Current Affairs January 2024

What is the correct answer?


A metal which occurs 'free' in nature is

A. gold

B. zinc

C. tin

D. molybdenum

Correct Answer :

A. gold

Related Questions

What is the correct answer?


The rate of setting of cement is slowed down by the addition of

A. quicklime

B. gypsum

C. soda lime

D. bleaching powder

What is the correct answer?


Gases have

A. a definite shape but not volume

B. a definite volume and shape

C. a definite volume but not shape

D. neither definite volume nor shape

What is the correct answer?


The modern system of symbols was evolved by

A. Dalton

B. Cavendish

C. Avogadro

D. Berzelius

What is the correct answer?


Triple Antigen treatment for children is to ward off

A. whooping cough

B. tetanus

C. diphtheria

D. All the three

What is the correct answer?


Artificial diamonds were produced by

A. Moissan

B. Davy

C. Faraday

D. Marie Curie

What is the correct answer?


Soda-water contains

A. sodium bicarbonate

B. sodium carbonate

C. carbonic acid

D. sodium hydroxide

What is the correct answer?


Brass contains

A. copper and tin

B. aluminium and magnesium

C. copper and zinc

D. copper, tin and zinc

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A compound used both as a fungicide and as a disinfectant is

A. chlorine

B. carbon monoxide

C. sulphur dioxide

D. o-cresol

What is the correct answer?


Dust particles in the air of large industrial cities are removed by

A. Sedimentation

B. Electrophoresis

C. Tyndall effect

D. Brownian movement

What is the correct answer?


Smelling salt contains

A. ammonium chloride

B. ammonium carbonate

C. ammonium sulphate

D. potassium nitrate

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Which or the following gases is soluble in water and Is collected by the downward displacement or air?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Sulphur dioxide

C. Ammonia

D. Hydrogen

What is the correct answer?


Optical instruments are made of

A. pyrex glass

B. flint glass

C. quartz glass

D. Crooke's glass

What is the correct answer?


During fermentation, the by-product is

A. ethyl alcohol

B. methyl alcohol

C. carbon monoxide

D. carbon dioxide

What is the correct answer?


Iodine in alcohol is known as

A. quick lime

B. tincture iodine

C. rectified spirit

D. None of these

What is the correct answer?


The term 'nucleons' apples to

A. neutrons

B. protons

C. protons and neutrons

D. protons and electrons

What is the correct answer?


Grape sugar is another name for

A. glucose

B. fructose

C. sucrose

D. maltose

What is the correct answer?


Colour blindness is

A. a congenital disease

B. a communicable disease

C. an acquired disease

D. a contagious disease

What is the correct answer?


In surgical operation, the anaesthetic commonly used nowadays is

A. iodoform

B. chloroform

C. nitrous oxide-ether mixture

D. chloroform-nitrous oxide mixture

What is the correct answer?


Solder is an alloy of

A. tin and copper

B. tin and lead

C. tin and zinc

D. tin, copper and zinc

What is the correct answer?


The value of Avogadro Number is

A. 6.023 x 1022

B. 1 x 10-14

C. cl 6.056 x 10-6

D. 6.023 x 1023

What is the correct answer?


The raw materials used in the manufacture of cement are

A. brimstone and silica

B. limestone and clay

C. brimstone and clay

D. brimstone and limestone

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following is not a physical change?

A. Distillation of water

B. Action of heat on potassium chlorate

C. Powdering of glass

D. Burning of an electric lamp

What is the correct answer?


Riboflavin deficiency causes

A. tongue inflammation

B. pellagra

C. night blindness

D. anaemia

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Cholesterol is

A. a carbohydrate

B. a protein

C. a lipid

D. a hormone

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Proteins are polymerisation products of

A. aldehydes

B. alkenes

C. amino acids

D. alkynes

What is the correct answer?


Which among the following is a solid non-metal?

A. chlorine

B. mercury

C. water

D. iodine

What is the correct answer?


Rooms in places infected by plague are disinfected using

A. bleaching powder

B. iodoform

C. sulphur dioxide

D. chlorine

What is the correct answer?


Which one of the following elements is alloyed with iron to produce steel which can resist high temperatures and also have high hardness and abrasion resistance?

A. Aluminium

B. Chromium

C. Nickel

D. Tungsten

What is the correct answer?


Acute diabetes patients smell of

A. acetone

B. ether

C. ethyl alcohol

D. methyl alcohol

What is the correct answer?


Which of the following process involves removal of the elements of water?

A. Hydrolysis

B. Hydrogenation

C. Dehydration

D. Dehydrogenation