
Phylum - Protozoa MCQ Solved Paper for GMAT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Malarial parasites could best be obtained from a patient
A. an hour before rise of temperature
B. when temeprature rises with rigor
C. when temeprature comes down to normal
D. five hours after the temperature reaches normal level.
Answer : D
2. The life-cycle of malarial parasite in liver is called
A. erythrocytic stage
B. pre-erythrocytic stage
C. exo-erythrocytic stage
D. post-erythrocytic stage
Answer : B
3. Benign tertian malaria is caused by
A. P. falciparum
B. P. vivax
C. P. malariae
D. P. ovale
Answer : B
4. A food vacuole develops in Paramecium at the distal end of
A. cytopharynx
B. oral grove
C. cytostome
D. oesophagus
Answer : D
5. The disease caused by Entamoeba gingimlis is transmitted by
A. flies
B. kissing
C. air
D. mosquitoes
Answer : B
6. Under unfavourable conditions, the Amoeba reproduces by
A. binary fission
B. conjugation
C. encystment
D. endomixis
Answer : C
7. Alternation of generations is otherwise known as
A. Epigenesis
B. Metagenesis
C. Biogenesis
D. Dimorphism
Answer : B
8. Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium produces
A. schizonts
B. sporozoites
C. merozoites
D. metacryptomerozoites;
Answer : A
9. The path followed by a food vacuole in Paramecium is referred to as
A. cycloid
B. cyclic vascular path
C. cyclosis
D. cyclosphere
Answer : C
10. The sexual phase of life cycle of Plasmodium is completed in
A. blood of man
B. liver of man
C. stomach of female anopheles
D. salivary glands of female anopheles
Answer : C
11. RBCs are found in the food vacuoles of
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Hydra viridissima
C. Leishmania donovani
D. Entamoeba histolytica
Answer : C
12. The resultant cells of schizogony in the life history of malarial parasite are
A. schizonts
B. merozoites
C. ookinetes
D. sporozoites
Answer : B
13. Sporogony of malaria parasite occurs in
A. liver of man
B. RBC of man
C. stomach wall of mosquito
D. salivary glands of mosquito
Answer : C
14. Down stroke and recovery stroke are characteristic of
A. movement of pseudopodia
B. movement of flagella
C. movement of cilia
D. none of these
Answer : C
15. The giant Amoeba is
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Choas
C. Foraminifera
D. Pelomyxa
Answer : D
16. Quinine, utilised in the treatment of malaria, is extracted from
A. cinnamom
B. cinchona
C. blister flies
D. red ants
Answer : B
17. The zoological name of giant amoeba is
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Arcella sp.
C. Chaos chaos
D. Ovale sp.
Answer : C
18. The Trx/panosoma causes sleeping sickness in man. It finally involves
A. liver
B. blood
C. brain
D. cerebro-spinal fluid
Answer : D
19. Trypanosoma gambiense inhabits the human body in the
A. blood
B. Lymph
C. blood and cerebrospinal fluid
D. cerebrospinal fluid
Answer : C
20. Trophozoites of E.histolytica reproduced by
A. binary fission
B. conjugation
C. autogamy
D. budding
Answer : A
21. If an Amoeba is placed in salt water, its contractile vacuole will
A. enlarge
B. disappear
C. multiple
D. burst
Answer : B
22. In Paramecium, proteins are digested
A. partly in endoplasm and partly in food vacuole
B. during the acid phase of the food vacuole
C. during the alkaline phase of the food vacuole
D. both (b) and (c)
Answer : D
23. The cell anus in some protozoans known as
A. cytoproct
B. peristome
C. cytostome
D. none of these
Answer : A
24. The pseudopodia ar formed in Amoeba
A. when it comes in contact with food particles
B. by movement of surrounding water
C. by exchange of salts with the medium
D. by sol-gel transformation of cytoplasm
Answer : D
25. Inoculation in malaria is out of question because
A. Plasmodium produces minute bodies
B. Plasmodium produces antitoxins
C. Plasmodium produces antitoxins and antibodies
D. All of these
Answer : A
26. Encystment in Amoeba serves for
A. perennation
B. reproduction
C. dispersal
D. all of these
Answer : D
27. The trophozoite of Plasmodium lives in
A. erythrocytes of man
B. liver cells
C. stomach of mosquito
D. blood plasma
Answer : A
28. Trypanosoma shows the phenomenon of
A. amorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphism
D. polymorphism
Answer : D
29. The only stage of malarial parasite that can survive in the stomach of mosquito is
A. ookinate
B. oocyst
C. gametocytes
D. sporozoites
Answer : C
30. The oriental sores in human skin are caused by
A. Leishmania tropica
B. Phlebotomus
C. Balantidium
D. Leishmania donovani
Answer : A
31. The feeding stage in the life cycle of PlasA tnodium is
A. merozoite
B. sporozoite
C. cryptozoite
D. trophozoite
Answer : D
32. Vector can be defined as
A. disease transmitting host
B. natural reservoir of disease causing organism
C. pathogenic organism
D. any kind of disease transmitting organism
Answer : D
33. An example of dimorphic protozoan is
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Paramecium caudatum
C. Plasmodium
D. Polystornella
Answer : D
34. Kala-azar is a disease caused by
A. Trypanosma gambiense transmitted by Tsetse fly
B. Leishmania donovani transmitted by sandfly
C. Taenia solium transmitted by infected pork
D. Wuchereria bancrofti transmitted by Culex
Answer : B
35. Pseudopodia of Amoeba are important for
A. locomotion only
B. feeding only
C. both (a) and (b)
D. offence of defence
Answer : C
36. Golgi cycle in Plasmodium occurs in man, in
A. blood
C. liver cells
D. stomach
Answer : B
37. The cilia in Paramecium are
A. all equal
B. all unequal
C. longer at posterior side
D. longer at anterior side
Answer : C
38. The energy for Amoeba for doing work comes from
A. diffusion of ATP molecules from ingested organisms
B. oxidation of nutrients to form ATP
C. free energy
D. all of these
Answer : B
39. Asexual reproduction during schizogony of malarial parasite is a kind of
A. binary fission
B. budding
C. fragmentation
D. multiple fission
Answer : D
40. Locomotory organelles in the parasitic protozoa of class sporozoa are
A. cilia
B. flagella
C. pseudopodia
D. absent
Answer : D
41. The disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is
A. sleeping sickness
B. chaga's disease
C. kala azar
D. oriental sore
Answer : B
42. A digenic protozoan parasite is
A. Monocystis
B. Amoeba
C. Plasmodium
D. Opalina
Answer : D
43. Amoebiasis is caused by
A. Plasmodium vivax
B. Taenia solium
C. Entamoeba histolytica
D. Entamoeba gingimlis
Answer : C
44. The micronucleus in Paramecium is concerried with
A. vegetative function of the body
B. all the functions of the body
C. reproductive function of the body
D. locomotion
Answer : B
45. The rossette stage in lif^ cycle of Plasmodium is found in
A. blood of man
B. RBC of man
C. liver of man
D. stomach of Anopheles mosquito
Answer : B
46. Treatment of the infection by malarial parasite in the principal host is studied under
A. chemo-therapy
B. chemo-diagnosis
C. chemo-prophy laxis
D. prophylaxis
Answer : A
47. The intermediate host in the life cycle of �. histolytica is
A. Housefly
B. Mosquitoes
C. Tsetse fly
D. None of these
Answer : D
48. n Amoeba, when transferred from pond water to distilled water, forms
A. contractile vacuoles at a slower rate
B. contractile vacuoles at a faster rate
C. contractile vacuoles at the same rate
D. no contractile vacuoles
Answer : B
49. Sporozoites of Plasmodium vivax are produced from
A. ookinete
B. gametocytes
C. merozoites
D. sporoblasts
Answer : C
50. Which of the following organelles are associated with defence in Protozoans ?
A. Nematocysts
B. Statocysts
C. Trichocysts
D. Otocysts
Answer : C

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