
SBI PO - General Physics 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. A piece of ice is Boating In water kept in a beaker. When all the ice melts the level of water will
A. first rise and then fall
B. fall
C. remain the same
D. rise
Answer : C
2. The force of attraction or repulsion between two charged bodies is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of distance between them. This was propounded by
A. Coulomb
B. Gilbert
C. Volta
D. Rutherford
Answer : A
3. One can be recognised by his voice alone due to the factor of
A. quality
B. amplitude
C. pitch
D. loudness
Answer : A
4. An electric fan converts
A. electrical energy into heat energy
B. electrical energy into mechanical energy
C. mechanical energy into electrical energy
D. mechanical energy into heat energy
Answer : B
5. The rings of Saturn were discovered by
A. Galileo
B. Bhaskara
C. Aryabhatta
D. Ptolemy
Answer : A
6. Air pressure is usually highest when the air is
A. warm and moist
B. cool and dry
C. warm and dry
D. cool and moist
Answer : D
7. Which of the following rays has the highest penetrative power?
A. a -rays
B. � -rays
C. ? -rays
D. X-rays
Answer : C
8. The inside of both the walls of a thermos flask is silvered i.e., on the vacuum side in order to reduce heat loss by
A. convection
B. radiation
C. conduction
D. All the three
Answer : B
9. Hot water is poured simultaneously in four metallic tumblers painted outside with different paints. After some time the water will be found to have cooled most in the tumbler painted.
A. rough white
B. rough black
C. shining white
D. shining black
Answer : B
10. The device for tracking and locating the position of a moving object in space is called
A. Space ship
B. Lunar module
C. Radar
D. Rocket
Answer : C
11. A man stands in a lift which accelerates upwards. The resultant reaction force on the floor of the lift is
A. greater than the weight of the man
B. less than the weight of the man
C. same as the weight of the man
D. zero
Answer : A
12. The difference between planets and stars is
A. planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light
B. planets do not twinkle like stars
C. planets are much smaller than stars
D. All the above
Answer : D
13. Galaxies emit
A. radio waves and X-rays
B. ultraviolet light waves
C. visible light waves
D. All the above
Answer : D
14. A body has fallen from a height. Just before touching the pound it has
A. lost all its potential energy and gained an equivalent amount of kinetic energy
B. gained potential energy and lost kinetic energy
C. gained kinetic energy as well as potential energy
D. lost kinetic energy as well as potential energy
Answer : A
15. Antiparticle of electron is
A. proton
B. antiproton
C. positron
D. neutron
Answer : C
16. The numerical reading of the Fahrenheit thermometer of a given temperature
A. is proportional to that of the Celsius thermometer
B. is always greater than that of the Celsius thermometer
C. is always less than that of the Celsius thermometer
D. may be greater than or less than or equal to that of the Celsius thermometer
Answer : D
17. Commonly used safety fuse wire is made of
A. Tin
B. Lead
C. Nickel
D. An alloy of tin and lead
Answer : D
18. Choose the scalar quantity from the following physical quantities
A. force
B. velocity
C. acceleration
D. speed
Answer : D
19. The principle of equivalence of mass and energy was established by
A. Dalton
B. Rutherford
C. Einstein
D. Planck
Answer : C
20. Air pressure is usually highest when the air is
A. warm and moist
B. cool and dry
C. warm and dry
D. cool and moist
Answer : D
21. Which of the following wires of same dimensions offers least resistance to the ,flow of current?
A. copper
B. aluminium
C. silver
D. nichrome
Answer : C
22. Pieces of camphor placed on water move about rapidly. This is because of
A. diffusion
B. viscosity
C. surface tension
D. capillarity
Answer : C
23. Out of the following, name the fluorescent substance.
A. quinine sulphate solution
B. paraffin oil
C. fluorescein solutions
D. All the above
Answer : D
24. On the Kelvin scale, the melting point of ice is
A. 0 K
B. 273 K
C. 373 K
D. 100 K
Answer : B
25. When a ship floats on water, the weight or water displaced is
A. an indeterminate quantity
B. equal to the weight of the ship
C. greater than the weight of the ship
D. less than the weight of the ship
Answer : B
26. The pressure of air at high altitude is less than the atmospheric pressure at the sea level. Hence the boning point of water at a hill top
A. is more than at sea level
B. is equal to that sea level
C. is less than at sea level
D. depends on the surrounding temperature
Answer : C
27. The sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy. This is due to
A. nuclear fission
B. nuclear fusion
C. chemical combustion
D. boiling
Answer : B
28. Thick brick walls are used in the construction or a cold storage because bricks
A. are good conductors of heat
B. are cheaper
C. are easily obtained
D. are bad conductors of heat
Answer : D
29. Primary colours are
A. colours of the rainbow
B. colours in the spectrum of white light
C. colours which cannot be produced by mixing other colours
D. colours found in nature
Answer : C
30. The brightest star visible to the naked eye is
A. Sirius
B. Vega
C. Rigel
D. Proxima Centauri
Answer : A
31. The planet that has got a well-developed set of rings is
A. Venus
B. Saturn
C. Mercury
D. Earth
Answer : B
32. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in Vehicles?
A. Parabolic
B. Convex
C. Concave
D. Plain
Answer : B
33. The period of a geostationary (synchronous) satellite orbiting the earth over the equator la
A. 16 hours
B. 12 hours
C. 20 hours
D. 24 hours
Answer : D
34. When sound waves travel from one medium to another, the quantity which remains unchanged is its
A. speed
B. frequency
C. wavelength
D. All the above
Answer : B
35. The electrical domestic tube light gives white fiourescent light because of
A. collision between molecules of filled gas under electric current
B. heavy current
C. vacuum inside the tube
D. falling of ultra violet rays on the white inner coating of the tube
Answer : D
36. The brightest planet in the Solar System is
A. Jupiter
B. Mercury
C. Venus
D. Sirius
Answer : C
37. Pyrometers are instruments used
A. for measuring the velocity of wind
B. in the manufacture of fireworks
C. in finding the coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid
D. for measuring high temperatures
Answer : D
38. Photo-electric cells convert
A. electrical energy into light energy
B. light energy into electrical energy
C. light energy into heat energy
D. electrical energy into heat energy
Answer : B
39. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. When the ball is heated the volume of the cavity will
A. increase
B. decrease
C. remain unaffected
D. have its shape changed
Answer : A
40. The strength of an electromagnet can be increased by
A. increasing the length of the coiled wire
B. increasing current supply
C. increasing the size of the iron core
D. All the above
Answer : D
41. Before the invention of geostationary satellites, television stations could not transmit their programmes to far off places because
A. these signals are electromagnetic in nature
B. these are not electromagnetic in nature
C. their wavelength is very large
D. they are not reflected by the ionosphere but pass through it
Answer : D
42. Before the invention of geostationary satellites, television stations could not transmit their programmes to far off places because
A. these signals are electromagnetic in nature
B. these are not electromagnetic in nature
C. their wavelength is very large
D. they are not reflected by the ionosphere but pass through it
Answer : D
43. At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading?
A. 212°
B. 32°
C. -40°
Answer : D
44. The mass number and the atomic number of an element are X and Y respectively. The number oC neutrons in the atom of that element is
A. X
B. Y
C. X + Y
D. X Y
Answer : D
45. The presence of impurities
A. lowers the melting point of ice
B. raises the melting point of ice
C. has no effect on the melting point of ice
D. may lower or rise the melting point depending upon the type of impurities
Answer : A
46. A wire conveying a current deflects a pivoted magnetic needle. This was discovered by
A. Marconi
B. Oersted
C. Faraday
D. Ohm
Answer : B
47. Cosmic rays are
A. powerful X-rays falling on the earth from space
B. ultraviolet rays from the sun
C. gamma rays from radioactive minerals
D. very energetic radiation falling upon the earth from outer space consisting chiefly of charged particles
Answer : D
48. The distance between two bodies is halved. Now the force of attraction between them will be
A. half
B. one fourth
C. four times
D. two times
Answer : C
49. The property of a fluid by which it resists relative motion within itself is known as
A. cohesive force
B. surface tension
C. diffusion
D. viscosity
Answer : D
50. The loudness of a sound is determined by
A. Frequency
B. Amplitude
C. Speed
D. Wavelength
Answer : B

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