Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A hormone which contains iodine is

A. adrenalin

B. glucagon

C. epinephrin

D. thyroxin

Correct Answer :

D. thyroxin

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


Flint glass contains

A. potassium and lead silicates

B. zinc and barium borosilicates

C. potassium and calcium silicates

D. sodium and calcium silicates

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following is not radioactive?

A. Astatine

B. Francium

C. Tritium

D. Zirconium

What is the correct answer?


A metal which occurs 'free' in nature is

A. gold

B. zinc

C. tin

D. molybdenum

What is the correct answer?


Beri-beri is caused by deficiency of Vitamin

A. A

B. C

C. B12

D. B1

What is the correct answer?


Gasoline is obtained from crude petroleum by

A. fractional distillation

B. fractional crystallisation

C. sublimation

D. evaporation

What is the correct answer?


The pH or pure water is nearly 7.0 It will increase on the addition or

A. hydrochloric acid

B. ammonia

C. cane sugar

D. common salt

What is the correct answer?


The first organic compound prepared in the laboratory was

A. acetic acid

B. chloroform

C. urea

D. methane

What is the correct answer?


Gold dissolves in aqua regia due to the formation of

A. chloro auric acid

B. auric chloride

C. gold nitrate

D. aurous chloride

What is the correct answer?


The artificial silk produced from cellulose is

A. Polyethylene

B. Nylon

C. Terylene

D. Rayon

What is the correct answer?


The earliest name given to nitrogen was

A. dephlogisticated air

B. azote

C. inflammable air

D. marine acid air

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PAS is a drug used In the treatment of

A. tuberculosis

B. cancer

C. typhoid

D. malaria

What is the correct answer?


Optical instruments are made of

A. pyrex glass

B. flint glass

C. quartz glass

D. Crooke's glass

What is the correct answer?


Vinegar is the trade name for

A. chloroform

B. acetic acid

C. phenol

D. carbon tetrachloride

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following act a both u oxidising and reducing agent?

A. nitric acid

B. ammonia

C. nitrous acid

D. nitrogen peroxide

What is the correct answer?


The gas evolved when ammonium nitrate is heated is

A. nitrogen

B. nitric oxide

C. nitrogen peroxide

D. nitrous oxide

What is the correct answer?


The value of Avogadro Number is

A. 6.023 x 1022

B. 1 x 10-14

C. cl 6.056 x 10-6

D. 6.023 x 1023

What is the correct answer?


The fertilizer which has the largest percentage of nitrogen is

A. urea

B. ammonium nitrate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. calcium cyanamide

What is the correct answer?


In the nitrogen cycle, denitrifying bacteria

A. oxidise ammonia to nitrates

B. convert nitrogen into ammonia

C. oxidise ammonia to free nitrogen

D. oxidise ammonia to oxides of nitrogen

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation

What is the correct answer?


The term 'nucleons' apples to

A. neutrons

B. protons

C. protons and neutrons

D. protons and electrons

What is the correct answer?


Temporary hardness is due to the presence of

A. calcium carbonate

B. calcium bicarbonate

C. magnesium sulphate

D. calcium sulphate

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a local anaesthetic?

A. Chloroform

B. Morphine

C. Streptomycin

D. Cocaine

What is the correct answer?


Colour blindness is

A. a congenital disease

B. a communicable disease

C. an acquired disease

D. a contagious disease

What is the correct answer?


The iron salt used in blue prints is

A. ferric sulphate

B. ferric oxalate

C. ferric nitrate

D. ferric chloride

What is the correct answer?


The metal which reacts most violently with cold water is

A. calcium

B. sodium

C. magnesium

D. potassium

What is the correct answer?


Oil of winter green contains

A. acetone

B. ether

C. acetic acid

D. methyl salicylate

What is the correct answer?


Cupellation is used in the purification of

A. Lead

B. Tin

C. Silver

D. Gold

What is the correct answer?


Acute diabetes patients smell of

A. acetone

B. ether

C. ethyl alcohol

D. methyl alcohol

What is the correct answer?


A drug that is usually administered for malaria is

A. sulphanilamide

B. quinine

C. methicillin

D. novocaine

What is the correct answer?


An acid which is used as a preservative for pickles is

A. hydrochloric acid

B. citric acid

C. tartaric acid

D. acetic acid