
Computer Cryptography MCQ Question with Answer

Computer Cryptography MCQ with detailed explanation for interview, entrance and competitive exams. Explanation are given for understanding.

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Question No : 8
RSA algorithm is ____ cryptography algorithm.

None of the mentioned above

Question No : 9
Amongst which of the following is / are true with reference to the rounds in AES

Byte Substitution
Shift Row
Mix Column and Key Addition
All of the mentioned above

Question No : 10
Which of the following is not a type of symmetric-key cryptography technique?

Caesar cipher
Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Diffie Hellman cipher
Playfair cipher

Question No : 11
Which of the following is not a principle of data security?

Data Confidentiality
Data Integrity
None of the above

Question No : 12
Which of the following security attacks is not an active attack? ORWhich of the following attacks is a passive attack?

Modification of message
Denial of service
Traffic analysis

Question No : 13
Which of the following options correctly defines the Brute force attack?

Brutally forcing the user to share the useful information like pins and passwords.
Trying every possible key to decrypt the message.
One entity pretends to be some other entity
The message or information is modified before sending it to the receiver.

Question No : 14
A key is a string of bits used by a cryptographic algorithm to transform plain text into ciphertext. Which of the following is capable of becoming a key in a cryptographic algorithm?

An integer values
A square matrix
An array of characters (i.e. a string)
All of the above

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