
Word Power 1000+ MCQ with answer for IIFT

Thursday 9th of March 2023

Sharing is caring

1. A group of small ships
A. archipelago
B. fleet
C. flotilla
D. tugs
Answer : C
2. Fair
A. untrue
B. unjust
C. coarse
D. harsh
Answer : B
A. Sad
B. Valedictory
C. Derivative
D. romising
Answer : A
4. In each of the following questions four words are given, of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination.
(A) instigate
(B) enquire
(C) construe
(D) interpret

A. A-C
B. A-B
C. C-D
D. B-D
Answer : C
A. Antipolitical
B. Terrorist
C. Not interested in politics
D. Subversive
Answer : C
6. A poem of fourteen lines.
A. Ballad
B. Psalm
C. Sonnet
D. Carol
Answer : C
7. Proposition
A. Intimation
B. Protestation
C. Proposal
D. Invitation
Answer : C
A. Apathy
B. Violence
C. Disgust
D. Avenge
Answer : C
9. Instrument that magnifies objects
A. Microscope
B. Periscope
C. Stethoscope
D. Telescope
Answer : A
10. For the following questions, choose the option which does not belong to the group (ODD-ONE-OUT).
A. bucolic
B. choleric
C. bilious
D. cantankerous
Answer : A
A. Burn
B. Remove
C. Confuse
D. Lose
Answer : A
12. Fastidious
A. ugly
B. shabby
C. shallow
D. discourteous
Answer : B
A. Discuss
B. Deliver
C. Sweeten
D. Race
Answer : A
A. Antipathy
B. Ignorance
C. Dissonance
D. Disharmony
Answer : A
15. Pompous
A. Uppish
B. Humble
C. Meek
D. Grandiose
Answer : B
A. Urgent
B. Youthful
C. Original
D. Eternal
Answer : D
17. Sporadic
A. Timely
B. Scattered
C. Frequent
D. Irrelevant
Answer : B
A. Relatives
B. Companions
C. Blemishes
D. Belongings
Answer : B
A. Mistaken
B. Quaint
C. Clear
D. Universal
Answer : C
20. The science of making watches
A. graphology
B. morphology
C. aneroid
D. horology
Answer : D
21. Boisterous
A. serenity
B. calm
C. cheerful
D. courageous
Answer : B
22. Assess
A. overload
B. measure
C. permit
D. enter
Answer : B
A. Fear
B. Claw
C. Joke
D. Power
Answer : D
A. Furious
B. Stylish
C. Restrained
D. Healthy
Answer : C
25. A commonplace and unoriginal statement
A. witticism
B. preamble
C. prevarication
D. platitude
Answer : D
26. The study of plant life
A. Geology
B. Zoology
C. Botany
D. Geography
Answer : C
27. Ameliorate
A. Improve
B. Degrade
C. Motivate
D. Agree
Answer : A
28. Indiscriminate
A. undifferentiated
B. instant
C. sensible
D. discreet
Answer : B
29. Apprise :
A. Praise
B. Inform
C. Conceal
D. Assess
Answer : B
30. ZOOM
A. Soothe
B. Plummet
C. Subjugate
D. Refute
Answer : B
31. A collection of slaves
A. Coffle
B. Crew
C. Company
D. Cortege
Answer : A
32. In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning.
(A) Expanded
(B) Proclaimed
(C) Shrunk
(D) Facilitated

A. A - D
B. B - D
C. C - D
D. A - C
Answer : D
33. Antiquated
A. renewed
B. unique
C. modern
D. renovated
Answer : C
A. Irritable
B. Harsh
C. Sinful
D. Unpopular
Answer : A
35. A collection of poems
A. Pathology
B. Anthology
C. Oncology
D. Pedology
Answer : B
A. Competition
B. Cooperation
C. Compromise
D. Campaign
Answer : A
A. Obstinate
B. Secondary
C. Talkative
D. Competitive
Answer : C
38. Equilibrium
A. Work out
B. Disturb
C. Imbalance
D. Univenness
Answer : C
39. A professional soldier hired to serve in a foreign army
A. Mercenary
B. Liquidator
C. Venal
D. Hireling
Answer : A
40. Conjurer
A. Magician
B. Jester
C. Performer
D. Trickster
Answer : C
A. Fragrant
B. Haggard
C. Pleasant
D. Shapely
Answer : C
42. One who is always doubting
A. Sceptic
B. Deist
C. Rationalist
D. Positivist
Answer : A
43. In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning.
(A) Cutting
(B) Establishing
(C) Transferring
(D) Pruning

A. A - B
B. C - D
C. B - C
D. A - D
Answer : D
44. GRIT
A. Bold
B. Courage
C. Grease
D. Level
Answer : B
45. Something short-lived
A. ephemeral
B. Epicurean
C. interim
D. illusory
Answer : A
46. An opinion contrary to popular belief
A. Paradox
B. Orthodoxy
C. Hearsay
D. Heresy
Answer : D
47. A place where bees are kept
A. aviary
B. artifice
C. diadem
D. apiary
Answer : D
A. Favourable
B. Similar
C. Humble
D. Versatile
Answer : A
49. General act of forgiveness on a national occasion
A. benediction
B. emancipation
C. investiture
D. amnesty
Answer : D
A. Barren
B. Backward
C. Reckless
D. Profound
Answer : A

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