data on a disk by overwriting it with with blank spaces
D. All of above
Answer : C
12. ______________ is a situation in which two computer programs sharing the same resource are effectively preventing each other from accessing the resource, resulting in both programs ceasing to function.
A. Semaphore
B. Deadlock
C. Mutual Exclusion
D. No preemption
Answer : B
13. Initialization of I/O devices is part of the_________.
C. UNIX kernel
D. None of the above
Answer : C
14. You can use print manage window
A. To cancel the print job
B. To check status of files in the print queue
C. To interrupt printing
D. All of the above
Answer : D
15. The maximum size of a write file is limited to only
A. Name of the file
B. Extension of the file
C. The amount of memory in your computer
D. All of above
Answer : C
16. In case of modification an unauthorized party not only gains access to but tampers with an asset. This is an attack on ____________________.
A. availability
B. confidentiality
C. integrity
D. authenticity
Answer : C
17. Underlined text, such as text and folder names is referred to as
A. Hyperlink
B. Menu
C. Source drive
D. None of these
Answer : A
18. Which of the following does not occur during the power-on-self-test (POST)?
A. The scandisk utility begins to run
B. The video card and video memory are tested
C. The BIOS identification process occurs
D. Memory chip are checked to ensure that they are working properly
Answer : A
19. Process migration involves__________________
A. Selection of a process to be migrated
B. Selection of destination system or node
C. Actual transfer of the selected process to the destination system or node
D. All A, B, C
Answer : D
20. _____________ manage the name spaces and binds an object to its location.
A. Name Server
B. Name agent
C. Context
D. Name resolution
Answer : A
21. In case of ____________________transparency a file can transparently move to another server.
A. Location
B. Migration
C. Replication
D. Concurrency
Answer : B
22. The name services of DCE include ________
A. the Cell Directory Service
B. the Global Directory Service
C. the Global Directory Agent
D. A,B and C
Answer : D
23. Having dat belonging to two independent processes in the same page is called____________.
A. Buffering
B. Blocking
C. Message-passing
D. False sharing
Answer : D
24. ____________approach can place the data directly into the memory or take the data directly from the memory without direct intervention from the processor.
B. Daisy chain arbitration
C. polling
D. none of these
Answer : A
25. A _______________in a distributed system is a string of bits or characters that is used to refer to an entity.
A. name
B. attribute
C. identifiers
D. addresses
Answer : A
26. Which components appear in the initial windows start up display?
A. Dialog box
B. Task bar
C. Start menu
D. All of the above
Answer : B
27. Which of the following is suitable after you install new drivers?
A. Hibernate
B. Sleep
C. Restart
D. Shut Down
Answer : C
28. In the case of____________ , changes to an open file are only locally visible.
A. session semantics
B. immutable files
C. atomic transactions
D. None of the above.
Answer : A
29. A solution to starvation is _____________.
A. segmentation
B. Aging
C. Paging
D. virtual memory
Answer : B
30. IPC stands for _________
A. Integrated parallel communication
B. Intermediate process call
C. Internal program call
D. Inter process communication
Answer : D
31. Which of the following is drop down list?
A. Combo box
B. List
C. Text area
D. None
Answer : A
32. _______________occurs when two or more execution flows are able to run simultaneously.
A. Deadlock
B. Concurrency
C. race condition
D. interrupt
Answer : B
33. A page fault occurs when
A. the page is not found in the memory
B. the page is found in the memory
C. the Segmentation starts
D. the Deadlock happens
Answer : A
34. A SCSI device can transfer up to----------- of information per second.
A. 40 Mbytes
B. 60 Mbytes
C. 40 Gbytes
D. 60 Gbytes
Answer : A
35. The _____________ are based on modification of the original message in some manner, or on creation of a false message.
A. Passive attack
B. Release of message content attack
C. Traffic analysis attack
D. Active attack
Answer : D
36. A bar that inform you the available options in your computer, opened applications, background running applications and can be used to switch between applications quickly is
A. Menu bar
B. Tool bar
C. Status bar
D. Task bar
Answer : D
37. The controller can access memory in memory cycles which are not used by the particular bank of memory into which the DMA controller is writing data. This approach, called _________
A. interrupting
B. cycle stealing
C. swapping
D. paging
Answer : B
38. ____ runs on a computer hardware and serves as a platform for other system to run on
A. System software
B. Operating system
C. Application system
D. All of above
Answer : B
39. Which is the layer of a computer system between the hardware and the user program
A. Operating system
B. Operating environment
C. System environment
D. None
Answer : B
40. The date and time displays on
A. Taskbar
B. Launch pad
C. Status bar
D. System tray
Answer : D
41. The Bankers algorithm is used
A. to prevent deadlock
B. to rectify deadlock
C. to detect deadlock
D. to slove deadlock
Answer : A
42. The problem with logical dumping is ________________
A. very costly
B. very slow
C. human errors
D. all of these
Answer : B
43. A two-byte integer called ____________is interpreted as an index into an array of inodes in a fixed, known location on disk.
A. an inode
B. an inumber
C. an imap
D. an imark
Answer : B
44. _________, as a feature of good distributed file system, clients should be able to continue working if a file server crashes. Likewise, data must not be lost and a restarted file server must be able to recover to a valid state.
A. Scalability
B. Reliability
C. Flexibility
D. Fault tolerance
Answer : D
45. What is the function of radio button?
A. To select multiple option
B. To select single option
C. To select all option
D. All of above
Answer : B
46. The ___ contains commands associated with the My Computer window
A. Start menu
strong>B. Standard menu
C. System menu
D. None of the above
Answer : C
47. The find command is different from most UNIX commands in that each of the argument expressions following the beginning path name is considered a _____________
A. action expression
B. Boolean expression.
C. Boolean constant
D. Search qualifiers
Answer : B
48. Choose the correct statement from the following.
A. In computer terminology, variables are symbols which stand for some value.
B. An alternative method for executing the commands in the file backup is to make the file as directory.
C. The restricted shell gives more control to the system administrator and restricts the options of the user.
D. The decision making done by computer programs is in the form of conditional execution.
Answer : C
49. Which of the following is not essential to shut down your computer?
B. Edit
C. Sys
D. None of the above
Answer : D
50. In case of good process migration mechanism, _____________ means failure of any node other than the one on which the process is running should not affect the execution of the process.
A. Robustness
B. Efficiency
C. Transparent
D. Interference
Answer : A

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