
State of Matter MCQ Solved Paper for LIC AAO

Thursday 9th of March 2023

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1. The number of atoms in 0.004 gm of magnesium is close to
A. 36x   105
B.  1020
C. 5 x  1020
D. 6.02 x 1023
Answer : B
2. Match box has the symmetry of which of the following systems?
A. Cubic
B. Orthorhombic
C. Tetragonal
D. Monoclinic
Answer : A
3. Normal boiling points values are for NH3, - 34C, bromine 58°C, carbon tetrachloride 77°C and oxygen - 183°C. Which of these liquids has the highest vapour pressure at room temperature?
A. NH3,
B. Br2
C. CCl4
D. O2
Answer : D
4. Chloroform and benzene form a pair of miscible liquids. These can be separated by
A. a separating funnel
B. distillation
C. sublimation
D. filtration
Answer : B
5. For a given gas at temperature T and pressure P the root mean square velocity (RMS) is C; then at temperature T and pressure 3P the RMS is
A. Unchanged
B. 3C
C. C/3
D. C3
Answer : A
6. An open vessel at 37°C is heated until 3/5 of the air in it has been expelled. Assuming that the volume of the vessel remains constant the temperature to which the vessel is heated is
A. 502°C
B. 502 K
C. 243.67°C
D. 925C
Answer : A
7. 22.4 litres of SO2 at 27.3°C and 1 atmosphere pressure shall weigh
A. 32 g
B. 16 g
C. 44.8 g
D. 48.5 g
Answer : D
8. The space occupied by spheres in ccp arrangement is
A. 74.06%
B. 68.05%
C. 60.4%
D. 52.4%
Answer : A
9. At a given temperature and pressure 2 volumes of A combine with 5 volumes of B to form 2 volumes of C, and 1 volume of A combines with one volume of B to form 2 volumes of D. Then the formula of C is
A. AB5
B. A5B2
C.  A2B5
Answer : C
10. The number of molecules of CO2 present in 44 gms. of CO2 is
A. 6 x 1023 approx
B. 1030 approx
C. 3 x 1010 approx
D. 12 x  1023 approx
Answer : B
11. When an ideal gas undergoes unrestricted expansion, no cooling occurs because the molecules
A. are above inversion temperature
B. exert no attractive force on each other
C. do work equal to loss in kinetic energy
D. collide without loss of energy
Answer : B
12. In fluorite structure coordination number of calcium ions is
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 3
Answer : C
13. The molecular weight of a volatile liquid can be determined by
A. Dumas' method
B. Victor Meyer's method
C. Cryoscopic method
D. Osmotic pressure
Answer : B
14. If all the octahedral sites in a cubic close packed arrangement (B-) are completelyfilled with A+ cations, the empirical formula of the compound could then be
A. AB2
B. A2B
D. None of these
Answer : C
15. Which of the following phrases would be incorrect to use?
A. An atom of an element
B. An atom of a compound
C. A molecule of a compound
D. A molecule of an element
Answer : C
16. The weight of 11.2 litres of CO2 at S.T.P. would be
A. 22 gms
B. 66 gms
C. 11 gms
D. 16 gms
Answer : D
17. The limiting radii ratio for the tetrahedral geometry is
A. 0.155
B. 0.444
C. 0.732
D. 0.225
Answer : D
18. A gas or vapour may be liquefied only at a temperature at or
A. below the critical temperature
B. above the critical temperature
C. above the normal boiling point
D. at any temperature
Answer : A
19. The best electrical conductor of the following is
A. CO2(s)
B. Si(s)
C. NaCl (fused)
D. Br2(I)
Answer : C
20. Correct gas equation is
A. P1V1P2V2=T1T2
B. V1T2P1=P2T1T2
C. P1T1V1=P2T2V2
D. V1V2T1T2=P1P2
Answer : A
21. 22.4 litre of any gas at N.T.P. will contain
A. One gram equivalent
B. One gram atomic weight
C. One gram atom
D. One gram molecule
Answer : D
22. The vapour density of completely dissociated sociated NH4CL would be
A. Determined by the amount of solid NH4CL used in the experiment
B. Triple to that of NH4CL
C. Half of that NH4CL
D. Slightly less than half of that of NH4CL
Answer : C
23. 1.The correct relationship representing the volume occupied by 44 gm of CO2 and 64 gm of  SO2 at constant temperahire and pressure:
A. V(CO2  ) > V(SO2)
B. V(CO2  ) = V(SO2)
C. V(SO2) > V(CO2  )
D. cannot be predicted
Answer : B
24. The number of molecules in 4.25 gm of ammonia are approximately
A. 0.5×1023
B. 1.5×1023
C. 2.5×1023
D. 3.5×1023
Answer : B
25. A balloon filled with ethane is pricked up with sharp point and quickly plunged into a tank of hydrogen at the same pressure. After some time balloon will
A. be enlarged
B. be collapse
C. remain unchanged in size
D. have half its volume of the gas
Answer : A
26. In NaCl type structure, the coordination number of the cation and anion are
A. 6 and 4
B. 6 and 6
C. 4 and 4
D. 8 and 4
Answer : B
27. Density of a gas relative to air is 2.3. If the average molar mass of air is 29.08/mol, the molecular mass of the gas will be
A. 29 gm/mole
B. 66.7 gm/mole
C. 12.67 gm/mole
D. 25.22 gm/mole
Answer : B
28. How many nearest neighbours are there in an atom or ion in an octahedral hole of a close packed structure?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 18
Answer : B
29. A chalk box exhibits
A. cubic geometry
B. monoclinic geometry
C. orthorhombic geometry
D. tetragonal
Answer : A
30. In which one of the following does diffusion occur most rapidly?
A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gases
D. Gels
Answer : C
31. The vol. of 20 gm. of hydrogen at N.T.P. is
A. 22.4 litres
B. 112 litres
C. 12 litres
D. 224 litres
Answer : A
32. An example of covalent solid is
A. diamond
B. NaCl
C. Copper
D. CO2
Answer : A
33. Four 1 litre flasks are separately filled with the gases hydrogen, helium, oxygen and ozone at the same temperature and pressure, the ratio of total number of atoms of these gases present in the different flasks would be
A. 3:2:2:1
B. 2:1:2:3
C. 1:2:2:3
D. 1:1:1:1
Answer : C
34. What will be the mass of 6.023 x 1023 molecules of carbon monoxide?
A. 14 gm
B. 28 gm
C. 16 gm
D. 44 gm
Answer : D
35. Absolute zero is the temperature at which
A. water freezes
B. all gases become liquid
C. all substances are solid
D. molecular motion ceases
Answer : D
36. The mean free path of a gas molecule is the distance
A. between the two opposite walls of the container
B. through which the molecules travel in one second
C. through which molecules move between two consecutive collisions
D. travelled by all the molecules divided by the total number of molecules in a particular gas
Answer : C
37. The relation between molecular wt. and vapour density is
A. Molecular wt. = 23 V.D.
B. Molecular wt. = 13 V.D.
C. Molecular wt. = V.D.
D. Molecualr wt = 2 x V.D.
Answer : A
38. To which of the following mixtures is the Dalton's law of partial pressures not applicable?
A. H2+O2
B. N2+O2
C. NO + O2
D. Xe + Ar
Answer : C
39. From the Dulong and Petit's law atomic weight is given by which one of the following relations?
A. 6.41 sp. heat
B. 6.4/sp. heat
C. sp. heat/6.4
D. sp. heat/6.4 x 2
Answer : A
40. The vapour density of gas A is four times that of gas B. If the molecular weight of gas B is M, then the molecular weight of gas A is
A. 2M
B. 4M
C. 8M
D. M/4
Answer : B
41. When there is more deviation in the behaviour of a gas from ideal gas equation PV = nRT
A. at high temperature and low pressure
B. at low temperature and high pressure
C. at high temperature and high pressure
D. at low temperature and low pressure
Answer : B
42. In the ideal gas equation PV = nRT constant 'R' has the unit
A. joule
B. litre/mol
C. lit-atm/deg/mol
D. calorie/mole
Answer : C
43. The average kinetic energy of the molecule of SO2 (moL wt. = 64) at 27°C is E. Then the average kinetic energy of CO2 at 27°C is
A. E×6444
B. E×4464
C. E
D. 22E
Answer : C
44. Which of the following statement wrong?
A. In solid state molecules, atoms or ions are held with a strong force of attraction and are in a fixed position
B. In liquid state the molecules, atom or ions are held with a strong force and have a restricted motion
C. In gaseous states, the molecules are randomly arranged and are apart from each other
D. Solid, liquid and gaseous states have different movement is particles
Answer : B
45. Volume occupied by 1 gm equivalent of oxygen at NTP is
A. 22.4 litres
B. 2.24 litres
C. 5.6 litres
D. 11.2 litres
Answer : C
46. Kinetic theory of gases postulates :
A. The molecules in a gas are in stationary state
B. The molecules in a gas exert appreciable attraction on each other
C. The molecules move in a random motion with widely different velocities
D. The molecules in a gas collide against each other as well as the wall of the container, but do not change their direction of motion
Answer : C
47. One mole of gas is defined as
A. The number of molecules in 22.4 litres of gas at S.T.P
B. The number of molecules contained | in 6 grams of 12 C isotope
C. The number of molecules in one formula weight of gas
D. The number of molecules in litre of gas
Answer : C
48. The number of N2 molecules present in 28 nitrogen is
A. 2 x 10
B. 6 x 1022
C. 6 x 1023 approximately
D. 5 x 1030 approximately
Answer : C
49. Volume occupied by 4.4 gift of carbon dioxide is
A. 4.4 litres
B. 2.24 litres
C. 22.4 litres
D. 4.48 litres
Answer : B
50. 7.Which of the following sets of conditions represent the easiest way to liquefy a gas?
A. Low temperature and high pressure
B. High temperature and low pressure
C. High temperature and low pressure
D. None of these
Answer : A

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