
SBI PO - Phylum - Protozoa 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. Gametocytes of Plasmodium are produced in the
A. stomach of mosquito
B. erythrocytes of man from schizonts
C. erythrocytes of man from merozoites
D. all of these
Answer : C
2. The mode of life of Plasmodium in man and mosquito respectively is
A. intracellular in both
B. intercellular in both
C. intracellular and intercellular
D. intercellular and intracellular
Answer : C
3. Entamoeba differs from Amoeba in not having
A. nucleus
B. pseudopodia
C. ectoplasm
D. contractile vascule
Answer : D
4. A liver biopsy of a patient suffering from amoebic hepatic abscess would demonstrate the presence of
A. trophozoites
B. cysts
C. precystic stages
D. sporozoites
Answer : D
5. The disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi is
A. sleeping sickness
B. chaga's disease
C. kala azar
D. oriental sore
Answer : B
6. A food vacuole develops in Paramecium at the distal end of
A. cytopharynx
B. oral grove
C. cytostome
D. oesophagus
Answer : D
7. Nitrogenous wastes in Amoeba are expelled through
A. plasmalemma
B. pseudopodia
C. hyaline cap
D. contractile vacuole
Answer : A
8. Schizont stage in the life cycle of malarial parasite occurs in
A. erythrocytes of man
B. stomach of Anopheles
C. salivary glands of Anopheles
D. blood of man
Answer : A
9. The life cycle of Plasmodium in human blood is called
A. schizogony
B. syngamy
C. exo-erythro cytic schizogony
D. sporogony
Answer : A
10. The number of daughter paramecia produced following conjugation is
A. 8 from one conjugant
B. 8 from two conjugants
C. 16 from two conjugants
D. 8-16 from two conjugants
Answer : B
11. The digestive enzymes in Paramecium are secreted in
A. food vacuoles directly
B. lysosomes and then released into food vacuole
C. endoplasm and then pass into food vacuole
D. both lysosomes and endoplasm
Answer : B
12. Mapacrine and Paludrine drugs are used for
A. malaria
B. amoebiasis
C. tapeworms
D. ascariasis
Answer : A
13. Trypanosoma is transmitted by
A. contamination
B. kissing
C. contagination
D. inoculation
Answer : D
14. The zoological name of giant amoeba is
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Arcella sp.
C. Chaos chaos
D. Ovale sp.
Answer : C
15. All stages in the life cycle of malarial parasite are haploid except
A. gamout
B. ookinete
C. schizont
D. sporont
Answer : B
16. Trypanosomiasis is a disease, transmitted by vector
A. Louse
B. Tsetse fly
C. Mayfly
D. Firefly
Answer : B
17. The cell anus in some protozoans known as
A. cytoproct
B. peristome
C. cytostome
D. none of these
Answer : A
18. Malarial parasites could best be obtained from a patient
A. an hour before rise of temperature
B. when temeprature rises with rigor
C. when temeprature comes down to normal
D. five hours after the temperature reaches normal level.
Answer : D
19. The catabolic wastes in Amoeba consist of
A. water and CO2
B. water, CO2 and minerals
C. Water, CO2, minerals and urea
D. all of these
Answer : C
20. Vector can be defined as
A. disease transmitting host
B. natural reservoir of disease causing organism
C. pathogenic organism
D. any kind of disease transmitting organism
Answer : D
21. When kerosene is sprayed on the stagnant water wherein the larvae of Anopheles develop, it
A. burns the body wall of the larvae
B. diffuses through the body wall and kills them
C. suffocates them to death
D. prevents contact of spiracles with air
Answer : D
22. The sexual phase of life cycle of Plasmodium is completed in
A. blood of man
B. liver of man
C. stomach of female anopheles
D. salivary glands of female anopheles
Answer : C
23. The sporozoites of Plasmodium first attack
B. liver cells
C. muscles
D. intestine
Answer : B
24. The rossette stage in lif^ cycle of Plasmodium is found in
A. blood of man
B. RBC of man
C. liver of man
D. stomach of Anopheles mosquito
Answer : B
25. The resultant cells of schizogony in the life history of malarial parasite are
A. schizonts
B. merozoites
C. ookinetes
D. sporozoites
Answer : B
26. The only stage of malarial parasite that can survive in the stomach of mosquito is
A. ookinate
B. oocyst
C. gametocytes
D. sporozoites
Answer : C
27. The oriental sores in human skin are caused by
A. Leishmania tropica
B. Phlebotomus
C. Balantidium
D. Leishmania donovani
Answer : A
28. In Plasmodium, gametocytes are formed by j the trophozoites in the RBS of man. They do not develop fully in RBC because of
A. antibodies present in blood
B. antigens present in blood
C. higher temperautre of blood
D. lower temeprature of blood
Answer : C
29. If an Amoeba is placed in salt water, its contractile vacuole will
A. enlarge
B. disappear
C. multiple
D. burst
Answer : B
30. According to Whittaker's system of classification, all the living organisms are classifed into 5 kingdoms and Viruses are placed under
A. Monera
B. Protista
C. Protoctista
D. None of these
Answer : D
31. In an electric field, the Paramecium moves
A. towards the negative pole
B. towards the positive pole
C. around to avoid effect of current
D. forms cyst and does not move
Answer : A
32. The disease caused by Entamoeba gingimlis is transmitted by
A. flies
B. kissing
C. air
D. mosquitoes
Answer : B
33. Quinine, utilised in the treatment of malaria, is extracted from
A. cinnamom
B. cinchona
C. blister flies
D. red ants
Answer : B
34. Sleeping sickness in man is caused by Trypanosoma by the bite of the infective
A. female Tsetse fly
B. male Tsetse fly
C. both male and female Tsetse flies
D. male and female aedes mosquito
Answer : C
35. An example of dimorphic protozoan is
A. Amoeba proteus
B. Paramecium caudatum
C. Plasmodium
D. Polystornella
Answer : D
36. The intermediate host in the life cycle of �. histolytica is
A. Housefly
B. Mosquitoes
C. Tsetse fly
D. None of these
Answer : D
37. African sleeping sickness or Gambiense fever is caused by
A. Entamoeba
B. Trypanosma
C. Leishmania
D. Trichomonas
Answer : B
38. If a fresh water Amoeba for some reason in unable to form contractile vacuole, it will
A. stop forming pseudopodia
B. stop manufacturing metabolic water
C. burst consequent to osmotic swelling
D. become static for some time
Answer : C
39. The life-cycle of malarial parasite in liver is called
A. erythrocytic stage
B. pre-erythrocytic stage
C. exo-erythrocytic stage
D. post-erythrocytic stage
Answer : B
40. The energy for Amoeba for doing work comes from
A. diffusion of ATP molecules from ingested organisms
B. oxidation of nutrients to form ATP
C. free energy
D. all of these
Answer : B
41. Golgi cycle in Plasmodium occurs in man, in
A. blood
C. liver cells
D. stomach
Answer : B
42. Down stroke and recovery stroke are characteristic of
A. movement of pseudopodia
B. movement of flagella
C. movement of cilia
D. none of these
Answer : C
43. Sporogony of malaria parasite occurs in
A. liver of man
B. RBC of man
C. stomach wall of mosquito
D. salivary glands of mosquito
Answer : C
44. Oocyst of Plasmodium develops from
A. female gametocyte
B. fertilised microgamete
C. fertilised macrogamete
D. ookinete
Answer : C
45. Sporozoites of Plasmodium vivax are produced from
A. ookinete
B. gametocytes
C. merozoites
D. sporoblasts
Answer : C
46. Erythrocytic cycle of Plasmodium produces
A. schizonts
B. sporozoites
C. merozoites
D. metacryptomerozoites;
Answer : A
47. Trypanosoma shows the phenomenon of
A. amorphism
B. dimorphism
C. trimorphism
D. polymorphism
Answer : D
48. Encystment in Amoeba serves for
A. perennation
B. reproduction
C. dispersal
D. all of these
Answer : D
49. Highly polypoid meganucleus is present in
A. flagellates
B. ciliates
C. sporozoans
D. rhizopodans
Answer : B
50. The schizogony cycle of Plasmodium takes place in
A. alimentary canal of mosquito
B. liver of man
C. liver and RBC of man
D. RBC of man
Answer : C

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