
SSC JE - Astronomy 1000+ MCQ [Solved] PDF Download

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The word 'planet' means ____.
A. wanderer
B. pollution
C. celestial body
D. heavenly body
Answer : A
2. How many degrees north and south are the Tropics?
A. 47 degrees
B. 23.5 degrees
C. 12 degrees
D. 30 degrees
Answer : A
3. Nearest star from the earth after Sun is
A. Proxima Centaury
B. Alfa Centaury
C. Dog Star
D. Constellation
Answer : A
4. The shortest route between two places is along the
A. longitudes
B. latitudes
C. rivers
D. direction of winds
Answer : A
5. Going into the interior of the earth the weight of an object
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains unchanged
D. First increases and then decreases
Answer : A
6. Equatorial diameter of the Earth is __.
A. 12757 km
B. 17257 km
C. 17527 km
D. 17572 km
Answer : A
7. Which planet rotates on its axis from north to south?
A. Uranus
B. Venus
C. Mars
D. Pluto
Answer : A
8. What is the primary cause of the day and night?
A. Revolution
B. Rotation
C. Inclination of the earth's axis
D. Geoid shape of the earth
Answer : B
9. When does the Vernal Equinox occur?
A. December 25
B. March 21
C. February 28
D. January 14
Answer : B
10. What part of the moon's surface can be visible from the earth?
A. 1.59
B. 1.41
C. 0.5
D. 1/3rd
Answer : A
11. Outside Antarctica, which is the deepest part of the earth?
A. The Dead Sea
B. The Aral Sea
C. The Caspian Sea
D. Lake Baikal
Answer : A
12. The group of small pieces of rock revolving round the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are called
A. meteors
B. comets
C. meteorites
D. asteroids
Answer : D
13. Sun-rays reaches earth in (approximately)
A. 8 seconds
B. 8 minutes
C. 4.3 seconds
D. 1 light year
Answer : B
14. Planet with nearly equal rotation and revolution time to the earth is _____.
A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Uranus
D. Mars
Answer : A
15. Rapidly rotating stars emitting intense radio waves are called ___.
A. Pulsars
B. Quasuars
C. Neutron stars
D. All of the above
Answer : A
16. Sunspots are
A. undulations on the solar surface
B. huge magnetic storms on the solar surface
C. places with adequate sunshine
D. places of tourist importance
Answer : B
17. A swarm of small bodies in between the two Planets of Solar System is called 'asteroids' which are those two Planets?
A. Mars and Jupiter
B. Earth and Venus
C. Neptune and Pluto
D. Jupiter and Saturn
Answer : A
18. Which planet is called 'Double Planet'?
A. Venus
B. Uranus
C. Pluto
D. Earth
Answer : C
19. Big Bang Theory' explains
A. the formation of universe
B. the origin and evolution of earth's crust
C. formation of Solar System
D. formation of constellation
Answer : A
20. How much time does earth take in making one rotation on its axis with respect to a fixed star at infinite distance?
A. 23 hours 56 minutes
B. 24 hours
C. 23 hours 46 minutes
D. 24 hours 4 minutes
Answer : A
21. Charon' is the satellite of _____.
A. Earth
B. Saturn
C. Pluto
D. Neptune
Answer : C
22. What does perigee mean?
A. The position of the moon farthest from the earth
B. The position of the earth nearest to the Sun
C. The position of the moon nearest to the earth
D. The position of the earth farthest from the Sun
Answer : C
23. What is the average radius of the Earth?
A. 6071km
B. 6571km
C. 6371km
D. 6771 km
Answer : C
24. A celestial body consisting of a gaseous cloud enveloping a bright nucleus moving around the Sun in an elliptical or parabolic orbit so eccentrically that some escapes from the Solar Systems is called
A. Comet
B. Great Bear
C. Meteores
D. Asteroides
Answer : A
25. What do you call a narrow neck oC land that connects two larger landmasses?
A. Peninsula
B. Isthmus
C. Cape
D. Strait
Answer : B
26. Polar Auroras are
A. Quasars
B. b) Pulsar
C. Aurora Borealis
D. White Dwarfstar
Answer : C
27. The Jupiter's atmosphere comprises mainly of
A. Hydrogen and oxygen
B. Carbondioxide and oxygen
C. Hydrogen and hydrogen compounds
D. Nitrogen and helium
Answer : C
28. How many planets does our Solar System consist of?
A. 9
B. 6
C. 7
D. 10
Answer : A
29. What is the difference between a lake and a tank?
A. A lake is small and a tank is big
B. A lake has flowing water, a tank has still water
C. A lake is a geographical feature, a tank is not
D. Both are land-enclosed water bodies, but the latter is man-made
Answer : D
30. When the earth is at its maximum distance from the Sun it is said to be in
A. Perigee
B. Apogee
C. Perihelion
D. Aphelion
Answer : D
31. How much time does the earth take in completing one rotation on its axis in relation to sun?
A. 23 hours 56 minutes
B. 24 hours
C. 23 hours 46 minutes
D. 24 hours 4 minutes
Answer : B
32. Smallest planet of our Solar System is _____.
A. Pluto
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Mercury
Answer : A
33. Which planet has the largest equatorial radius?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Mars
D. Earth
Answer : A
34. Planet nearest to the earth is _____.
A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
Answer : A
35. Oldest object in the Solar System is __.
A. Titania
B. Titan
C. Miranda
D. Europa
Answer : C
36. What is the name of the planet which takes 88 days to make one revolution of the Sun?
A. Venus
B. Mercury
C. Pluto
D. Neptune
Answer : B
37. What is the name given to the widened rivermouth found at the point a river enters the sea?
A. Estuary
B. Bay
C. Gulf
D. Delta
Answer : A
38. What is the position of the moon called when it la farthest from the earth?
A. Perigee
B. Perihelion
C. Aphelion
D. Apogee
Answer : D
39. What is the primary cause of seasonal change on the surface of the earth?
A. Earth's revolution and inclination of its axis
B. Revolution
C. Earth's rotation and inclination of its axis
D. Rotation
Answer : A
40. What are the Pleides?
A. Constellation
B. Asteroides
C. Meteores
D. Comets
Answer : A
41. Largest satellite in Solar System is ____.
A. Moon
B. Ganymede
C. Europa
D. Cheron
Answer : B
42. One Astronomical Unit is the average distance between
A. Earth and the Sun
B. Earth and the Moon
C. Jupiter and the Sun
D. Pluto and the Sun
Answer : A
43. What is the distance around the earth at the Equator?
A. 21,000 km
B. 16,800 km
C. 18,600 km
D. 12,500 km
Answer : C
44. How much time (approximately) does the light from the nearest star to the Sun take in reaching the earth?
A. 4.3 seconds
B. 4.3 years
C. 4.3 minutes
D. 4.3 hours
Answer : B
45. Which of the following is 'the cruel planet' in Indian astrology?
A. Jupiter
B. Saturn
C. Uranus
D. Neptune
Answer : B
46. How much time is taken by the Moon in completing one revolution around the Earth?
A. 27 days
B. 29 days
C. 29.32 days
D. 27.32 days
Answer : D
47. To a space traveller stationed in Moon, during the day time the lunar sky will appear
A. Blue
B. White
C. Black
D. Crimson Red
Answer : C
48. When the earth is at its minimum distance from the Sun, it is said to be
A. Perigee
B. Apogee
C. Perihelion
D. Aphelion
Answer : C
49. The rate of rotation of the Earth on its axis is the highest on which of the following date?
A. It never changes
B. January-4
C. January-3
D. January-21
Answer : A
50. All asteroids collectively revolve around the
A. Sun
B. Planet
C. Satellite
D. Moon
Answer : A

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