
SSC CGL - Classifications of Animal Kindom 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. A limbless amphibian is
A. Siren
B. Ophiosaurus
C. Triturus
D. Ichthyophis
Answer : D
2. A triploblastic animal in which I mesenchyme fills the space between ectoderm and endoderm is
A. Sea anemone
B. Planarian
C. Pheretima
D. Starfish
Answer : B
3. Which of the following groups of characters is present in all chordates in some or other stage in their life ?
A. Mammary glands, hairs, gill slits
B. Notochord, gill slits and dorsal ! tubular nervous system
C. Notochord, scales and dorsal tubular nervous system
D. Gill slits, vertebral column and notochoitl
Answer : B
4. Aphrodite, commonly called as sea mouse is a/an
A. annelide
B. fish
C. mollusc
D. arthropod
Answer : A
5. Pheretivia is placed in class
A. annelida
B. chaetopoda
C. polychaeta
D. oligochaeta
Answer : D
6. Dolphins are classified under
A. Pisces
B. Amphibia
C. Reptile
D. Mammals
Answer : D
7. Which one of the following sets has all hermophrodite animals ?
A. Ascaris, Hydra, Earthworm
B. Leech, Hydra, Tapeworm
C. Hydra, Man, Leech
D. Tapeworm, Toad, Starfish
Answer : B
8. Taxonomy is the science that deals with the classification of
A. plants
B. animals
C. microorganisms
D. living organisms
Answer : D
9. Which of the following is not an enterocoelic phylum ?
A. Chordata
B. Mollusca
C. Coelentrata
D. Porifera
Answer : B
10. The taxonomic unit of any rank/category is known as
A. species
B. taxon
C. taxis
D. genus
Answer : B
11. The most highly advanced character in reptilia is the presence of
A. four-chambered heart
B. shelled eggs
C. thecodont dentition
D. powerful jaws
Answer : A
12. Character common in spider, cockroach and centipede is
A. compound eyes
B. joint legs
C. book lungs
D. green glands
Answer : B
13. Sea horse is a
A. fish
B. mammal
C. bird
D. none of these
Answer : B
14. The term "Monera" stands for
A. all prokaryotes
B. bacterai, blue green algae and sinlge celled eukaryotes
C. bacteria, blue green algae and single celled eukaryotic animals
D. single celled eukaryotes and prokaryotes
Answer : A
15. In fishes, lobed fins are found in
A. marine fishes
B. fresh water fishes
C. lung fishes
D. none of these
Answer : C
16. Branchiostonta is an example of
A. Cephalochordata
B. Agnatha
C. Urochordata
D. Gnathostomata
Answer : A
17. Glass snake is a
A. lizard
B. tree snake
C. nematode
D. fish
Answer : A
18. Which one of the following is found in chordates but not in non-chordates
A. Gills
B. Spiracles
C. Post anal tail
D. Chitious skeleton
Answer : C
19. Physalia, the "Portugese man of War" belongs to class
A. Coelenterata
B. Hydrozoa
C. Scyphozoa
D. Anthozoa
Answer : B
20. Which of the following have played a part in human evolution, different races adapting to different climate ?
A. Geographical isolation
B. Reproductive isolation
C. Behavioural isolation
D. Hybrid in viability
Answer : A
21. Correct statement is :
A. Archaeopteryx is a connecting link between mammals and aves
B. Duck-bill platypus is a connecting link between reptiles and mammals
C. Sea horse is a connecting link between fish and horse
D. Hydra is a connecting link between protozoa and metazoa
Answer : B
22. Insects possess
A. 2 pairs of legs
B. 3 pairs of legs
C. 4 pairs of legs
D. 5 pairs of legs
Answer : B
23. Natural system of classification has the basis of
A. morphology
B. Phylogeny
C. both (a) and (b)
D. ontogeny
Answer : C
24. Which of the following sets belongs to the same class ?
A. Hydra, jelly fish, cray fish
B. Bat, pigeon, whale
C. Spider, scorpion, centipede
D. Whale, otter, kangaroo
Answer : D
25. The main basis of classification of Phylum Protozoa is
A. size
B. locomotary organelles
C. shape
D. number of nuclei
Answer : B
26. Exclusively marine animals are found in group
A. Fishes and Echinodermata
B. Coelentrata and Echinodermata
C. Porifera and Coelentrata
D. Echinodermata and Protochordata
Answer : D
27. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?
A. Flame cellsplatyhelminthes
B. Stinging cellscoelenterata
C. Metameric segmentationmollusca
D. Gill slitschordata
Answer : C
28. Whale, monkey and bat have seven cervical vertebrae. Which one has the same number of cervical vertebrae ?
A. Giraffe
B. Crocodile
C. Shark
D. Ostrich
Answer : A
29. Archaeopteryx called a connecting link, carried the characters, of
A. reptile and bird
B. reptile and mammals
C. fish and amphibia
D. reptile and amphibia
Answer : A
30. Chief distinguishing features of mammals are
A. hairy skin and ovipary
B. hairy skin and mammary glands
C. mammary glands and teeth
D. pinnae and teeth
Answer : B
31. Monotremata is a group of animals which includes
A. fishes with a sinlge gill aperture
B. insects with a single pair of functional spiracles
C. mammals with a single common cloacal opening
D. protozoans with single flagellum
Answer : C
32. Glow worm is
A. an annelid
B. a true worm
C. a type of earthworm
D. an insect
Answer : D
33. Amphixous is a marine animal belonging to the sub-phylum
A. Urochordata
B. Cephalochordata
C. Vertebrata
D. Hemichordata
Answer : B
34. Pharyngeal gill slits are found in
A. flying fish
B. silver fish
C. crayfish
D. cuttlefish
Answer : A
35. Taxon is the
A. name of a taxonomy journal
B. name of a branch of taxonomy
C. a rank of classification as phylum, class, order, species
D. group of similarly constituted species
Answer : C
36. Which is the common character between all mammals ?
A. They are viviparous
B. They are herbivores
C. They are carnivores
D. They have 7 cervical vertebrae
Answer : D
37. True fishes possess gills and fins. Which of the following is not a true fish ?
A. Silver fish
B. Goldfish
C. Silver carp
D. Seahorse
Answer : A
38. A definite number of body segments is found in
A. leech
B. tapeworm
C. earthworm
D. slug
Answer : A
39. One of the following is not a true fish :
A. Saw fish
B. Silver fish
C. Dogfish
D. Pipefish
Answer : A
40. Which of the following is represented by the largest number of species ?
A. Insecta
B. Protozoa
C. Mammalia
D. Aves
Answer : C
41. Lobsters and crabs belong to the class
A. Insecta
B. Arachnida
C. Crustacea
D. Polychaeta
Answer : C
42. The concept of homology can be applied to
A. gross structures of the body
B. physiological mechanisms
C. biochemical similarities
D. all of these
Answer : D
43. Tube in the tube' plan is exhibited by one of the following phyla :
A. Coelenterata
B. Porifera
C. Annelida
D. Arthropoda
Answer : C
44. A spider belongs to class
A. Insecta
B. Myriapoda
C. Arachnida
D. Onychophora
Answer : C
45. Tapeworm is placed in class
A. Cestoda
B. Trematoda
C. Sporozoa
D. Suctoria
Answer : B
46. The main basis of classification of Protozaoa is
A. number of nuclei
B. shape of the organisms
C. method of reproduction
D. locomotary device
Answer : D
47. 'Systema Naturae' was written by
A. Carolus Linnaeus
B. Charles Darwin
C. Lamarck
D. Wallace
Answer : A
48. The generic name of apple snail is
A. Limax
B. Pila
C. Sepia
D. Murex
Answer : B
49. Salamander belongs to class
A. Reptilia
B. Amphibia
C. Aves
D. Mammalia
Answer : B
50. Ophiosaurus commonly known as glass snake is a
A. limbless amphibian
B. limbless snake
C. limbless lizard
D. limbless fish
Answer : C

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