Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


7.In an economy based on the price system the decision on what shall be produced is made by:

A. Government

B. Consumer

C. Producer

D. Stock holder

Correct Answer :

B. Consumer

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What is the correct answer?


When AC curve falls, MC curve falls:

A. More than AC curve

B. Less than AC curve

C. Equal to AC curve

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


A profit-maximizing monopolist in two separate markets will:

A. Charge the same price in both markets

B. Always charge a higher price in the market where he sells more

C. Always charge a higher price in the market where he sells less

D. Adjust his sales in the two markets so that his marginal revenue in each market just equals his aggregate marginal cost

What is the correct answer?


If the marginal utility is divided by the price of the commodity then it is called:

A. Real Marginal Utility

B. Gross Marginal Utility

C. Weighted Marginal Utility

D. Money Marginal Utility

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following pairs of commodities is an example of substitutes?

A. Tea and sugar

B. Tea and coffee

C. Pen and ink

D. Shirt and trousers

What is the correct answer?


The equilibrium conditions, MC = MR = AR = AC, will happen:

A. In the short-run under perfect competition

B. In the long-run under perfect competition

C. In the short-run under monopolistic competition

D. In the long-run under monopolistic competition

What is the correct answer?


J.R.Hicks was:

A. Neo-classical economist

B. Classical economist

C. Keynesian economist

D. Post-Keynesian economist

What is the correct answer?


A monopolist has control over the price he charges for his product. He will be able to maximize his profit by:

A. Lowering the price, if the demand curve is elastic

B. Lowering the price, if the demand curve is inelastic

C. Rising the price, if the demand curve is elastic

D. None of the above is applicable

What is the correct answer?


The advantage of using indifference curves rather than marginal utilities is:

A. We do not need to attach util values to consumption

B. Consumers can attain higher utility

C. It takes into account how much income the household has

D. We can determine how much of one good the consumer is willing to sacrifice in order to consume one more unit of another

What is the correct answer?


Who is the author of Trade Cycle ?

A. R.Nurkse

B. R.C.Mathews

C. W.A.Lewis

D. K.N.Raj

What is the correct answer?


In context of oligopoly, the kinky demand curve (kinked demand curve) hypothesis is designed to explain:

A. Price and output determination

B. Price rigidity (price stickness)

C. Price leadership

D. Collusion among rivals

What is the correct answer?


Price elasticity of demand is best defines as:

A. Change in the tastes of consumers at different prices

B. The rate of response of demand to a change in supply

C. The change in costs when output is increased by one unit

D. The responsiveness of demand to a change in price

What is the correct answer?


With the decrease in marginal valuation of a specific commodity, the price offered by the people:

A. Decreases

B. Increases

C. Become very high

D. Remain unchanged

What is the correct answer?


Other things remaining the same, when a consumers income increases his equilibrium point moves to:

A. A lower indifference curve

B. A lower PPC curve

C. Remains on same indifference curve

D. A higher indifference curve

What is the correct answer?


Under monopoly and imperfect competition MC is:

A. More than the price

B. Less than the price

C. Equal to the price

D. Less than or equal to the price

What is the correct answer?


At a point above the middle of a straight line demand curve, elasticity of demand is:

A. Less than one

B. Equal to one

C. More than one

D. Equal to infinite

What is the correct answer?


Abstinence or Waiting theory of Interest was presented by:

A. Lord Keynes

B. J.S.Mill

C. Alfred Marshal

D. Prof.Senior

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, because of difference in choices, the firm charges:

A. Different prices

B. Similar prices

C. High prices

D. Low prices

What is the correct answer?


Marginal Utility (MU) curve is always:

A. Rising

B. Falling

C. Parallel to X-axis

D. Parallel to Y-axis

What is the correct answer?


Iso-product curve (isoquant) shows:

A. A given quantity of output that can be produced by various combinations of two inputs

B. Varying quantities of output that can be produced by the same combination of two factors

C. Combination of two factors that can give the least cost of production

D. Combination of two goods that cost the same amount to the producer

What is the correct answer?


According to Diamond Water Paradox diamonds are more expensive than water because:

A. They yield higher total utility

B. They yield higher marginal utility

C. They are more useful

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


In monopolistic competition, the individual demand curve is also known as:

A. Planned products curve

B. Planned material curve

C. Planned costs curve

D. Planned sales curve

What is the correct answer?


Who finalized the model of imperfect competition?

A. Ricardo

B. Marshal

C. Chamberlin

D. Mrs. Robinson

What is the correct answer?


Price discrimination is possible:

A. When elasticities of demand in different markets are the same at the ruling price

B. When elasticities of demand are different in different markets at the ruling price

C. When elasticities cannot be known

D. When elasticities of demands are zero in different markets at the rulling price

What is the correct answer?


When the output of a firm is increasing, its average fixed cost:

A. Declines continuously

B. Remains constant

C. Rises continuously

D. Declines and then rises

What is the correct answer?


If the demand curve is horizontal then its slope is:

A. Infinite

B. Zero

C. Equal to one

D. None of the above

What is the correct answer?


Marshallian demand function is also known as:

A. Utility demand function

B. Compensated demand function

C. Collective demand function

D. Relative demand function

What is the correct answer?


The point where the supply and demand curves intersect on a graph determines:

A. Market price

B. Equilibrium price

C. Long-term price

D. Short-term price

What is the correct answer?


Ordinal approach includes arranging:

A. The different combinations of X and Y in any way the consumer wants

B. The different combinations of X and Y higher and lower and measuring the difference of utility between them

C. The different combinations of X and Y higher and lower and not measuring the difference of utility between them

D. None of above

What is the correct answer?


Increase in demand occurs when:

A. The price falls and the demand also falls down

B. The price increases but demand falls down

C. The price increases the demand remains constant and when the price remains constant the demand goes up

D. The price remains constant but demand falls

What is the correct answer?


By scarcity the economist means that all goods are scarce relative the peoples:

A. Desire for them

B. Purchases

C. Production

D. Consumption